First Strike v1.5 Full Server

Aktualisierte Serverdatei für die Mod First Strike, kompatibel mit Patch 1.5 für Battlefield 2142.

FirstStrike Dedicated Server V1.5 AutoUpdater
**NOTE!** By installing the server files you acknowledge that you have read the terms and conditions found in the FSlicense.txt file included and you agree to them. Neither the First Strike team nor any of its members offer any guarantee or warranty, nor can we be held responsible for any damage our mod may cause (though generally it hasn't as yet :) )

FirstStrike Release 1.5 Install instructions:

Windows server admins:
**NOTE!** The 2142 Server Launcher Application DOES NOT WORK for mods in 2142. As such we have created and included our own.

1) move the contents of "battlefield 2142 server" to your /battlefield 2142 server/ folder, overwrite all files
2) copy firststrike folder to your battlefield 2142 server/mods/ folder
3) run server as normal from bf2142_w32ded.exe, this will pass through the server updater and keep your server always up to date.

  • Note, it is important to set your RCON port, host, and password in the admin/default.cfg provided in order to allow the updater to monitor your server and keep it up to date.

Linux server admins:

1) move the contents of "bf2142" to your /bf2142/ folder, overwrite all files
2) copy firststrike folder to your /bf2142/mods/ folder
3) cd to your bf2142 directory and launch as you would normally launch (passing any arguments needed, mod is auto passed)
4) your server will now remain up to date

  • Note, it is important to set your RCON port, host, and password in the admin/default.cfg provided in order to allow the updater to monitor your server and keep it up to date.

Changelog v1.5

Changelog v1.3
-Almost every rifle and pistol in the mod has had its accuracy tweaked and adjusted to be more accurate.
-Medic Grenades no longer able to be replenished to avoid spamming
-Ewebs/MKii’s have been given a bit more starting ammo
-Squad leader ping has been increased in radius and amount of pings available
-Deployable uav beacons can no longer be replenished
-Support class now only has 2 mines, and the mines can no longer be rearmed
-Sniper rifles now changed to reload like other weapons

-Droids should not kill you now when you deploy them
-Droid surfing has been eliminated
-Trooper UAV Droid now has a decrease in radius of ping and a longer time in between pings
-Heavy Weapons droids should now be more useful/powerful

-Space Fighter targeting systems have been fixed, which should make fight-on-fighter combat on our space maps a lot more fun once again.
-Freerunner APC crash fix
-All heavy land vehicles (and on some maps the ATSTs) have been locked to their teams permanently. No more vehicle stealing.
-Firehawke HUD changed to match the other imperial vehicles

-Ticket Drain Fixed on Convoy Raid 64p
-Additional Y-wing spawns were added to Convoy raid to help tackle spawncamping.
-Several building exploits were fixed on the Tatooine maps
-Rhen var Ice Plains reduction in combat area for all versions to encourage more direct combat
-Lighting adjusted on Mos Entha and spawn points moved and added for the Crashed Corvette CP
-Bestine's 32p first hill flag is now one way. Once the rebels take it imps can't cap it back.
-Bestine's freerunner will now spawn more frequently
-Ryloth 16p shrunk to the top half of the map
-Ryloth's vehicles are all now locked to their appropriate teams.
-32p Ryloth has seen a reduction in the amount of aircraft on it. They will also take longer to spawn (with exception to the lambda)

-Several graphical issues have been addressed and fixed
-The game doesn't hang on the black screen when initially loading if you're in windowed mode and not focused on the game at start.

Changelog v1.2
As promised, today we have a hotfix for version 1.2. This resolves several critical gameplay errors in the 1.2 release as well as implements several features that were initially left out. Hopefully this will overall improve your play experience and keep you guys playing until the next major release.

Brief List of Some Fixes:
Capital Ship Engines Repaired
Ticket Loss Repaired
Mini Maps Made Clearer
Gallofree Escape Repaired
Commander Implemented
32p Ryloth Implemented Aerial Craft


First Strike V1.2 Release - Partial Change Log

-Added Battle of Ryloth
-Added Rhen Var Research Facility
-Added Rhen Var Ice Plains
-Added Imperial Convoy Raid
-Added Tatooine Bestine
-Added Battle of Yavin
-Added Endor Clearing + high poly trees made
-Endor Strike team lightmaps tweaked, Imperial outpost lightmapped, mini turbolasers added to outpost, end of round bug fixed
-Escape from hoth Star Destroyer Hangar lightmapped
-General visual clean-up of maps

-Added T1-B Hovertank
-Added Firehawk Hovertank
-Added Rebel Freerunner (including Artillery version)
-Added T-47 Airspeeder
-Added Lambda Shuttle
-Added Tie Defender
-Added Ryloth mining lifts and mine trucks
-Added Rebel anti-personnel and anti-vehicle ground turrets
-Starfighters coded for atmospheric flight
-Damage Zones added to Capital Ships
-Boost function added to Capital Ships
-Winter version of Speederbike
-Winter version of Firehawk
-Dust effects added to ground vehicles
-1st person arms added to Speederbike
-Wreck meshes done for most vehicles

-Added Endor Rebel Squad Leader
-Added Snow Rebel Squad Leader
-Improved Rebel Fleet Soldier texture
-Improved Rebel Pilot texture
-Improved 1st person hand textures for Fleet Rebel, Fleet Rebel Officer, and Imperial Officer

-Improved E-11 texture and normal maps
-Improved E-11 Carbine texture and normal maps
-Improved SE-14r Repeating Blaster texture and normal maps
-Improved MG15 Assault Rifle texture and normal maps
-Improved A280 Assault Rifle texture and normal maps
-Improved E17D Rifle texture
-Improved MK1 Rifle texture
-Improved T-10 Rifle texture
-Improved DH17 Pistol texture
-Improved Proton Torpedo Launcher texture
-Increased polycounts on some weapons
-Most weapons given new animations
-Reloading added to certain weapons
-Easteregg kit added to certain maps

-Certain main menu improvements (new background, menu sounds, etc)
-Various collision and visual mesh fixesoptimizations
-Some misc effects added
-Over 12 high priority bug fixes

Dateigröße 105MB
Veröffentlicht 26.08.2010
Downloads 2112
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