Rise of Hades - Beta 0.9
---------------------------Rise of Hades beta v0.9--------------------
----------------------a battlefield 2142 modification---------------------
We let you test it to see changes
Keep in mind this is a beta version
and it's only a part of the final mod
Many others things are coming!
Eagle nest
Battleaxe 2008 16 soft
32 violent
The number of bots is set on 32. You can change it here:
...Electronic Arts\Battlefield 2142\mods\RoHbeta\AI
conquest and coop
Singleplayer needs to be fix
original bf2 maps by Imtheheadhunter
You can copy others maps from the original bf 2142 mod or else
but not all vehicles are modified in the beta so you will have regular
We're waiting for your comments on the forum!!! (it has just been created so it is
not fully operationnal)
Forum: http://riseofhades.up-with.com
Mail raphbouysset@hotmail.fr
----------------------------Do not modify without permission----------------------------------
Dateiname | rohbeta_v0.9.zip |
Dateigröße | 139MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 01.09.2007 |
Downloads | 2122 |