Dead Citys Patch auf Version 1.2

Included within are the following:

  • Scoreboard fixed!

  • Parachute bug fixed!

  • Easy installer!

  • Many different weapon tweaks. No more "impotent weapons." Just about everything has been given a face lift.

  • Wristbow does slightly more damage and fires quicker.

  • Shotgun does slightly more damage per-pellet and fires quicker.

  • Tec9 has been "de-whored" and has slightly less range, a wider cone of fire and does roughly the same damage as before. It also has only 2 clips, evening it out to the slower shotgun.

  • The throwing knives are basically one hit kills.

  • Molotov cocktails have been tweaked heavily and now cause less concussion effect and do a lot more vehicle damage.

  • .357 and Desert Eagle both do substantial amounts of damage now and have been given to the "Doc" (medic) class. The Technician (engineer) classes now have berettas with 1 clip.

  • Vehicle overhauls have been done as well.

  • El Camino Tommy guns do a lot more damage against the planes.

  • Caddy, El Camino, and Bomb Plane have slightly fewer hit points.

  • The gyrocopter's molotovs do a lot more damage and are easier to aim. The gyrocopter also has a lot more health and is easier to land.

  • Dunebuggy's spear guns are one hit kills and reload slightly faster with an improved arch of movement and faster turret movement.

  • Ramtruck horn fixed. Now "fires" in short bursts, no "echoing."

  • Various little art bugs have also been squashed. It's easier to see map locations now, and various HUD art has been fixed.

Dateigröße 31MB
Veröffentlicht 29.07.2005
Downloads 4950
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