Startseite Downloads Battlefield 2 Modding Tools Vehikel Flugzeuge 2x Phantom II für AIX, Modder und Bastler

2x Phantom II für AIX, Modder und Bastler

Meshes and textures are copyright (c)2009 Clive Williams.
Various included script/code technologies are owned by DICE and/or Electronic Arts.

Included Aircraft:

McDonnell Douglas F-4D Phantom II
Spawner name: AIX_Phantom_II
Armed with a 6-bomb salvo, 4x Sidewinders, and 30mm cannons.
The WSO (Weapon Systems Operator) has 4x AIM-7 Sparrow missiles for long-range air-to-air kills.

McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.2 (Royal Air Force local variant)
Spawner name: AIX_Phantom_FGR2
Armed with a 6 Maverick AGMs, 4x Sidewinders, and 30mm cannons.
The WSO has 4x AIM-7 Sparrow missiles for long-range air-to-air kills.

Before you begin:

  • Smart modders always backup files before modifying them.
  • These aircraft are unsupported, are supplied as-is, and are used entirely at the user's own risk.
  • If you break your PC or lose data as a result of using these aircraft, go cry me a river.
  • These aircraft may or may not work correctly in an online environment. If they do not, go cry me a river.
  • Use of these aircraft assumes the user has a moderate to advanced knowledge of BF2 modification - If you do not have sufficient knowledge to install, use, and modify these aircraft, either research the info yourself or do not use the aircraft. I'm not your mother - do not email or PM me asking for help because you are a slackarse and can't be buggered looking for the answer yourself. (If however you want assistance with an issue of an advanced nature, I will help if possible)

In order to include new HUD elements, i needed to add a modified HudSetupVehicles.con.
This will over-ride the AIX one, but won't be a problem if you have not modified the original.

If these aircraft are to be compiled into any distributed mod, please let me know for courtesy's sake.
If these aircraft are compiled into any distributed mod, they in no way becomes exclusive property of that mod.

Basic Installation Instructions:

  1. After unzipping the downloaded file, you should see one folder called AIX_Phantoms which contains four files, called:

  1. Drag this AIX_Phantoms folder into the main folder of the mod you want to use the Phantoms in, i.e. \mods\aix2\

  2. Copy and paste the two lines below at the top of the ServerArchives.con file (found in your mod's folder)

fileManager.mountArchive AIX_Phantoms\ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive AIX_Phantoms\ Menu

  1. Copy and paste the two lines below at the top of the ClientArchives.con file (found in your mod's folder)

fileManager.mountArchive AIX_Phantoms\ Objects
fileManager.mountArchive AIX_Phantoms\ Menu

  1. To make a Phantom replace an existing plane in a map, edit the map's GameplayObjects.con for the game mode
    you want, and replace the existing aircraft spawner name with either AIX_Phantom_II (for the U.S. F-4D) or AIX_Phantom_FGR2 (for the RAF FGR.2)


ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 AIX_Mirage_III

is changed to:

ObjectTemplate.setObjectTemplate 2 AIX_Phantom_FGR2

...and re-zip the map's as per usual. more info on this procedure can be found at the BFSP Forums:

Known issues:

These aircraft use HUD guiIndex numbers from the AIX or AIX2 mod.
If used in other mods or in vanilla BF2 without proper adaption, the game may malfunction or crash.
Both aircraft contain a spawn point, but bots will generally only use these if you are a squad leader.
Exiting is disallowed from the rear seat position, to stop bot WSOs from bailing out while inverted. Seat-swapping still works, however. To exit the aircraft, you will need to be in the pilot position.
One aircraft has the tailhook configured as a landing gear object; on the other it has been disabled and remains retracted. This was done to give you working examples of both types. Adjust them as you see fit.
The WSO only has a view-screen for the internal view; he cannot look up. External cameras still work however.
Bot WSOs are reluctant to use the full 1000m range of the AIM-7s.
The AIM-7 has a behaviour similar to the AIX JASSM - if it loses its lock, or is fired without one, it will seek its own target. In absence of an enemy target, it will seek a friendly. The AIM-7 is a one-shot-one-kill missile. Use caution and make sure of your target prior to launching.



Dateigröße 10MB
Veröffentlicht 07.02.2009
Downloads 1318
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