Project Reality 0.86 Retro Mappack Final

Mappack des Event-Teams von Project Reality, das insgesamt fünf Oldschool-Maps enthält. Weitere Informationen finden sich im Eventforum von PR.


Retro Map Pack I by the PR Communtiy Events Team

After a long week of working on the pack from a number of team members, we are pleased to release the Community Event's Team's 1st Retro Map Pack. A number of changes have been brought into this pack, including a surprise map.

Mao Valley:
Changed loading screens/ map overviews to include vegiation

Mashtuur city:
16p layer added (Help seeding)
32p layer added (more retro feel)
64p added (More PR feel)
View distance increased
New Loading screens and Overviews

Surprise Map!
64 Player Version

Steel Thunder
16 player version (Help seeding)
32 player version (retro)
64 player version (pr version)
Increased view distance
New loading/overview screen

Zatar Wetlands
16 player version (help seeding)
64 player version - now includes carrier and beach as flags.
Added USMC, removed speedboat BMP3 from map
New loading/overview screen

Zhanjiang Security Centre
64 player version
Added new loading screen/overview screen to include vegetation.

Server files will be released to server admins shortly. A number of communities such as TG and the R-Coms will be hosting an event over the next couple of days, so stay tuned.

This is hopefully the first of many map packs that we hope to produce. No further changes will be made to this pack, as we are now focusing ourselves on other projects. We would like to extend our thanks to all the community members and server admins who have helped us develop this pack.


Server files can be loacted in the Server Admin forums.

Client files info:
Size: 221,178,361 bytes
MD5: e0eb0daf0f5d52f6e8e6820cf1420c39

To install, simply run the installer, and it should automatically delete any previous installations.

Steel thunder by Illicit films
Zhanjiang Security Centre by Spfreak
Mao Valley by Extreme2k
Mashtuur City & Zatar Wetlands by DICE

PR Audits


Build/Cleaning/Fixing our errors and taking on the nasty jobs :)

See you on the battlefield!

The Community Events Team.


Dateigröße 210MB
Veröffentlicht 22.08.2009
Downloads 1169
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