Operation Gatecrasher

hey there! well, the past few month ive started a few mapping projects and operation_gatecrasher is the first of em which is done. the map is pretty large as it is a scale 4 (4km) map, thast why i keept it very simple with the layout... i did a couple of statics for that map, like ammo and health/repair caches for booth sides (ch and us). the enterable buildings also come with col3 meshes - so dont try to hide from the bots in the buildings as it makes no sense - they'll get cha anyway

Operation Gatecrasher Operation Gatecrasher

Operation Gatecrasher Operation Gatecrasher

i also includet in the map's folder that AI-tool (dunno who did it - thx mate!) for vBF2, so put the bots level on some like 35-40 players per side for getting an intense battle!
as the map is pretty large it wouldnt make that much sense to play with 16players singleplayer laugh.gif

added the littlebird for the usa and the wz11 fir the chinese troops. (thx to bubbles for helping me with the AI stuff for booth helos)

Dateigröße 70MB
Veröffentlicht 19.03.2010
Downloads 6729
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