Operation Rolling Barrage

=========Operation Rolling Barrage=========
======Battlefield 1942 Version 1.61b=======

Conversation, SP & COOP made by Hamburger Hill


This Map is a conversation of BFV´s Map "Lang Vei"

The story of Operation Rolling Barrage:

The Allied superiority human and material added to the Wehrmacht destructive losses.
Despite the hopeless situation, units of the SS attempts a reconquest of lost outpost
with a concentrated mechanical thrust. Because of material shortages, a further increase
of vehicle stock can be achieved only by booty vehicles. The allies must take the Hill
occupied by the Germans as quickly as possible to prevent the other feed of material.
Good luck Soldiers, Yes we can!


Die alliierte Überlegenheit an Menschen und Material fügte der Wehrmacht vernichtende Verluste zu. Trotz der aussichtslosen Situation versuchen Einheiten der SS mit einem konzentrierten mechanischen Vorstoß eine Rückeroberung der verlorenen Außenposten. Aufgrund der Materialknappheit kann eine weitere Aufstockung des Fahrzeugbestandes nur durch Beutefahrzeuge erzielt werden. Die Alliierten müssen die von den Deutschen besetzte Anhöhe möglichst rasch einnehmen um den weiteren Zulauf an Material zu verhindern. Viel Glück meine Herren, wegtreten!


Take a Look at the Screens!!!!

Supported gamemodes: SP, COOP, CQ,

I tested this map with:
MS XP Pro (SP3) 32 Bit, Vista home premium 32 Bit (SP2)
and Windows 7 ultimate RC 32 Bit

Tested on PC-Systems:
Intel Core 2 E7200/DDR2 2048 MB/Videocard: Radeon X800pro(256 MB) wINDOWS 7 Settings Very high
Intel Core 2 E6600/DDR2 2048 MB/Videocard: Geforce 7800GS(512 MB) XP pro Settings very high
Pentium 4 2.40 GHZ/DDR1 1048 MB/Videocard: Radeon 9800 pro(128 MB) Vista Settings medium
Pentium 4 2.53 GHZ/DDR1 2048 MB/Videocard: RAdeon 9500 pro(128 MB) XP pro Settings low

Put the Operation_Rolling_Barrage.rfa into:
C:/Programme/EA Games/Battlefield 1942/Mods/BF1942/Archives/BF1942/Levels


Many thanks to:
Projectleader & Webmaster from www.bf-games.net Mr. "-=PUNKBUSTER=-"
for his great support and uploading the map into the Internet.

Here You find the best stuff for Battlefield: http://www.bf-games.net

Many thanks to:

Mr. "BOMMEL" from the BG42 Modteam for technical help on Vehicel M11-39

The historical accuracy and teamplaymod for BF1942:

Camo for Hanomag, Wespe, Kübelwagen & German Skins by $t0rm´s
Camo for Tiger by Kamakazee Klown
Camo for Greyhound by Merciless Creations
Camo for Defgun by LT.DEADPIE and Stuka
Skin German Booty tank T34 by Hamburger Hill
Skin German Booty Katyusha by Hamburger Hill

Have Fun with the machine_gun and enjoy this Map,:-)

==== Hamburger Hill ====


Dateigröße 106MB
Hamburger Hill
Veröffentlicht 31.07.2009
Downloads 4045
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