BattleDirector 1.7

Der BattleDirector ist ein Tool zum Rendern von Demos, die in BF2142 und BF2 aufgenommen wurden. Eine genaue Anleitung findet sich auf der Webseite der Sir. Community, die das Tool erstellt hat und betreut.

Changelog v1.7
Fixed crashes occurring with BF2142 version 1.40

Added support for Project Reality and Forgotten Hope 2 custom launchers

Added automatic detection of BF2 & BF2142 install locations

Fixed a crash that occurred when Global.con was set to read-only

BattleDirector now asks for administrator rights in Windows Vista

Removed "Save Settings" button, settings are now saved automatically

Camera track naming convention is now bfrname-trackname to match the default tracks Battlefield generates, you need to manually rename your existing camera tracks to this format if you want to use them with BattleDirector 1.7

Changelog v1.6
? Added support for multiple cam tracks for each BFR
? Improved GameLogicInit.con backup/restore/repair
? BattleDirector now hides itself when BF2 is running, to reduce memory usage

Changelog v1.5
Full Battlefield 2 support
"Hide HUD" option added (note that the Battlefield engine automatically hides it when rendering)
"Play Audio" replaced with "Open Demos Folder" for easy access to rendered files
The Launcher window now resizes gracefully
* New method of launching the game, should be more stable

Changelog Version 1.01
? "BF2142 Location" and "BF2142 EXE" condensed into one "BF2142 EXE Location" field to reduce confusion
? "Mods" field is now updated when settings are saved.
? Added "Repair GameLogicInit.con". This should only be used if for some reason your PC crashes while BattleDirector and BF2142 are running.
? Fixed desktop shortcut on installer.

Features Version 1.0
Feature Overview:
? The main app window displays all loaded BFR files
? One-click access to the following functions without having to modify any files:
- Play Demo with freely movable camera
- Record camera track for the demo
- Watch a recorded camera track
- Delete the recorder camera track
- Render the BFR to a full-quality video file
- Render accompanying audio for the video
- Watch the generated video and audio
- Change running resolution, FPS rate, and field of view
- Select a custom profile for rendering
- Full support of all current and upcoming BF2142 mods
- Automatically hides the HUD when filming
- Remove Nametags option

Dateigröße 20MB
Veröffentlicht 19.03.2008
Downloads 5365
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