Project F.U.B.A.R. - Server v0.2 Linux

3 Game Modes:
Conquest the Flag
The Hunted

Conquest the Flag
Players must carry flags from their main base to control points. Only these flag carriers may take control of control points. When a flag carrier dies, or takes control of a control point, their flag is removed and they must return to their main base to retrieve another flag. Teams may have multiple flag carriers, the total number of available flag carriers per team is determined by the number of contested control points on the current map. Team work is essential for you team?s flag carriers to reach the control points.

The PAC team needs to extract their V.I.P. (commander) from the battlefield. Defend your commander on his path to the safe zone. The death of the V.I.P. will result in a loss for your team. Defending the V.I.P from attackers will reward you with a score bonus. If the V.I.P. successfully reaches the safe zone, all friendly players in the vicinity will receive a bonus.

The Hunted
A twist to the normal conquest mode, players must protect their commander while achieving conquest goals. The death of your commander is will result in a loss for your team. Defending and reviving your commander will be your main mission; therefore, defending your commander from attacking players will reward you with a score bonus.

Map List
Belgrade Escort; The Hunted;
Camp Gibraltar Conquest the Flag; Escort; The Hunted
Cerbere Landing Conquest the Flag; Escort; The Hunted
Fall of Berlin Escort; The Hunted
Minsk The Hunted
Shuhia Taiba The Hunted
Sidi Power Plant The Hutned
Suez Canal The Hunted
Tunis Harbor Conquest the Flag; Escort; The Hunted
Verdun The Hunted

Dateigröße 36MB
Veröffentlicht 03.12.2006
Downloads 970
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