Explosion Mod (1.0)

This is my first mod for Battlefield 2.

---0.1 Changes---
-M203, GP-25, and GP-30 now shoot an artillery shell (and you thought it was already overpowered...), unlimited ammo
-Remington shotgun now shoots 8 M203s in one shot, unlimited ammo, explosion radius and damage reduced
-MP5 shoots hydra, unlimited ammo, explosion radius and damage reduced
-All pistols shoot spread fire .50 cal bullets, unlimited ammo
-M95 now has splash damage and explosion effect

---1.0 Changes---
-Claymore explosion radius and effect is increased
-C4 explosion radius and effect is increased
-C4 has 1000 ammo and max projectiles in world is set to 1000
-AT Mine explosion radius and effect is increased
-Hand Grenade explosion radius and effect is increased
-Crosshairs are also tweaked to match the weapons
-M95 shoots an artillery shell
-Pistol explosion radius and damage is decreased
-SRAW explosion radius, effect, and damage is increased
-Eryx explosion radius, effect, and damage is increased
-Mounted LMGs and .50 cals, and miniguns shoot M203s
-Main Battle Tanks shoot artillery shells
-TOW launchers' explosion damage, and radius increased
-Artillery shell burst size increased to 10
-Saiga shotgun now shoots 8 M203s in one shot, unlimited ammo
-Norinco shotgun now shoots 8 M203s in one shot, unlimited ammo
-DAO-12 shotgun now shoots 8 M203s in one shot, unlimited ammo
-Jackhammer now shoots 8 M203s in one shot, unlimited ammo
-Magazine sizes of modified weapons are returned to normal, number of mags of modified weapons are now unlimited
-Tanks now have unlimited ammo of shells
-MP5 rate of fire increased
-MP5 can now damage vehicles

---How to install---

-Make a backup copy of serverarchives.con before extracting files.
-Extract contents to ...\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2 folder.
-Enjoy : )

---How to uninstall---

-Delete objects_explosion.zip
-Replace the serverarchives.con with the original one and if you lost it, extract the serverarchives.con.ori file and rename it
to serverarchives.con and replace the modified one

Note: This mod is made for singleplayer only and you need to uninstall this mod to play online.

Contact me at shotgun.runner@yahoo.com for comments, suggestions, or bug reports


Dateigröße 1MB
Veröffentlicht 22.12.2005
Downloads 3898
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