Battle Launcher 1.2

BattleLauncher is, simply put, a program that makes it easier for people who dislike working with cryptic commandlines to work with the Battlerecorder feature of Battlefield 2.

BattleLauncher was from the beginning a simple replacer for the demo.cmd file, the so called "solution", that EA/DICE gave us to work with our demos and cameras. With the program, I was able to make a movie with the Battlefield 2 Demo without spending too much time playing with the demo.cmd file.

As with almost all programs, more ideas and features were implemented into BattleLauncher and it has been growing into a stable tool that allows you to work more efficiently with your demos and cameras. I also try to add more handy features all the time.

Dateigröße 3MB
Veröffentlicht 16.01.2006
Downloads 2602
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