BF2P-Launcher v 1.00


Hinweis:. Nach der Installation des Tools einfach auf der Website von vorbeischauen, Server suchen und über den speziellen Button beitreten.


BF2P-Launcher - The BF2P:// protocol link-handler for quickly joining BF2 games!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0) Index:
1) First steps (installation)
2) Usage
3) Some notes to the source code
4) Translations
5) Reporting bugs

1) First steps:

  • Extract the .zip where ever you want
  • Execute the application (BF2P-Launcher.exe) without any parameters
  • Accept the terms of use
  • Configure the programme for your needs
    (All controls have tooltip texts)
  • Hit the red "Activate" button if not already done for your
    Windows operating system to know how to handle bf2p:// links
    Note: You need administrator privileges for this action to take effect.
  • Press "OK" to save settings and exit configuration

2) Usage:

The Game Launcher can handle links of the following forms:


modID = short handle for the mod (e.g. "dcon" for DesertConflict; Default: bf2)
IP = IP-Address of the BF2 game server
Port = Join-port (hostport) of the BF2 game server (Default: 16567)
QueryPort = Gamespy status-query port of the game server (Default: 29900)

If a QueryPort is provided, the Game Launcher will scan the server
and wait until ping is ok and slots are free for join.
If no QueryPort is given, BF2 is instantly started hoping that
there are free slots available.

For joining a BF2 game, simply click a link of the form described above.

Note: The Launcher can't yet join passworded game servers!
BF2 does not correctly take this parameter.
(up to BF2 patch level 1.41; unknown for later versions)

for more details.

3) Some notes to the source code:

The BF2P-Launcher is build against QT 4.1.4 (
Compiler: MinGW32 (mingw32-make-3.80;

As this is my first GUI application AND my first C++ application,
there are surely badly structured or strongly optimizable parts within
the source code.
Please be appreciative of this.

4) Translations:

It's of course possible and wished, to add more languages to this application.

The file bf2plauncher_blank.TS (source code package) contains all stuff
that has to be translated (in english language).
The best way to edit it is to use the QT Linguist that is shipped
with QT environment available at

If you ever want to develop an additional translation, please contact
the support and ask for more details on how to proceed and whether
this translation is even already under development.

5) Reporting bugs:

Feel free to report problems and bugs concerning all of the project to:

bug @ bf2players . net
Name: Holger Sunke

Dateigröße 3MB
Veröffentlicht 14.06.2007
Downloads 1492
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