Startseite Downloads Battlefield 2142 Mods Team & Tactics Clanmod Clan Mod 3.02 - Server (Windows)

Clan Mod 3.02 - Server (Windows)

Welcome to the 3.0 Release of the Clan mod!

This version of the Clan mod will ONLY work on BF2142 1.40.
As soon as a patch for BF2142 is released, there will be a new version of the Clan mod @

It is possible that new versions are released even if no more patches are released.
Sign up to the mailing list at the website for updates!



  • "New" Double Assault game mode!
    - Can be enabled/disabled using !dass [on/off]. (!dass off = Headon mode)
    - Is recommended to be used together with FBF mode.
    - Can be enabled/disabled in the server settings. (clanmod.con)
    - Supports all 16 players maps except Belgrade, Port Bavaria, Shuhia Taiba, Sidi Power Plant and Verdun.

  • Flag by Flag mode extended:
    - Now available on Belgrade (16)! (The statue flag is impossible to capture.)
    - Also available on Bridge at Remagen (16) and Liberation of Leipzig (16).

  • New maps added to Clan Mod!
    - Highway Tampa.
    - Bridge at Remagen (requires Northern Strike booster pack).
    - Liberation of Leipzig (requires Northern Strike booster pack).
    - Port Bavaria (requires Northern Strike booster pack).

  • Game play, content changes and bug fixes:
    - Netbat system disabled (Removes the annoying "Wallhack bug" alas "Enemies spotted all round bug").
    - Fixed bug where you could get full ammo by being revived before the kit bag spawns.
    - Improved sprint ability for all kits.
    - Improved the knife. Watch out!
    - PAC team now has the PAC anti-vehicle weapon instead of the EU weapon.
    - Several small changes in the Server administration script.

  • New server settings (server/mods/clanmod/settings/clanmod.con)
    - mapchange [0 / 1 / 2]
    0 will disable !map [map size] [game mode]
    1 will allow !map [map size] [game mode]
    2 will allow !map, but disable Northern Strike booster pack maps.

  • flag_by_flag [0 / 1 / 2 / 3]
    0 FBF is always disabled, can't be enabled through chat.
    1 FBF is disabled by default, but can be enabled using !fbf on
    2 FBF is enabled by default, but can be disabled using !fbf off
    3 FBF is always enabled when available, can't be disabled trhough chat.

  • double_assault [0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4]
    0 DASS is always disabled, can't be enabled through chat.
    1 DASS is disabled by default, but can be enabled using !dass on
    2 DASS is enabled by default, but can be disabled using !dass off
    3 DASS is always enabled when available, can't be disabled trhough chat.
    4 Old style - headon on girbaltar, cerbere etc. but DASS on tunis harbor and suez canal. Can be changed using !dass [on/off]

  • Changed server settings (server/mods/clanmod/settings/clanmod.con)
    • commander [0 / 1 / 2 / 3]
      0 No commanders, can't be changed through chat.
      1 No commanders by default, but can be allowed using !commander on
      2 Commanders allowed by default, but can be disabled using !commander off
      3 Commanders always allowed, can't be changed through chat.
  • infantry_only [0 / 1 / 2 / 3]
    0 Vehicles always allowed, can't be changed through chat.
    1 Vehicles allowed by default, but can be disallowed using !infantry on
    2 Infantry only by default, but can be disabled using !infantry off
    3 Always infantry only, can't be changed through chat.

For information about commands and server settings since earlier, check "Clan Mod - SERVER ADMIN SCRIPT.txt" in Battlefield 2142/mods/clanmod/CLAN MOD/



  • for all the latest news & downloads.
  • for community boards.

Visit the official homepage at for any further help with the mod and:
- Downloads of patches
- News
- Forums

Remember that your feedback (on the forums and on IRC) controls the mod!

November 21st, 2007

Dateigröße 46MB
Veröffentlicht 22.11.2007
Downloads 1781
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