BF2142 Command Control - Daemon 2.1.2628
For Linux Admins, we have found that Mono 1.2.1 is our preferred version to run. Here?s the ChangeLog:
Change Log 2.1.2628
? ADDED - Settings for: EnableTitanMovement, AllowSpectators, CustomMapURL
? ADDED - Goliath and Hachimoto vehicle names added
? ADDED - NS Maps to the client config file: Bridge at Remagen, Liberation of Leipzig, Port Bavaria
? ADDED - A Punkbuster Form which allows top level administrators to edit the PB Config file remotely and issue PB Updates. Screenshots section coming soon.
? CHANGED - EnableTitanMovement can now be applied dynamically
? CHANGED - ADDED "-Allow64Titan" parameter to the Daemon. This allows users to run Over 48 players in Titan Mode.
? CHANGED - Titan Movement is Forced to DISABLED on Titan maps with over 48 players (Ranked Servers Only).
? CHANGED - The Daemon now copies the maplist.con, serversettings.con, and modmanager.con files to the /mods/modName/settings/ folder to make running mods easier. Users no longer need to edit the daemon's config.xml. For example, bf2142Pro mod now runs right out of the box.
? CHANGED - Retrieved logs are opened with Wordpad instead of Notepad
? FIXED - Changing Maps using the Map Control in the Client works again
? FIXED - Player Join Profiles path corrected from "/Documents and Settings/User/Battlefield 2/Profiles/" to "/Documents and Settings/User/Battlefield 2142/Profiles/"
? FIXED - IGA Commands (Options Form) are now saved properly on Linux Daemons
? FIXED - Bug causing the client to Lock when showing the "End of Round" Tip Screen
Other features that our WIP include:
? Integrating the BF2CC code into the same project as 2142cc. This will allow us to include all the new features into BF2CC while upgrading the BF2CC code base to .NET CLR 2.0.
? Creating a PunkBuster form that will allow editing of PB Config files remotely and requesting and viewing screenshots from the server.
NOTE: The 2.0 versions of 2142cc only require the .NET 2.0 framework to be installed. Users no longer need the 1.1 framework installed. For THIS RELEASE, we strongly advise Linux users to use Mono version 1.2.1 because this is the version of mono that is compatible with the .NET CLR 2.0.
Change Log 2.1.2593
? FIXED - Auto-Admin settings can now be saved on Linux Daemons - Thanks to MyIS hosting for bringing this to our attention.
? FIXED - Importing of BANS works properly again
? FIXED - BF2142pace.exe is allowed to be selected as an executable for joining the BF2142 Server
? FIXED - Removed .NET 1.1 check from the Client.
? FIXED - MinUnlocks setting from writing True/False in the serversettings.con file. It is now written as a 1/0
? FIXED - The Icons now match the Button Functions on the "Admins" form. They were hijacked by the Visual Studio 2005 project upgrade utility.
? CHANGED - Supress "Mod does Not Match" message and allow a profile to be applied if the current mod = "". This can happen when a BF server just starts but hasn't reported what mod it is playing yet.
? ADDED - Idle Kick Threshold % - 2142cc Will only kick idle players once this threshold is exceeded.
? ADDED - 2142 Rank Icons are used in the Players Grid
? ADDED - User defined team flag icons are supported for Mods - Flags Should be 23x15 and in .gif format. Files go in Customs "Custom Flags" Folder where bf2cc client is installed. The client will create this folder once it is run for the first time.
Other features that our WIP include:
? Integrating the BF2CC code into the same project as 2142cc. This will allow us to include all the new features into BF2CC while upgrading the BF2CC code base to .NET CLR 2.0.
? Creating a PunkBuster form that will allow editing of PB Config files remotely and requesting and viewing screenshots from the server.
Dateiname | |
Dateigröße | 1MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 12.05.2007 |
Downloads | 3173 |