Titan Lite II Full

Titan Lite II

Warning...If you are looking for a mod where the bots use the Titan this is not it. Please read on.

Updates below == Added the 5 missing maps, now they are Titan maps. You should be able to play them multiplayer.

Titan-Lite is a mini-mod that was created to play the maps listed below in a sort of Titan like environment. Titan maps are listed as 48-player size as to not conflict with future installations of 64-player size maps. This is meant to be played in SP/Co-op modes. This is a beta version so remember that some bugs are to be expected. When you capture a flag you own control of the Silo associated with that flag. The missiles fire every 2 mins until the Titan is destroyed or the ticket bleed is depleted. *\*BOTS WILL NOT USE THE TITAN** as no one has nav meshed it to date. Some weapons and vehicle tweaks have been included, see list below. Also note that FFOLKES unlocks_v1.06 has been integrated into the mini-mod.




Maps Navmeshed
Minsk by kysterama and clivewil
Shuhia Taiba by shanejohn
Sidi Power Plant by clivewil
Suez Canal by clivewil
Verdun by kysterama
Updated = Cerbere Landing by clivewil
Updated = Belgrade by clivewil
Updated = Tunis Harbor by clivewil
Updated = Fall of Berlin by shanejohn
Updated = Camp Gibraltar by $noop, and PC_Load_Letter

Weapons Unlocks
Unlocks_v1.06 by FFOLKES

Tweaks by jalaw
EU tank turret turns quicker
Attack gunships have more weapons
Transport ships have EMP missiles
(use "F" key to cycle weapons)
More ammo added
Accurecy increased
Some weapon sites changed
Sprint increased
Cammo time increased
Updated = Silos destroyable by C-4 charge, Mechs and APC's
and Commander orbital strike
(They will respawn)
Updated = Increased distance of pod launches
Updated = Added spawn to Mech Walkers
Updated = Zoom added to all vehicles
Updated = Sentry drone now has radar
Updated = Changed bullet fly-by effects
Updated = Added new map and menu music
Updated = Changed all PNG pics to look like maps ingame
and a few more I forgot about...

Titan-Lite II mini-mod
Created by jalaw

Battlefield 2142
Created by EA & DICE

Dateigröße 111MB
Veröffentlicht 17.12.2006
Downloads 8955
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