21st Century Warfare - Installer
Der 21st Century Warfare Installer ist ein Tool über die dem Turnier zugehörige Modifikation immer auf dem neuesten Stand gehalten wird. Zudem sind die Karten der Mod, die oft angepasst werden, darüber erhältlich.
Once you downloaded the 21CW_Installer.zip just unzip it to a temp directory.
Go to the directory you just unzipped it to and run setup.exe.
This will install 21cw Installer on your computer and will also create a 21CW and a 21CW Installer shortcut on your Desktop.
Click the 21CW Installer shortcut on your desktop and the 21CW Installer will come up with this kind of picture:
Mod Update:
If you're not up to date with your installed Mod-Version, the installer will let you download a patch, or if no patch is available it will allow you to download the full mod release.
Just click the [I]Update version[/I] or [I]Full Installation[/I] and it will start downloading the needed files:
When the download has finished, the installer indicates, that the 21CW mod setup is in progress:
Now you need to follow instructions of the 21CW mod patcher or full install:
When you finished the Patcher or Full install you are notified, that you're up to date now:
Map Update:
For the map update, just click on the appropriate section within the installer.
Then select the map you wanna download and just hit download.
Anything else will be automated:
Mandatory to have:
[*] Administrator permissions required (Vista non-administrators are not allowed to write data in the program files sub-directories)
[*] .NET 2.0 minimal required
For people having troubles getting the installer to work, please take a look in [I]regedit[/I]:
[B]32bit windows:[/B]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2
[B]64bit windows:[/B]
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 2
Check the contents of the [B]InstallDir [/B]key and see if it matches the path to your Battlefield 2 installation folder.
90% of the time errors can be fixed if the path in the key is correct.
Anymore questions, post them up in this
Dateiname | 21CW_Installer.zip |
Dateigröße | 1MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 03.06.2011 |
Downloads | 1793 |