Attack on China v3.0

Die letzte Version der Map für Battlefield 2.

Wichtig! Die Map läuft nur bei Mittel / Höher Grafikeinstellung!!

The story:

China has stolen highly TOP SECRET Nano Bot information from the USMC and now the USMC must get it back. The USMC has found the location of the Nano Bot information in a level 5 high security Chinese base and has deployed their men inside a weak point of the Chinese base. The USMC has a small part of the base but can't hold on much longer. The USMC has called in for reinforcements by air. Now China must fight harder to keep their new weapon or they will loose more than the Nano Bots...!

Dateigröße 15MB
Veröffentlicht 23.08.2010
Downloads 4492
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