Bad Company 2 Command Center 2.3.1
Bad Company 2 Command Center ist ein Tool zur Administration von Servern für das Spiel Bad Company 2. Entwickelt wird es mit Unterstützung des Ranked Server Partners (RSP) i3d. Die Wahl des Namens und die sich daraus ergebende Abkürzung, BFBC2CC, erinnert stark an den bekannten Servermanager [BF2CC]] für Battlefield 2, allerdings hat dieses Tool nicht damit zu tun.
Changelog v2.3.1 Hotfix
- Added ‘Destruction 2.0′ to Name and Shame.
- Fixed some weirdness reported in Kick/Ban Notifier
- Fixed issue with mod type switching. Should fix Name and Shame as well as Kit Restrictions lists being empty
- Fixed Reserved Slots import parsing. It accepts 2 different methods. Comma separated with NO carriage-line returns, or carriage-line return separated. Do not mix.
- Virtualized the font drop down so in normal cases it will not freeze the app trying to render the fonts.
- Improved anti-baserape, added some feedback to the person attacked. Works on all BC2 CQ maps (not Vietnam yet). Now supports punishment type (default is kick, but supports banround / banperm)
- Reduced minimum possible height for some notebook users, it is not recommended to use this under these resolutions though as it is extremely small.
- Fixed server list’s Connect from Context Menu
- Changed wording for spawning with a restricted weapon to: “this weapon is not permitted.”
- Added a wrapping functionality to message sending so if you enter a very long message it absolutely will send, but it separates it into chunks (also for Yells)
- Fixed Kill Streak “announce on end”, various minor improvements to this function.
- !killstreak public command now includes any player who is on a kill streak of any number of kills, and includes the kill count in parentheses.
- Added some safety precautions to Rules BackgroundWorker so it didn’t try to start itself when it was already running.
- Defaulted Name and Shame’s Enabled property per item to true.
- Fixed layout issue in Players control that caused the right-sided lists to not have horizontal scrollbars.
Changelog v2.3.1
- Added font selector to Dashboard tab so you can choose the fonts for each of the logging windows.
- Moved Player Stats from double-click to context-menu item (fixes weird behavior with drag and drop)
- Added /!voiceinvite [playerName] to Automation and in-game commands. It sends a customized invitation to a player to join a voice server
- Added Vietnam theme change when switching to a Vietnam server.
- Changed server list to be single-click, improved layout so long names don’t induce a horizontal scrollbar.
- Added an option to the context menu of servers in the server list — generate startup.txt based on your current settings. MUST be connected for the option to be enabled. Does not currently generate Level Vars.
- Kit Restrictions are now PER-TEAM. Set to 1 to allow 1 per team — for SQDM this would mean a possible of 4.
- Rewrote Ban List
o It now supports more than 100 entries. Up to 10,000.
o Allows searching on several different properties, if it finds a match on your query it filters the non-matches out.
o While the search box has your keyboard focus, ESCAPE clears the search filter and ENTER applies the search filter.
o Right-click a banned player to see the context menu. You can Unban, query Stats, or copy the ban data to your clipboard. - Rewrote Reserved Slots
o Behaves identically to the Ban List, except it only allows you to search on the name (the only available propery).
o No longer requires you to “load” or anything
o (Same with Ban List) While the search box has your keyboard focus, ESCAPE clears the search filter and ENTER applies the search filter.
o (Same with Ban List) Right-click a banned player to see the context menu. You can Unban, query Stats, or copy the ban data to your clipboard. - Rewrote AutoAdmin Rules
o To those who use the Rules of legacy version, you must re-enter them.
o Keep in mind, these rules are cyclical. Add groups of rules, with rules in each of them.
o Each Group has an interval property (seconds). Each rule has an interval property also (seconds). The Group interval will separate Groups so you can easily organize chunks to vary the rules the player will see.
o It is designed to not be editable while the rules are running — bad things would happen! :)
o You can see the status easily, as well as which rule is currently being displayed.
o Each rule has a max length of 80 characters. Don’t worry, it’ll remind you with instant validation if you spill over.
o You can start or stop the rules from in-game. Any “in-game admin” has the ability to do so with /!rules 1 or 0 - Made more improvements to the Player List. This is an area we are always trying to improve, please inform us if you encounter strange or unwanted behavior.
- Fixed the STREAK column on Player List. Before it was only counting if the Kill Streak auto admin mod was enabled.
- Fixed the Reserved Slots Import parsing. The desired format is a text file with names separated by carriage returns (1 per line)
- Vietnam Name and Shame / Kit Restrictions are now separate lists, which load depending on which MOD is currently running. So yes, you have to add new values here if you are in Vietnam mode. The old versions do not apply.
- Added highly-visible information to the top information bar. Includes Map Pack version enabled, Mod type running (BC2/Vietnam), Server Uptime and Round Timer. Now you have proof if your RSP forgot to install your map pack.
- Notify On Kick/Ban supports VIP kicking messages. It obeys the settings in Auto Admin > Automation > Notify on Kick/Ban, with exception to the message. It is not user-definable.
- Improved server connecting performance by offloading to a background thread.
- Fixed !admins command weird behavior
- Player List squad now shows the name of the squad instead of a number
- Default port for creating a new server is 48888.
- In-game Move player command supports intra-squad moving, it reports more information to you and the player being moved. See In-Game Commands Guide for how this works now.
Restart your CC to download the latest version!
Changelog v2.2.3
- Removed Squad columns from SQRUSH/SQDM DataTemplates
- Re-arranged AutoAdmin > Automation tab so it isn’t such a cluster
- Fixed issue with map list utilities preventing it from fetching new maps from XML (still no images for these maps)
- Fixed issues with Notify On Kick and added Notify on Banned function; added generic listeners for this.
- Added SPECACT weapons (images are temporary)
v2.2.2 - November 30, 2010
- Added the function Next Map Info on Round-End to AutoAdmin > Automation which summarizes round/map information at the round end
o !round- Example return: Round 1/2 of Atacama Desert (Conquest)
o !nextmap - Example return: Next Map: Laguna Presa (Conquest, 2 rounds)
- Example return: Round 1/2 of Atacama Desert (Conquest)
- Added some reconnection fixes that should keep the CC from failing to repair a bad connection that occurs randomly over time
- Fixed a bug in Map Options that prevented you from switching the map to the first in the list
- Fixed a bug in Map Options that showed the wrong image for Next Map
- Kit Restrictions in Auto Admin modified so each class or weapon can have a number limit
- Fixed issue in numeric textboxes with the “X” (clear value) button where using the clear value would destroy the databinding and it would no longer update the property.
o Found in: Max Ping Allowed, Anti-Baserape Warnings, Idle Timeout - The Reserved Slots’ Import function was falling short with parsing some sorts of files. If you had return carriages it would add the player with them in the name, rendering the reserved slot useless.
- Final Scores fixed (would send empty messages)
- Fixed the “Round x/x” label appearing while a connection was in progress.
- Completely rewrote the Players tab so information updates quicker and without losing focus of the selected player.
o Added Death icon for when a player is not alive.- NOTE: starting the CC in the middle of a match means it will not know if a player is alive or dead until they spawn again. It may be confusing to see them getting kills with a death icon. There is no way around this given the current server protocol.
o ContextMenu bug is gone thanks to this
o Some common instabilities that were difficult to reproduce might be fixed by this
o Changed the drag-drop style and fixed a few logical errors
o Added some new columns, like Kill-Death Ratio, KillStreak. Kill-Death is color-coded so it’s easy to see who’s above 1:1 and who’s below.
- NOTE: starting the CC in the middle of a match means it will not know if a player is alive or dead until they spawn again. It may be confusing to see them getting kills with a death icon. There is no way around this given the current server protocol.
- Player Stats dialog has been improved. Mostly styling and formatting improvements, it’s now easiser to read the total time played, score, K/D Ratio (color-coded also).
Let us know how things go!
v2.1.3 - October 28, 2010
• Added Kit Restrictions to Auto Admin. Offending players will be slayed (at no penalty) and warned upon spawning.
• Public Command: !restrictions
• Admin Command: /!restrictions [name]
• Take PB Screenshot from Player context menu
• Fixed a bug with Kick dialog not showing its template
• Added better kit icons
2.1.2 - October 22, 2010
• Fixed an exception occurring in drag-and-drop on game modes other than SQDM
• Fixed GoTo map command causing exception
• Fixed a bug causing saving a MixedMode playlist to empty everything but the first map
• Fixed the Player Session History being empty
2.1.1 - October 18, 2010
• You can now drag-and-drop players from team to team. The Move Player dialog still exists in case you want to move them to a specific squad (right-click player, click move)
• Improved the drag-and-drop system for Map Options
v2.1 - October 17, 2010<h/2>
• Anti-baserape mechanism (Conquest only)
• Easy PunkBuster Streaming setup supported now
• Fixed some issues causing players and other information to load slowly upon first connection
• Updated the Georgian flag
• Added an AUTOMATION tab to Auto Admin. "Yell on Kick" has been moved from Server Details dialog to here. Have a look!
• Added the ability to log all events; look for Log File in Server Details dialog
• Fixed "Go To Map" button on Map Options
• Fixed /!gm command
• Fixed issue in playlist type where map is not being set while switching to a preset
• Fixed issue in which the server is giving back an abnormally high player limit instead of 32 (max)
• SLAY log message color is the same as kick; good for anti-baserape usage
• Added in-game chat moderation control for admins
• Fixed the font color in Player Stats dialog
• Removed unused application animations, reducing memory footprint
v2.0.3 - September 5, 2010
• Added Chat Moderation support for R21
• Added parameter-support in the Console window. Now it is possible to use commands with parameters (i.e. punkBuster.pb_sv_command pb_sv_restart). Strings with spaces in it need to be surrounded by double quotes.
• Added country flags to the playerlist
• Added Twitter integration to tweet the winning team and ace player. Configure these new features in your Server Details dialog.
• Added confirmation dialogs for deleting individual or all servers.
• Added a "Yell on player kick event" with custom phrases. Configure this in your Server Details dialog.
• Teamkill options are now loaded correctly
• Fixed the /!mt command issue with the player count
• Fixed the ingame ban/kick/move commands to give the right response, instead of allways a success
• Fixed the {amount} phrase in the end streak notification (it was always 0)
• Fixed the crash at startup when the server is full
• Fixed the ban command; round and timebans working now
• Fixed the tickets displaying 'Infinite' bug
• Fixed the tickets on screen not updating bug. Note: it is slightly slow to update to ensure it does not overload the server. We are working on improvements.
Changelog v 2.0.2
- Savable map lists by name. (experimental) Import/Export from the Dashboard tab.
- New button to change to specific map (replaces buggy double click). Found at far right of map row.
- Added a variable for Assassination sign-up time. Minimum is 30 seconds, no max.
- Fixed some bugs with Map Options; form is disabled until the maplist is returned.
- Added a system for inserting variables in phrases. Right Click the text boxes to get a context menu to see what variables you can insert. While the textbox as focus, you can use the keyboard shortcuts you see in the context menus.
o Also available in the Server Details dialog. - Fixed some bugs that cause a very laggy (full) server to crash the app.
- Added {amount} to "Kill Streak Ended" phrase -- sorry we missed this one before.
o This phrase now supports:- {player}
- {killer}
- {amount}
Changelog v 1.2
- Mixed Mode Play conquest & rush all in the same playlist. Keep the CC connected for this to work.
- Rounds per map
- Advanced Welcome Message. Per server. Right click the server, Edit, and set up your message.
- Enhancements to the chat and logging textboxes. That little button at the bottom scrollbar pins the scrollbar to the bottom so you are always up to date, or unpin it if you want to scroll up without it jumping around on you.
- Slay Player. Exists in UI as of right now you can only kill 1 at a time. The In-Game command allows you to kill a player, team, or squad.
Use as such:
/!slay Playername
/!slayt teamId
/!slays teamId squadId
- Stats. Doubleclick a player to fetch their stats from, IF they have any.
- Massive code change to window handler. Might not mean a lot to you, but now you have all of your standard Minimize, Maximize, Close buttons and it nicely maximizes where it didn't before. This should result in better performance for some users with slower or older archaic OSes.
- View Current/Total Rounds
- Server list context menu. Disconnect All, Delete All, Add New Server. Just for convenience.
- PB Task list "Add Task" dialog greatly improved. PB can easily handle all of your "Server Spamming", but it wasn't very intuitive so I created a UI that builds the PB string and shows you what it will be. Punkbuster > Task List > Load Tasks > Add Task > when completed, hit the Save Tasks button.
Changelog v 1.0.0
GUI changes:
version always displayed in title bar
Added a punkbuster tab! With this punkbuster tab you can see and change the punkbuster bans (only remove), punkbuster task, punkbuster badnames and screenshot settings.
Added several default Kick/Ban reasons if they are empty (if you want them, empty your reasons and restart the app)
Player List > context menu > support for Ban Perm: Name, Ban Perm: EA-GUID, and Punkbuster Ban: name (will add IP in the future)
Chat/Logging can be selected for copying but are not editable
Chat allows Yell/Send and your selection will persist
Notification if you attempt to connect to an unsupported server
Notification if event/command connections fail on first connect with suggestions of how to fix
BC2CC updater UI updated, more intuitive
Player list context menu:
o Move Player,
o Add player as in-game admin
- Fixes to player list column spacing
- Double-click map in Current Maps list jumps to it
Ingame Command Changes:
- Bans are now automatically on EA-GUID. In the reason there is now, the name of the player and the admin that banned the player.
- A help system is added. Use /!h to show you help.
- In-game command to move player. Use /!mt [PlayerName] to move a player to the other team.
- Jump to a map within the maplist. Use /!gt to get a list with all maps loaded in the maplist. Use /!gt [mapname] to jump to that map.
Dateiname | setup.exe |
Dateigröße | 2MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 08.01.2011 |
Downloads | 12374 |
Server | |
---|---| | Download |