BF2statistics (Fixed) (1.4.2 )
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- Jeff Minard
Unofficial bf2statistics 1.4.2 Bug Fixes
- Fixed BFHQ missed weapon images, now supports all 12 weapons (previous only 6 weapons shown)
- Fixed Opponent/Victim kills, now it works correct as in EA rankings
- Fixed BFHQ missed vehicle leaderboard data timeused/deaths
- Fixed BFHQ one missed leaderboard player
- Fixed missed wins/loss bug, if player left before round end his not getting wins or loss for that round.
- Fixed army best round for Brainpecker query
- Fixed EU Backend medal bug and criteria
- Fixed spaces, since start v1.5 patch
- Fixed bug if player not spawn in is still receiving wins/loss Data
- Changed kills/deaths insert method and combat scores, by using this better method Total kills/deaths 100% meets Kit's kills/deaths (previous total kills never meet kit kills).
- Added Highway Tampa/Operation Blue Pearl maps for v1.5 patch
- Corrected cpNeutralizes/driverAssists keys in snapshot as official
- Added protection against recording zero time played profiles (not joined players will not be recorded).
- Fixed BFHQ leaderboard jump to player (previous work not very correctly).
- Fixed BFHQ bug unlock comes as undefined
Dateiname | |
Dateigröße | 8MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 21.12.2010 |
Downloads | 1587 |