Startseite Downloads Battlefield 2 Mods Cold War Eve of Destruction Eve of Destruction v2.0 - Server Full

Eve of Destruction v2.0 - Server Full

Alles neu macht Eve of Destruction 2. Dazu gehören ein neues HUD, ein neuer topographischer Mini-Map Stil, neue Ladebildschirme, neue Medi- und Ammo Bags sowie ein adäquater Ersatz für den Defibrilator in Form einer Ardenalinspritze. Weiterhin gibt es selbstzubedienende Artillerie, komplett neue Playermodelle, massenhaft Waffen und Fahrzeuge. Der Sound wird auch einzigartig werden. Ein eigener Soundtrack, neue Lademusik und Waffensound sind ebenfalls von der Partie. Hier nun eine wirklich ausführliche Liste des integrierten Contents für das Vietnam-Szenario.


ARVN - The Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) was a military component of the armed forces of the Republic of Vietnam (commonly known as South Vietnam).

AUSSIE - Australia as an ally of the United States, with obligations under the SEATO and ANZUS Pacts sent ground troops to Vietnam and contributed material to the war effort.

FRENCH - The First Indochina War (also known as the French Indochina War, the The Anti-French War, the Franco-Vietnamese War, the Franco-Vietminh War, the Indochina War and the Dirty War in France and in contemporary Vietnam, as the French War) was fought in French Indochina from December 19, 1946, until August 1, 1954, between the French Union’s French Far East Expeditionary Corps, led by France and supported by Bảo Đại’s Vietnamese National Army against the Việt Minh, led by Hồ Chí Minh and Võ Nguyên Giáp.

NVA - The Vietnam People's Army (VPA) (Vietnamese: Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam) is the official name of the armed forces of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. During the Second Indochina War (Vietnam War) (1957–1975), the U.S. referred to it as the North Vietnamese Army (NVA), or People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and this term is commonly found throughout Vietnam War-related subjects.

US ARMY - The United States entered the war to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of a wider strategy called containment. Military advisors were sent beginning in 1950. U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s and combat units were deployed beginning in 1965. Involvement peaked in 1968 at the time of the Tet Offensive. Under a policy called Vietnamization, U.S. forces withdrew as South Vietnamese troops were trained and armed. Despite a peace treaty signed by all parties in January 1973, fighting continued.

VIET MINH - The Việt Minh pronunciation (abbreviated from Việt Nam Ðộc Lập Ðồng Minh Hội, English "League for the Independence of Vietnam") was a national liberation movement formed by Hồ Chí Minh in 1941 to seek independence for Vietnam from France as well as to oppose the Japanese occupation.

VIETCONG - The Vietcong (Việt Cộng) was a communist army based in South Vietnam that fought the United States and South Vietnamese governments during the Vietnam War (1959-75). It had both guerrilla and regular army units, as well as a network of cadres who organized peasants in the territory it controlled. Many soldiers were recruited in South Vietnam, but others were attached to the regular North Vietnamese army.

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VEHICLES - The following is a list of available equipment found within the Eve of Destruction Mod and the source. Contact the EoD Mod Team for details concerning each indvidual vehicle. All vehicles and content not listed as "EoD Mod Team" are used with permission of the individual or mod who created the vehicle or content.

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Ah-1 - (Model: BadScull, Textures: BadScull)
Ah-1n - (Model: BadScull, Textures: BadScull)
A4 SkyHawk - EoD Mod Team
A7 Corsair Navy - EoD Mod Team
A7 Corsair USAF - EoD Mod Team
B-52 StratoFortress - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @ (PeteMonster)
Cobra Attack Helicopter - EoD Mod Team
F4 Phantom Navy - EoD Mod Team - (Model: 3D Garden, Textures: 3D Garden & TrahnLee)
F4 Phantom USAF - EoD Mod Team - (Model: 3D Garden, Textures: 3D Garden & TrahnLee)
F5 Tiger - AiX Mod Team - (Clivewil) - (Used with Permission.)
F105 - EoD Mod Team
H-34 Choctaw Helicopter - (Model: BadScull, Textures: [R-Dev]Chuc & TrahnLee)
J2F-Duck Amphibious Bi-Plane - EoD Mod Team
Loach Light Transport Helicopter - EoD Mod Team
Loach Light Attack Helicopter - EoD Mod Team
Mig 15 - (Model: PeteMonster, Textures: PeteMonster, TrahnLee. 1p Cockpit Model & Textures: Zefan (BFK Mod))
Mig 19 - AiX Mod Team - (Clivewil) - (Used with Permission.)
Mig 21 - AiX Mod Team - (Clivewil) - (Used with Permission.)
Mi8 Attack - Dice - (Texture: [R-Dev]Chuc & TrahnLee)
Mi8 Transport - Dice - (Texture: [R-Dev]Chuc & TrahnLee)
Uh-1C Huey Transport - (Model: BadScull, Textures: BadScull)
Uh-1C Gunship - (Model: BadScull, Textures: BadScull)
Uh-1D Huey Transport (Slick) - (Model: BadScull, Textures: BadScull)
Uh-1D Huey Transport (MedVac) - (Model: BadScull, Textures: BadScull)


BMD 1 - EOD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
BMD 2 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
BM21 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
BRDM - EoD Mod Team
BRDM2 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
BTR 50 - EoD & IDF Mod Teams - IDF Mod @
BTR 60 - EoD Mod Team
BTR 152 - EOD & IDF Mod Teams - IDF Mod
Gaz 69 Jeep - EoD & IDF Mod Teams - IDF Mod @
M8 GreyHound - EoD Mod Team
M35 Truck - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
M42 Duster - EoD Mod Team
M48 - EoD Mod Team (PeteMonster & TrahnLee)
M60 - EoD Mod Team (PeteMonster & TrahnLee)
M67 - EoD Mod Team (PeteMonster & TrahnLee)
M109 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
M113 APC Series, "Acav", "LRV", "Mk19" - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
M125 APC - EOD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
M151A2 Jeep - EoD Mod Team
M163 - EOD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
M274 "Mule" - EoD Mod Team
M551 Sheridan - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
M548 Cargo APC - EoD Mod Team
Shilka AA APC - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
PT-76 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
T-34 - BGF, EoD & IDF Mod Teams - BGF & IDF Mods @
T-54 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
T-62 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
Ural Truck 4320 - EoD & USI Mod Teams - USI Mod @
ZSU-57 - EoD Mod Team
V-100 APC - EoD Mod Team
WestFalia - EoD Mod Team


Patrol Boat Riverine, "PBR" - EoD Mod Team
Sampan - EoD Mod Team

WEAPONS - Weapons found within the EoD Mod build v.2.0 and their source. Contact the EoD Mod team for specific details concerning any weapon found within the mod build. This includes any information regarding animations, coding, sounds and textures. All weapons not part of BF2 or from the EoD Mod Team are used with permission from the source creator or mod of said weapon.


AK 47 - Dice and EoD Mod Team
AKMS - IDF Mod Team
AmmoCan - EoD Mod Team
AmmoKit - Dice
Arisaka Carbine - Forgotten Hope Mod (FH1)
AT Mine - Dice
Bouncing Betty - EoD Mod Team
Browning HiPo - USI Mod Team
Caltrops - EoD Mod Team
Car 15 - EoD Mod Team
Car 15 Silenced - EoD Mod Team
Claymore - Dice
Claymore (Remote detonated) - Dice
Colt 1911 - EoD Mod Team
DP28 - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
Dragunov - Dice and EoD Mod Team
Dynamite - IDF Mod Team
Dynamite_15sec - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
F1 Grenade - IDF Mod Team
Ger_Binoculars - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
Green Smoke - Dice
Grease Gun - EoD Mod Team
Grenade Incendiary - Dice and EoD Mod Team
K98 - Battle Group Frontlines
M1 Carbine - Forgotten Hope Mod (FH1)
M1 Carbine Para - Forgotten Hope Mod (FH1)
M1 Garand - Remdul
M14 - EoD Mod Team
M16 - EoD Mod Team
M21 - EoD Mod Team
MG34 - Battle Group Frontlines
M40 - EoD Mod Team
M60 - EoD Mod Team
M61 Handgrenade - EoD Mod Team
M72 Law - EoD Mod Team
M79 - EoD Mod Team
Mac10 - EoD Mod Team
Mas36 - Forgotten Hope Mod (FH1)
Mas38 - Forgotten Hope Mod (FH1)
Mas49 - Forgoten Hope Mod and EoD Mod Team
Mas4956 - EoD Mod Team
Mat49 - Seth Soldier
Medical Bag - EoD Mod Team
Medikit - EoD Mod Team
Mosin Nagant Carbine - EoD Mod Team
Mosin Nagant Sniper - EoD Mod Team
Nambu Pistol - EoD Mod Team
OFF37 Handgrenade - Seth Soldier
Pa35a Pistol - Seth Soldier
PPSH41 - EoD Mod Team
PPS43 - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
Remington Shotgun - EoD Mod Team
RGD-33 Grenade - EoD Mod Team
RPD - EoD Mod Team
Rus_Binoculars - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
Satchel - EoD Mod Team
Simonov (SKS) - EoD Mod Team
Sterling - IDF Mod Team
StG44 - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
SVT40 - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
Syringe - EoD Mod Team
Thompson - EoD Mod Team
Tokarev - EoD Mod Team
Type 56 - EoD Mod Team
Vengeur_de_1870 - Seth Soldier
Walther P38 - Battleship
XM177 - EoD Mod Team


DP28 - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
DSHK Heavy Machine Gun - IDF Mod Team
50cal Heavy Machine Gun - BFK, Dice or USI Mod Team - Denoted within the Weapons Tweak.
MK19 - EoD Mod Team
M2A1 Howitzer - EoD Mod Team
MG34 - Battle Group Frontlines Mod Team
M46 Howitzer - EoD Mod Team
M60 - EoD Mod Team
M1919 - IDF Mod Team
MIM 23 "Hawk" Surface to Air Missle System - USI Mod Team
SA2 Surface to Air Missle System - EoD and IDF Mod Team
US Mortar - EoD Mod Team
VC Mortar - EoD Mod Team
ZPU 2 - EoD Mod Team
ZPU 4 - USI Mod Team

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MAPS - Maps found within the EoD Mod build come from a variety of sources. Map credit has been extended to the creator of the map upon the load screens or within the description of the map. Permission has been extended by the creator of the map to the EoD Mod team unless the map is a public use map as published or denoted by the original creator of the map. The EoD mod team wishes to thank the many map makers and ai support individuals found within the BF2 Mod community. Especially, those over at the Battlefield Single-Player Forums:

http://battlefieldsingleplayer.plane...y. com/forums

Many thanks go to those who completed the ai support and nav-meshed many of these maps for either the EoD Mod team or for the original creator of the map. Thank you guys!!!



A_JungleStream - Alffx (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Ambush - Junglist (Conquest)
Can Tho City - ImtheHeadHunter (Team Death Match, Co-op and SP Supported) Map based upon "Bizerte"
Charlie Don't Surf - ImtheHeadHunter (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported) Map based upon "Invasion of the Coral Sea"
Charlie's Point - Meet the Katze (Conquest)
Cholon, Saigon City - Jones, ai by EzPiknz (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported) Map based upon "City District"
CloseFire - Mr. Burns (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Course of the River - SPFreak (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Dalian Plant - Dice (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Daqing OilFields - Dice (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Dawn at the Rice Paddies - Junglist (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Deep Jungle - Taichi (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Dien Bien Jungle - Jones (Conquest) Map based upon "Jungle Stream"
Dragon Valley - Dice (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
EoD Wake Island - Dice - AiX - Lucas? (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Fushe Pass - Dice (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Gia Dinh City - Jones (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported) Map based upon "Ginkakuji Siege"
Good Morning Vietnam - Shipwreck (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Gulf of Tonkin - Dice (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported) Map based upon "Gulf of Oman"
Jungle Fever - -=CP=- Dr. Mabuse (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Lost in Vietnam - Mr. Burns (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Lost in Vietnam Night - Mr. Burns (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Lost Patrol - Junglist (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Mao Valley - Extreme2K (Conquest)
Marauders at Midnight - ImtheHeadHunter (Team Death Match, Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Operation Frog - ImtheHeadHunter (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Operation Ghost Train - Project Reality Mod Team (Rhino) (Conquest)
Operation Irving - ZeusGyd "GraveYard Dogs" (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Overrun - Junglist (Assault)
Overrun the Beginning - Junglist (Conquest)
Purple Haze - Taichi (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Que Son Valley - Alffx (Conquest)
Radio Tower - Shipwreck (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Radio Tower Night - Shipwreck (Assault)
River Run the Aftermath - Junglist (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Songhua Stalemate - Dice (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Stream - Jones (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
The Valley - Taichi (Conquest)
Truong Son Chasm - Junglist (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Tuy Hoa Airbase - SPFreak (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported) Map based upon "Airport"
Tuy Hoa City - ImtheHeadHunter (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported) Map based upon "Urban Jungle"
We Were Soldiers Once - Alffx (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)
Who Will Stop The Rain - Shipwreck (Conquest, Co-op and SP Supported)

Dateigröße 175MB
Veröffentlicht 08.11.2008
Downloads 3974
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