Kirkuk Basin

Aus der Schmiede von TheDark888: Dieses Mal befindet ihr euch im Herzen der irakischen Stadt Kirkuk. Eure Einheit muss den Brückbereich der Stadt unter Kontrolle bringen. Die MEC werden alles daran setzen dieses Gebiet zu verteidigen. Voller Botsupport.


The City of Kirkuk is divided by a wide bassin. Squads must proceed to the temple quarters located on the other side of the bassin and destroy the ennemy communication facility. Expect resistance, they know you're coming. The bridge crossing the bassin can make an excellent defense stongpoint. Good luck!

To install, put the folder Kirkuk_Basin in your

X:/programfiles/eagames/battlefield2/mods/bf2/levels/ folder.

Where "X" is the actual disk where you installed the game

The map was primarily designed for coop play. It support Conquest, Single player and Coop game modes

Made By : TheDark (888)
Music by: Xihilisk ( Music free to download and enjoy.

Many thanks to the Map Testers: WhiteRabbit, Nick603 and UKC-X team for testing the map on their server.

I want to thank StrykerJ who found my buggy bugs, SkyRaider who have been very supportive, the UKC-X team for their input, their advice and for the testing, running my maps on their server, hosting them for download and give them a front window to the community. And finally want to thanks Hayabusa and the Mercs team for displaying my maps on their webspace and working everyday on my favorite mod.

Thank You for downloading this one and I hope you will Enjoy

If you wish to distribute or modify this map, please contact the autor for permission to do so.

Looking for a great Coop Mod?
Mercenaries Mod :

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UKC-Xtreme :


Dateigröße 45MB
Veröffentlicht 23.06.2007
Downloads 14139
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