BF2142Pro v1.1
BF2142Pro - a Battlefield 2142 competition mod
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Developers: CAL-BF2142 Admin Team
(Rob Wallace, Alex Zabielski, Jim Honaker, Chris Polan)
Version: 1.1 (February 24, 2006)
BF2142Pro is intended to be a mod that makes the standard BF2142 gameplay more suitable
for league play. It should feel more like a patch for BF2142 than a true "mod".
In a nutshell, this mod does a few things that are important for league play:
1. It gives all players access to the same equipment and upgrades, regardless of rank.
2. It gives "unranked" players access to more equipment and upgrades than otherwise
possible in regular BF2142.
3. It makes small fixes to some maps (mostly starting spawns), making them less random
and more balanced.
4. It fixes some bugs that DICE should have fixed before releasing the game :)
CLIENTS: Install or unzip to the Battlefield 2142 game folder.
Run BF2142Pro using the installed shortcut, or make a copy of your BF2142 shortcut
and add "+modPath mods/2142pro" to the shortcut command line.
SERVERS: Unzip to the Battlefield 2142 Server folder.
Add "+modPath mods/2142pro" to the server launch command line, or configure your
server control panel to launch the mod "2142pro".
NOTE: this mod is intended to be used with the following server settings:
sv.useGlobalUnlocks 1
sv.minUnlockLevel 1
sv.maxUnlockLevel 1
This will give ALL players access to the same equipment, regardless of their rank, which is
critical for league play. See below for a list of equipment/upgrades for each class.
The game may not be stable if full unlocks are enabled (sv.maxUnlocklevel -1).
2142CC USERS: Be sure to copy your modmanager.con from the /mods/bf2142/settings folder to
the /mods/2142pro/settings folder.
- Various code fixes for compatibility with the BF2142 1.2 patch
- Replaced some 64-player map versions with small scale maps ideal for 5v5 or 6v6
Dateiname | bf2142pro-1.1.exe |
Dateigröße | 21MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 27.02.2007 |
Downloads | 3168 |