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Stunting Soldiers 0.4 Client & Server

Wunder gibt es immer wieder und eins davon ist die Modifikation

Stunting Soldiers (StS). Ganz einfach weil sie uns bisher völlig entgangen ist. Über Filefront hat Coder und Modleader

The Alpaka Whacker nun Version 0.4 zum Download bereit gestellt. Wir haben die 80MB große in unsere Datenbank eingetragen und möchten an dieser Stelle kurz auf den Release hinweisen.

Explosive Mischung

Wie es sich für eine ordentliche Stuntmod gehört, haben die drei beteiligten Entwickler allerhand Möglichkeiten zum Spielen eingebaut. Es gibt keine Soldaten mehr, sondern Stuntmänner und erfahrene Stuntmänner – die Dare Devils. Squads schimpfen sich Stunt Teams. Und damit die ordentlich Spaß haben, verfügen Spieler über unbegrenzte Mengen C4, Anti-Tank-Raketen und Rauchgranaten. Als besonderer Bonus wurde die Artillerie des Commanders mit der Atombombe von satNav ersetzt. Weitere Details sind dem Changelog zu entnehmen.

Wahnsinn auf Wake

Natürlich darf bei einer Stuntmod die passende Sprunghöhe nicht fehlen, weshalb bereits ein normaler Druck auf die Taste die Beförderung in ungeahnte Höhen zur Folge hat. Noch besser geht es mit der Hilfe von C4. Teambeschuss ist per Serversetting ausgeschaltet und schon drei bis fünf Päckchen reichen für einen kleinen Rundflug. Mit der Stuntmod lässt sich jedoch nicht nur Stunten, denn die Karte Wake Island verfügt über Unterstützung für den Einzelspielermodus. Eingestellt sind hier 17 Bots, was uns direkt zum Thema Installation führt.

Hinweise zur Installation
Die Mod selbst ist mit 80MB schnell geladen. Im Archiv befindet sich eine Installationsdatei, die als Standard den englischen Installationspfad

C:\Program Files enthält. Dieser muss wie folgt geändert werden:

[Pfad zu Battlefield 2]\mods\

Nach dem Abschluss der Installation findet sich dort der – zugegeben etwas unpassend benannte – Ordner „ss“. Im Spiel kann die Mod nun unter Community -> Eigene Spiele gestartet werden. Alternativ wird über die Kommandozeile und den Parameter +modPath gearbeitet.

Level und AI
Zwei weitere Tipps gibt es zu den Levels und den Computer-Kollegen. Im Levelverzeichnis (mods/SS/Levels) liegt nur die Karte Wake Island. Das macht den Download schlanker. Über die Datei SS_CopyLevels.bat werden die restlichen Dateien aus dem Hauptspiel nachgezogen. Wer die Anzahl der Bots erhöhen möchte, die aktuell auf 17 eingestellt ist, geht danach in den Ordner AI und öffnet dort mit dem Editor die Datei und ändert dort in der Zeile aiSettings.setMaxNBots die Zahl 17 auf den gewünschten Wert (z.B. 47).




If you not have any previous versions of STUNTING SOLDIERS installed, you can just run the "SS_MOD_0.4" installer !!!


The Stunting Soldiers(SS) modification was created by The Alpaka Whacker and P3T3R_1993 with contributions from Sacr3 with his Tactical Nuclear Warhead v2. Many Thanks to Sacr3 :)




You can now sprint for much longer and the recharge time for sprinting has decreased dramatically.
Wake Island is now Single-Player Compatible!
Bug causing the Nuclear Warhead not to work in version 0.3 or 0.35 fixed (artillery would fire as normal instead of nuke being fired).
Localization Folder edited and Updated, Pro Stuntmen are now called Dare Devils, Squad Leaders are now called Pro Stuntmen and Squads are called Stunt Teams.
New picture for viewing in Modjive.
New Menu Movie.



Bug causing Smoke Grenades to do minor damage to players/bots has been fixed.
Bug causing SS to Crash when Nuclear Strike kills more than 30 bots in Singleplayer has been fixed.
*AI and Localization Folders have been edited and updated.



A New Object for the Mod - Drive up to a Petrol Station, wait 10 Secs and your car will be 100% repaired (This object is for use in the bf2 editor).
The Boost in the DPVs has been reduced slightly.
MEC, CH (PLA) and US Medic Kits have been replaced with the new Special Effects Kit which will contain coloured smoke charges and flame grenades (that cause no damage).
New Menu Background Video and music + new icon.
Every Kit has C4.
JumpJump Mod removed and replaced with our own code.
*c4 now causes a very small amount of damage instead of none.



A Program that copies all the levels from Bf2 and puts them in SS.
AT rockets now cause a small amount of damage.
All vehicles (cars, tanks, you name it) has got nos.
Music and background picture in the main menu.



Gravity Increased slightly
Health for all soldiers has been decreased from 5000 to 4000.
Maximum amount of C4 In World Increased from 100 to 250.
c4 and AT rockets explosion force increased.
Reload Time for C4's and AT Missiles has been decreased.
Finally SS has its own icon for viewing in Modjive!!!



Jump height has been reduced slightly.
All teams have unlimited c4, anti-tank missiles and smoke grenades.
Health for all soldiers has been increased from 100 to 5000.
Bug causing health to be lost while running has been fixed.
*Bug causing the PLA (Chinese) forces to not descend after jumping has been fixed.



Artillery has been replaced with a Nuclear Warhead.
Nuclear Warhead destroys all vehicles and people within the target vicinity.
Gravity reduced
JumpJump Mod Causes people to jump up to 10x the normal height.


1.Run the SS_MOD_0.4.exe Application.
2.When you get to the license information screen, don't forget to read whats written. You must select I AGREE or the installer will close and will not instal Stunting Soldiers 0.4.
3.If required, change the file directory the mod instals to.
4.Click Start which will start the installation of the SS mod.
5.When Finished go to the file C:Program FilesEA GamesBattlefield 2modsSSLevels and double-click the SS_CopyLevels.bat file, this will copy all the levals in the original BF2 levels folder into the SS MOD Levels Folder.
6.When the program asks you to overwrite the file Wake_Island_2007, either type "no" or "n" for no because a new, singleplayer version of the Wake Island map was installed with the mod and if you type "yes" or "y" for yes, the folder will be overwriten and wake island won't work in singleplayer.
7.Once you have done all of the above steps you can play the SS MOD by either selecting it in the Program called ModJive which can be downloaded from or by loading up BF2, selecting Custom Game once you have logged in and finally selecting SS or another way is right-clicling on.




If anyone has any ideas, suggestions or thoughts about what should be in the next version of Stunting Soldiers please go to the Sir. Community Forum, go to General Disscussion and finally click on the "STUNTING SOLDIERS BF2 MODIFICATION" thread and post your suggestions there. Do the same if you wish to create or have created something (Maps/Weapons .etc...) that you wish to be used in STUNTING SOLDIERS.
If you actually want to be part of the development team for the SS MOD then also go to the "STUNTING SOLDIERS BF2 MODIFICATION" thread in the general Discussion section of the Sir. Community Forum and post your request there and include a list of things you specilize in (coding/mapping/object editor .etc...) and also a list of mods (if any) that you have either been a part of or contributed to.
*Everyone that contributes things to this mod, whether it be maps, weapons or even just an idea, will be thanked and given credit whereas people that become part of the development team will show up in the mod team section of the read me, given credit and will be kept in the loop about SS, future versions of SS, other mods i am starting up and ideas that need help developing. All contributions welcome...


License Information

-A-Copyrights and Warranty--
* BF2 game content and materials copyright Electronic Arts Inc. and its licensors.

-B-Usage and Distribution--
SS may be used and distributed by any entity, public or private, WITHOUT modification to the installer executable or files contained within the installer executable.
No entity may extract SS content for any other use or re-distribute SS content without express written permission from the Alpaka Whacker or P3T3R_1993.
No entity may make monetary charges for the distribution or usage of the SS, except MINOR COSTS for distribution medium.
You are not authorized to use or modify any part of this Mod without the
creator's permission. Please do not intentionally abuse any part of this
* I am not responsible for any harm caused to your computer by this file.



The Alpaka Whacker - Coding/ Map Editor/ Mod Leader
P3T3R_1993 - Coding/ Object Editor
Sir. Community - Coding (Flame Grenade & Vehicle Boost)
Sacr3 - Nuclear Warhead Mod


Dateigröße 80MB
Veröffentlicht 30.01.2009
Downloads 2177
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