Eastern Showdown



Eastern Showdown Eastern Showdown

Eastern Showdown Eastern Showdown

Eastern Showdown Eastern Showdown

Eastern Showdown Eastern Showdown

Version: 1.0
Gamemodes: conquest
Mapsize: 1024x2
Teams: PLA vs USMC
Layers: 16, 32, 64
Custom Content: hmmwv mounted m134 minigun,
m82a1 barret pickupkits,
some other hidden pickupkits,
custom soldierskins,
custom weaponskins,
custom vehicleskins,
chinese lamp static,
flying crows,
ambient enviroment sounds

Crdedits: Map, Skins, Sounds: JONES
HMMWV M134: AIX Mod Team, _O2_
M82A1 Fix: Kysterama
Flappy crow: Junk

Programms used: Battlefield 2 Editor
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Geo Control 2

Links: http://battlefieldsingleplayer.planetbattl...spy.com/forums/


During the far east campaign US forces got through deep chinese territory and gained control
of variouse PLA contolled Cities. After years of fighting the US forces reached the central of
the chinese territory where the PLA is defending their last stronghold, unwilling to give up...


Note to all low end users

It is recommend to play the map with at least medium settings, low graphic settings can cause
problems with custom mod/maps and may cause crashes.

For all guys who played my last big map urban raid this may catch some attention.
Eastern Showdown is even biger and more objectheavy than anything else i did before.
Like with Urban Raid, Eastern Showdown is a mixture of everything battlefield can effort,
from close quater citybattles to intense dogfights in the air youve got everything you want!
This time some guys may be disapointed with the lack of botsupport, i can asure you that the
bfsp community have tryed hard to make this map supporeting sp, unfortunately it wasn possible
till now. For that reason i included all nessesary files from the maps editor folder with this
map this time, so everyone who want to give it a try to generate a navmesh go ahead and try it!
If you have any problems or bug reports please post them at the bfsp forums!


Dateigröße 124MB
Veröffentlicht 06.02.2010
Downloads 4580
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