Map von TheDark888: Hier gilt es eine von den Chinesen besetzte Insel zu befreien. Es gibt allerhand Flaggen zu erobern. Voller Botsupport.
Background story:
Week of the Dragon.
USMC is engaged in a main operation north of the Miaoying Province in southern China.
Mercenaries have received the task to block the supply lines in the backyard, 75 miles south of the main assault. In order to do so, mercs squads and some light equipment have been smuggled by ship, to a remote island, in the sea of China. At 6:00am, local time, all squads are to proceed on securing a beachhead at the Miaoying industrial seaport. Inside a week, the Mercs will have to push forward inland to the main supply dump, located 138 miles away, at the Yan-Kii fortified depot.
Prologue, Day one, 5H45 AM Local Time.
The two UH-60 received last week has finally been re-assembled yesterday, and the last crate of supplies has been unloaded during the night. In 15 minutes, all squad will take place into choppers and Ribs and proceed to secure the Industrial port and surrounding area.
Primary Objective:
The Miaoying Industrial Port. Since the USMC are making a lot of noise elsewhere, most surrounding Chinese armor regiments and their veteran infantry are already relocated near the front, miles up north. Expect light resistance from the unprepared reserve troops left behind. Securing the nearby fuel depot would be very wise decision if you don’t want to walk tomorrow.
Secondary Objectives:
Intel report (we all know what they worth) indicates that some islands on you path could be fortified, and shipments of AA ammunitions crates have been tracked to your vicinity. Satellite imaging revealed activity in a nearby fishing village and many movements on northern and southern peninsulas, guarding the port entrance.
Good luck Mercs, you take off in less than 15 minutes.
Week of the Dragon is a 7 map epic serie that begins here and will ultimately leads the mercs to destroy the main Chinese supply depot located 138 miles inland, deep in ennemy territory. Prologue is the Chapter 0 of this serie.
To install, put the folder Prologue in your
X:/programfiles/eagames/battlefield2/mods/bf2/levels/ folder.
Where "X" is the actual disk where you installed the game
The map was primarily designed for coop play. It support Conquest, Single player and Coop game modes
Made By : TheDark (888)
Many thanks to the Map Testers: WhiteRabbit, Nick603 and UKC-X team for testing the map on their server.
I want to thank StrykerJ who found my buggy bugs, SkyRaider who have been very supportive, the UKC-X team for their input, their advices and for the testing, running my maps on their server, hosting them for download and give them a front window to the community. And finally want to thanks Hayabusa and the Mercs team for displaying my maps on their webspace and working everyday on my favorite mod.
Thank You for downloading this one and I hope you will Enjoy
If you wish to distribute or modify this map, please contact the autor for permission to do so.
Dateiname | |
Dateigröße | 53MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 23.06.2007 |
Downloads | 12416 |