Tour de Mountain 3.0

Readme File:
Tour de MountainV3

stunt map play in Fastmod or Stunts 1.5 for fun times.

I updated this map for many reasons, mainly i changed the textures, as when i played in in high settings i was not happy with it, as i normal play in med settings. I also changed the sky settings, as you will see in the pictures.


dam to the race track, with spawn point, i also have placed a heli on the pad, and some transpot above,also i placed a jeep in a hidden area on the dam, also theres a track under the dam.

added to the track on the ground smoothed out some areas, and made it so you go thru the dam, and under the bridges etc,and go all the way around to the launch town area, etc.

changed the ground base added broken fences around the base and added Tv house,etc you can see this in the pictures,

changed some transport around and added some new toys,

remade the ships to full.

added more planes

many more changes done,

install .

copy the Tour_de_MountainV3 folder into the Battlefield 2/ Mods/Levels/(folder).

I play this map in Stunts 1.5 and Fastmod.

tip( type this in the end key Sv.numPlayersNeededToStart 1 this will remove the 1 more player needed.

Map made by Sir. Karate hand.

Dateigröße 24MB
Sir. Karate hand
Veröffentlicht 30.10.2005
Downloads 2865
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