Kira 0 Melden Geschrieben 11. März 2010 Hi Leute, EA und DICE hatten ja eine Sperre für neue Gameserver herrausgegeben. Wann wird diese denn vorraussichtlich wieder aufgehoben werden? Weiß da jemand was? Liebe Grüße Kira
Dayjay 796 Melden Geschrieben 11. März 2010 We have no set date on this yet but we are working to be able to mention when early next week.
Kira 0 Autor Melden Geschrieben 11. März 2010 Hi Dayjay, danke für die schnelle Antwort!! WTF!!!! ERst nächste Woche....ich glaub mich tritt ein Pferd!! Naja, scheint man nichts ändern zu können. Liebe Grüße Kira
DEGO 0 Melden Geschrieben 11. März 2010 multiplay schaltet server sogar offline wenn keiner drauf ist Battlefield Bad Company 2 - Turning Off Inactive Servers Mar 11 2010 15:39:27 by Killing Due to the continued issues with the EA master servers, DICE have requested we turn off servers which aren't actively being used by players. As we want you guys to enjoy this excellent game with as little problems as possible, we are going to be turning off all servers which have had 0 players for over 8 hours. Please note that this is a temporary measure, which we hope everyone will support; however we also appreciate that some of your may not want your servers turned off so if you would like exclude your server follow this simply process:- Goto ClanForge -> Servers, select your server and Click Edit Once in the edit screen configure your servers "Auto Restart Interval" to something other than None e.g. 1 Week Save your server Note: All restart intervals for BC2 have been reset so even if you already set this option you will need to set it again. Just to confirm this will only effect servers if they haven't seen a single player for over 8 hours so there is no need to worry that your server will be turned off when its full.