Gast Melden Teilen Geschrieben 16. Februar 2006 Hi! Ein weiteres Statistikskript/Tool wurde am 1.2.2006 released: BF2Statistics is a project that started 5 months ago, we all met on the BigHamster Forum, and we all wanted something bigger and better than the BF2Stats system, this is how BF2Statistics was born. Before we get down to features i want to introduce the team members of BFStatistics: * Chump our Head Coder AKA The CodeFather. * MrMiceGuy the man with the love for the WebStats, and Head Admin of This Site. * Twhyman the BFStatistics client author and Admin of now to the main features of BF2Statistics : * Your Own Private Ranked Server wich is capable to produce: In-game awards, ranks and unlocks and Stats to appear in BFHQ. * Your Own database hosted on your server, and fully in your control. * Your Own WebStats System installed locally, to view and compare your stats with other clan members or players. * Centralized Database - to see and compare your stats against other players. * You control ranks, score and other in-game ranking parameters. In other words we are giving you the opportunity to install a Ranking System where ever you want it : clan server, lan parties and public Servers. We will announce the release of bf2statistics today 01.02.06. Hope you will enjoy BF2Statistics as much as we enjoyed building it BF2Statistics Team Die Stats sollen laut obigem Text das Ranked System von EA auf Enranked Servern ermöglichen, jedoch müssen die Spieler auf ihrem PC ein Client installieren. An der Kompatibilität mit dem vor 2 Tagen erschienenen Patch 1.2 wird gearbeitet und ein Fix solte in ein paar Tagen verfügbar sein. Alles weitere hierzu findet ihr auf der Seite von BF2Statistics: Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...
Gast Melden Teilen Geschrieben 20. Februar 2006 Hi! Gestern wurde ein Update released dass die BF2Statistics mit dem BF2 Patch 1.2 kompatibel macht: We have updated our scripts to version 1.2 for compability with the current BF2 Patch 1.2. There are some minor adjustments to lan, and the bot handling. bots and humans get assigned PID from the pid.txt file (if not found, it is created) It is also an option now to add more player's to the lan array, to get the right country for the player. We are waiting for the booster pack to arrive in a few days, so there might be more adjustements to come. Der Downloadlink bleibt der gleiche... Link zu diesem Kommentar Auf anderen Seiten teilen More sharing options...