Sliver of Hope v5

Description: This update includes AI for Single player and Co-op modes and Forgotten Hope mode.
You still must defend the Oil reserves if you want to win. This map is a cross
between Inshallah valley, Bocage, and Guadalcanal all rolled up into one.
If you find some AI getting stuck or running into things please get a screen shot
and email it to me with a description of the problem and I'll do my best to find
the fix. and thank you for your help.
This map is freshly painted and ready to rock and roll. Some new places have
been added both in plain view and some in hiding, but with some luck and good
viewing you'll soon find them.

Attached is a .jpg picture file, showing the roadways and the values of each control
point, memorize these places so you will know the key points to own, also,
there are 3 different planes that spawn at the Oil Reserves, each plane will
spawn according to who owns it's control point. Learn these and you will know
who has these higher scoring control points, you or the enemy? Then take action.

If you feel it's still in need of more balance, one team more powerful then the
other or if you find some of the AI are getting stuck in places etc... And you can add
the details for me to go by or even do a srceen shot for me to do a fix, please
e-mail them to me at the link above and let me know your thoughts. Thank you.
Hope to hear some feedback, good or bad.

Dateigröße 38MB
Veröffentlicht 24.11.2005
Downloads 2741
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