Startseite Downloads Battlefield 2 Mods Team & Tactics BF2 Pro eSport Mod BF2 Pro eSport Modification - v0.35 Server WIN

BF2 Pro eSport Modification - v0.35 Server WIN

Battlefield 2 Pro eSport Modification
Beta v0.35

Legal informations:

EACT and the Pro eSports Modfication crew can not be hold responsible for any problems arising while using this mod.
No warranty at all.


This mod was done to support competitive gaming, enabling tiny teams to have a (neraly) full-scale Battlefield experience.
Therefore the main goal is, to change the standard-maps to better fit this teamscale playtype.
As the commander will be too powerfull with several possibilities to spot enemy players, we took away two of his abilities.
With this Pro eSport Mod, the commander is not to sit at the sidelines of the playground any more. Our goal is, to establish a "fighting commander".
Said that, we took away the radar scan and the commander-map spotting. The latter, because the spotting function can be missused to "blind spot" - what is not the purpose of this feature.
The abilites of UAV, Artillery and Supply Drop will remain both in the commander map and also within the T-menue.

Gameplay changes (overview)

  • Removed Commander Assets (all maps): Radar Scan Station
  • Removed Commander Ability: Spotting (Commander-Map)
  • Removed Commander Ability: Radar Scan (Commander-Map & T-menue)
  • The death-zones ("Red Areas") will now cause instant death when players stay outside of the playground for more than 10 seconds ("Out of boundary time" is subject to change!)
  • Some of the Maps will have a "main-theme" (For example -> Daqing = Heli-battle)

changelist BETA v0.35

  • Added CRC-Check

Changelist BETA v0.3

  • Balancing-EVENTS added to most of the maps (see Appendix M for details)
  • Added selectable spawnpoints (see Appendix M for details)
  • Added new loadup menumap for Sharqi Peninsula, Strike at Karkand, Mashtuur City

Changelist v0.2 Alpha INTRev

  • Moved Tank (Karkand, Gasstation)
  • Added Anti-Air stationary weapon (Daqing Oilfields, Central Base)
  • Added a second version of Strike at Karkand *)
  • IGLA & Stinger AA-stationary weapons: +100 each for tracking & range

Changelist v0.1 Alpha INTRev

  • Added Mashtuur City *)
  • Added Strike at Karkand *)
  • Added Daqing Oilfields *)
  • Added Gulf of Oman *)
  • Added Sharqi Peninsula *)

  • Added new menu_loggedin.bik

  • Added new menu.bik
  • Added 48x48 icon for desktop shortcuts

*) for detailed changelist please scroll to the end of this readme: Appendix M

An important Note about the mapnames:

All maps are named '*mapname* -16' or -32 (what means: 16 = first version; 32 = second version of the map) in the dropdown menus.
All maps, that are modified for this Pro eSport Mod are marked with the grey/orange logo in the loadup and selection screens!

Before you install a new Version, please uninstall the previous version!

If you can't find an entry named 'Pro eSport Modifikation" in your windows software tab, hit the uninstall.exe in your mod-folder

Uninstall.exe is to be found in:


-How to install

0. You need to have Battlefield 2 v 1.41 installed on your pc!

  1. Download the CLIENT: Pro_eSport_Modification_Setup.exe
  2. This is a self-installer!!
  3. Simply install it to your "..BF2\mods" directory. The installer should find your bf2 folder automatically.

Afterwards, it should look like this:


The following is needed only, if you want to start up the mod using a desktop shortcut and you forgot to hit the "place desktop shortcut":

  1. head back to your desktop
  2. find your standard-bf2 shortcut
  3. make a copy of this shortcut and paste it to your desktop again
  4. right klick the copied shortcut and hit "rename"
  5. Rename it to "BF2 Pro eSport" (or anything else)
  6. If done so, right klick again and open "properties" (Eigenschaften)
    10 add the following into the "target" commandline

+modPath mods/bf2pesp

It should look like this aftwerwards: "C:...\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +modPath mods/bf2pesp

  1. if you want to use our newly created desktop icon, hit the "change icon" tab. Hit "search" and head to your mod folder, for example


There you will find the official 48x48 Mod icon, named "BF2_48x48.ico"


If you can't find an entry named 'Pro eSport Modifikation" in your windows software tab, hit the uninstall.exe in your mod-folder

Uninstall.exe is to be found in:


The mod won't affect your standard game!


Christoph "Hummel-o-War"
Head of Developement & Mapping

Installer & Coding (Commander-mode)

Development Crew:

Zell a. Main, Germany.
v1a IntRev 09.05.2007
v2a IntRev 14.05.2007
v3 Beta 31.05.2007
v35 Beta 14.06.2007

EA Community Team

Appendix M
  1. Mashtuur City -16
    theme: Tankbattle
    -changed boundaries
    -enlarged capture-radius at "road construction"
    -added a new spawnpoint at "road construction"
    -removed a heavy jeep at each mainbase
    -mainbase captured by enemy will only respawn one light armored vehicle
    -EVENT: MEC light jeep spawns at hotel, if mosque is taken by US
    -EVENT: US light jeep spawns at south block, if mosque is taken by MEC

  2. Strike at Karkand 1 -16
    -Changed boundaries
    -Added one new spawnpoint at "square"
    -Relocated "gas station" and all assets. (commander & vehicels)
    -"gas station" is capturable
    -Added one news spawnpoint at "gas station"
    -Added a selectable spawnpoint at market
    -EVENT: MEC light jeep spawns at market, if square is taken by US
    -EVENT: US light jeep spawns at gas station, if hotel is taken by MEC

  3. Daqing Oilfields -16
    theme: Heli
    -Removed all heavy tanks
    -Removed anti-air station at center flag
    -Added 1 anti-air station to each mainbase
    -Relocated anti-air station at south base.
    -Added a selectable spawnpoint next to the helipads in each mainbase.

  4. Gulf of Oman -16
    -Removed one heavy jeep from each mainbase
    -Added a new spawnpoint: contruction site and beach.
    -Added a selectable spawnpoint at construction site
    -EVENT: MEC light jeep spawns at construction site, if city is taken by US
    -EVENT: US light jeep spawns at beach, if village is taken by MEC

  5. Sharqi Peninsula -16
    theme: attack & defend
    -Changed boundaries
    -Added selectable spawnpoint at hotel
    -Added selectable spanwpoint at TV-Station

  6. Strike at Karkand -32
    -Changed boundaries
    -Added one new spawnpoint at "square"
    -Relocated "gas station" and all assets. (commander & vehicels)
    -"gas station" is not capturable
    -Added one news spawnpoint at "gas station"
    -Added a selectable spawnpoint at market
    -EVENT: MEC light jeep spawns at market, if square is taken by US

Dateigröße 8MB
Veröffentlicht 16.06.2007
Downloads 1019
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