
3 Speederbikes
2 Landspeeders
3 Droids, mouse bot by imp, R5D4 by reb, Black R5D4
1 ATST spawns by imps - little hard to use in the streets
1 Skyhopper spawns by rebels - mainly for taking out ATST

Control Points: The Rebels get to protect a static Millenium Falcon, you can cap it by being really close or by being inside.
The Imperials get to protect a static Lambda, cap it by being under it or inside. These are both inside starports which should make some intresting raids. 3 entrances into the ports.
Cantina is in the middle of the map, plenty of buildings for cover while getting there, or use the road for a transport.
The outpost is outside the city, open run makes a little far of a run, but easy for a transport.

Features: Static Lambda and Falcon for infantry battles around and INSIDE them. Star ports, towers, speeder garages give snipers/campers a place to hang out. Modifed Sky. Use the bots to take the control points. However, they arn't allowed into the cantina

For the Devs: I can't take full credit for this map, actually I can hardly take credit at all. It was the GC team that supplied ALL the buildings and vehicles. All I did was organize them in a way that I thought would be fun and beneficial for the fans. I don't expect you to take every 3rd party map and add it into your mod. I just hope that you give this map a try, if you guys want to use it... ITS YOURS to fix/touch out/change as you please.

Issues: Few of my object light maps are fudged up. Tat_medium building for one. I seen the same problem on Taichi's map. my walls have no objectlight maps, same as all the other GC maps I checked. Tat_small doesn't have a terrain shadow. One ladder on the starport doesn't work. Falcon doesn't have a shadow. (took me 3-4 days to get a working script for the static lambda/falcon) Loading Screen doesn't have "Mos Eisley" Text (I don't have the GC font) My ground textures don't match the other 2 GC tatooine maps. Not sure how you guys did yours.

Dateigröße 11MB
Veröffentlicht 19.12.2005
Downloads 2152
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