wolfcon 2.19


WICHTIG: Versionen für die ältere Serverversion (R10) finden sich im Forum der LionGuards

WICHTIG II: Zur Nutzung von wolfcon muss Dot Net Framework 4 installiert sein.


Umfangreiche Balancing-Einstellungen. Auswahlmöglichkeiten, an welche Spieler die Balancing-Nachrichten geschickt werden.
Möglichkeiten zum Überschreiben der Maprotation und Aktivierung des Mixed Modus ([[Rush]] und [[Conquest]]), wobei auch die genaue Zahl der einzelnen Runden pro Karte definiert werden kann (z.B Rush-Map mit Seitenwechsel, gefolgt von einer Conquest-Karte mit nur einer Runde)
Erweiterte Nutzung der reservierten Slots über ein VIP-Einladungssystem, das einen Sloit für eine bestimmte Zeit freihält. VIP-Einladungen über eine Website, die über eine .txt Datei mit Nicks realisiert wird. Override-System für diese Liste, die es mehreren Spielern erlaubt denselben reservierten Slot zu teilen.
Dauerhafte Einstellungen: Alle Einstellungen werden beim Verlassen des Tools gespeichert. Beim nächsten Start ist alles wieder wie vorher vorhanden.
Ingame-Admins: können über das Tool definiert und mit Rechten ausgestattet werden.
Automatisierte Nachrichten: Willkommensnachricht und automatisierte Nachrichten zu fixen Zeitpunkten möglich.
Admin-Alarm: Popup, das erscheint wenn Keywords wie "Hacker" or "Admin" im Chat erscheinen.
Teambasierte Spielerliste: Punkte und K/D der Spieler werden teambasiert ausgewertet um einen besseren Überblick zu erhalten, wie jedes Team abschneidet.
*Chats und Events werden bis zu einer Länge von 1000 Einträgen geloggt.


Wolfcon 2.17

Added maps for map pack 6
Fixed various bugs
Ingame community commands now has an delay of 2 seconds to prevent abuse
Fixed few crash instance related to voting

Wolfcon 2.17

Wolfcon 2.12

UserPermission now enabled for sub clients
Battlemap now auto focus to the correct part of the map
Cheat detection strictness now enabled, set 1 to 100
Added instant SQL recording (not recommended)
You can now copy and paste from PlayerInfo
Fixed server starter map resetting
Fixed Cycle map tickbox reset after wolfcon reset
Fixed issue with battle map prompt spam
A few other minor fixes.

Wolfcon 2.12

Release 2.0

Battle map - Showing kills and deaths real time on a map along with combat log and other useful enformation for observing battle in a dedicated window.

Community Commands - Ingame voting such as votenextmap, votekicks, voteban

Weapon Kill count / Kill Streak messages - Track exactly how many kills each a player made per round with which weapon, as well as their streaks, and display messages accordingly.

Internal server ranking - Allowing players to build up their own server rankings to build up server loyalty.

Multiple ingame admin permissions - Have as many ingame admin as you want all with their own unquie permissions.

Beyond mixed mode - Mix all different type of maps as well as settings such as hardcore for different maps.

Cheat Pattern detection - Picking out obvious aimbots and wall hacks by looking at their kill rate, kill angle spread accuracy and other factors.

Community management - Automaticlly reward players for their actions such as "starting" server or punish them for e.g. over using CG

Simulatinous multiple server connections - Connect to as many servers as you want with a single application, all their their own settings and automations

Kit (*limited on ranked server) / Weapon Kill limits - Limit the number of a certain class, or weapon usage, or even the number of kills by a certain weapon to prevent abuse

Native daemon support - Wolfcon2 engine is built around flexiable daemon support, allowing much better sub client support as well as support for multiple game servers such as MoH all running in the same application.

Relese 1.192b
Fixed /say /yell without a player name or all specified for in game admin
Fixed an issue with chat not showing after 7-8 hours

Date and time in SQL chat log is now stored in a timestamp format "YYYYMMddhhmmss"
Kick/ban/kill now generate ingame message command with the kick reason.

Release 1.17

IMPORTANT: If you want to use full auto update feature you must update your WolfconUpdater.exe from manual download package.

Pre-Releae R13+(R15) Features:
(R13+) Interactive Battle Map
(R13+) Server Battle Events (Colour Coded)
(R13+) Player detailed information (kit/weapon location GUID etc)
(R13+) Wolfcub AI features: Aimbot detection
(R13+) Wolfcub AI features: Server FairPlay Balance
(R13+) Wolfcub AI features: Camper Detection
(R13+) Wolfcub AI features: Spawn Killer Detection
(R13+) Weapon Limiter (Choice to kick/spam/kill)
(R13+) Kit Limiter (Choice to kick/spam/kill)
(R13+) Weapon Dependent Killing Spree Messages (Round/Life)
(R13+) Intellegent server profile / map change (different profile/map at different times
Auto update application via settings / (No user intervention)
Updater has "-auto" parameter to update without any GUI


Optimized package handling for text fields for laggy Wolfspawn Connections

Release 1.16b
Wolfspawn stability fix
Fixed a map stuck instance by Mixed Mode DM

Punkbuster console is now fully functional to multi line outputs
Menu restructured for the next big 1.2 update
Instance balance un death now instantly balances instead of wait 1min.
Continous server message spam is now default

Release 1.15b

Fixed issue with first blood triggered by suicide
Fix possible double message issue
Fix few crash instances

Added most of the sync features for wolfspawn
Added new email alerts function

Release 1.141b
More controls enabled in wolfspawn stuffz, you can't see them :)

Better corruption stream handling reset, "should" fix playlist corruption.

SQL chat logger now logs fields correctly.

Wolfspawn interface is now semi working
SQL chat logger now has an Auto number
Inverse filter added for chat logs
Playerlist fields for clan and squad swapped.
Squad Deathmatch added in to mix mode for smaller servers.

Bugfix 1.126b

Hopefully fixed package corruption issue that plagues some of the slower connections
Fixed error message when user does not have a welcome back message
Fixed a potential crash instance with packet corruption
Wolfcon will auto disconnect / reconnect on detection of sequence mixup

Release 1.11b

Fixed an instance with chat messages not being recorded in SQL
Fixed Sub admin permission issue with new features

New Featrues:
German and French Localization Added (thanks to translators on forum)
Ability to update your localization from our website whenever you choose.
New return player greeting (Need player stats enabled to work)
Annoucement for "First blood" added to killing spree messages
Ability to show player rank with welcome message

Bugfix 1.101b
Fixed an issue with !rank not showing properly when DB times out
Fixed a sub admin welcome message issue
Fixed !help only displaying one line

Release 1.1b

Serverlog now logs all chat events sent by the client
SQL Chat Logger, can now be enabled in Data tab, will add them
Ability to nuke team ingame admin and from player screen
Automated time display on round change.

Changelog 1.088b

Fixed an crash instance with new !votenextmap with no votes

Next map feature, will announce map 1 minute after game starts
Added ability to add rounds to map cycles

Release 1.085b

Fixes a few 1.08 bugs mentioned
Auto reconnect no longer prompts any message, and fail silently
Disable colors now disable playerlists too

!VoteNextMap feature added, allowing users to vote nextmap
Option Start map vote on last round of a map 2min after start
!rank command now shows how many users are on the list
Manual banning in the settings page.
Added new options in settings for those of you expericing flush problems

Changelog 1.080b


-Package handling has been reworked from the ground up, there should much less package errors from laggy servers.
-Fixed the Lone Wolf rule bug
-Fixed an end killing spree bug
-Auto reconnection reworked, should be better now

-Wolfcon is now has scroll bars for smaller screens
-Wolfcon can now be linked to MySQL servers for player stats
-New server player ranking system in game command !rank this should help with keeping regulars at the server
-Custom ingame messages !rules !info
-R10+ change you can now see which map is next without map override, as well as ability to jump to next map.
-Admin can now team scramble by the current sorting order scores/kills/squads etc.
-Added new feature that automaticlly cycle through all maps slowly while there are no player on the server.
-Settings tab no longer auto loads server setting on tab to improve responses, you now have to click on refresh
-Server time reworked to now show timezone e.g. 12:12:12GMT
-Map stats now show map type appended to end of name

Changelog 1.07b

Player sorting in player window fixed
Fixed an issue where selecting no players after click on swap produces an error

New customizable kill streak message
Kill streak end message
Added filters for Chatlogs
Added filters for Event / PB Event log
Added new Wolfcon settings form
Wolfcon settings allows you to disable colors
Wolfcon settings to allow user to specifiy server refresh frequency
Wolfcon multiple language support for english, others coming soon
Added new server rules that kicks lone wolves.

Coming soon:
Player Map Voting, with ability to auto start on last round
Player detailed info screen
Server player stats record, with server rankings.

Changelog 1.067b
Fixed another rare instance of the package mislocation bug.
Fixed an team scramble bug related to immunity list
Fixes an issue with wolfcon thinking there was a map change on Wolfcon Startup, this normally wouldn't be an issue, but if you have "scramble teams on map change" it will scramble the teams on new connection.

Changelog 1.065b
Fixed a lot of possible crash instances
Fixed an issue with mixed map override where only 1 round is being set

New Features:
New server admin commands
New Admin command /teambalance force team balance within 1min
New Admin command /switchmode to switch server mode
New Admin command /switchmap

allows admin to switch to any map
/switchmap command matches closest map name, e.g. "/switchmap nelson"

New Community Commands:
!time - Get current time
!server - Get server info
!playerinfo - Get player info, if player is VIP, GUID

Server now supports "kick all" command from player tab with 2 confirmations
New start map feature, allows the user to specifiy a map server
will switch to if every single player on server leaves

Changelog 1.06b
New Features:
Log files are now stored in log folder
Auto updater added.
Ability to jump to any map in override
Wolfcub AI now entering phase 1

Changelog 1.05b

Fixed corrupt package issue with map list
Fixed a potential crash problem with unsynced maplist package.
Fixed an issue with quick chat selecting box resets to playername after selecing all.
You will no longer get spam warning if you remove everything from the admin warning box.
TK enforcer will only attempt to kick the player once before giving up until they next TK (most likely using PB kick but don't have PB enabled)
Fixed a crash instance for when we get a blank PB message

Admin say now works in the same way as yell, you can say stuff to players, teams, all etc.
Added new colour coded players system (red attack/blue defend)
Added sort function to player lists, sort by clan squad name kd score etc.
Teams are now labelled as Attackers and Defenders during rush.
Added clear button to all logs.
Fixed it so sub-admins will never be able to change a server's rcon password.

Changelog 1.04b

Fixed an issue with corrupt reserve names "null" return from reserve list
Fixed an issue where Wolfcon returns an error when ingame admin try to /ban an non-existant player.
Fixed a reserve slot override number not saving bug

New Features:

Allow option to auto scramble teams after map change (10 seconds after)
More server settings, include crosshair and all the other bits
Allow you to change server password now, was disabled when r9 was released
Banlist is now fully working again, allowing you to remove or add bans, also shows the reason why the player was banned, vote/admin/custom reason
GEO-ID added to main players tab, allow you to see which country each player is from.
Wolfcon now supports mutliple scheduled messages, as many as you want really.
Reworked the Reserveslot override, it should kick players properly again now (broke after R9)

Changelog 1.03b
1.03b released
Sorry about this smallish release, I was trying to fix a rare bug reported in to the forum, and got sucked in to it, took 2 whole hours lol... Anyways the latest release it out.

Fixed a rare package sync bug where sometimes where package are recieved in different order (I still can't reproduce it on my computer)
Fixed the player selection in players tab, so refreshing will leave the selected index on the lists.

Wolfcon now minimizes in to nothing, leaving a tray icon running in the back ground, this was requested by a lot of people.
Added scramble button, which scrambles the teams.
Added Kill All button in the playerlist.. has a confirm screen, try not to abuse it admins, (although the results is hailrious), killing players this way does not count as a death on their score.
Added !votescramble option, allow the players to scramble the teams if it is unfair
Added !startmatch command for clan games, basiclly it does a count down from then when the counter reaches 0, it kills everyone.
Server VIP list are immune to team scramble now.
Improved the map override function ALOT, it shouldn't duplicate maps or rounds anymore, also it paves the way for /votemap and admin select map in the future.

Changelog 1.02b

Fixed an issue where clan immunity does not work for instant on death team balance.
Fixed an issue with VIP invite kick where sometimes kick does not happen.

New Features:
Sub Admin Profiles- You can now generate sub admin profile strings for limited permission without use of Daemons.
Admin Count Down - new ingame command /countdown which will do a count down with finishing "Go!". default 3
New kick the lowest score player option for VIP invites

Changelog 1.01b

Fixes an minor issue with voting system

Voting system now checks player names to avoid multiple votes from the same player, (1 vote per player now)

Balance immunity player / clan tag replaced by Server Immunity Player list(OR ServerVIP List), Clan list, allow you to speicify multiple names / clans, as well as making them immune to votekicks/bans VIP invite kicks/ balance. Those of you who run VIP donators servers prob want this.

Instant team balance on death, this feature is like the current team balance, but does not give multiple warnings, the next death after the team warning has been issued on the bigger team will be swapped, this is similar to the current CS:S balance system.

VIP invite kick system, the system can now kick (via option) the last joined player who is not on the immunity list when an VIP invitation is issues either from the server or php website

Profiles are now saved automaticlly, also re-giggled the interface a bit to make more room for the newly added controls.

Changelog 1.0b
Fixed a few crash instances.

In game commands now search names i.e. "/kill Wolfy" can now just be "/kill olfy" or "/kill Wolf", still case sensitive!
Added multiple server profiles, so you can save your server settings for multiple servers.
Added save every 5minutes to prevent crashing /losing settings.
Added Punkbuster console, issue direct commands to Punkbuster from the PB events window.
Added another more complex PHP VIP reserve system, that manages usernames passwords and sodilers name.
Added scheduled say message
Added new option to change the length of time displayed for scheduled messages.
All new options should now be saved in to the system.
New commands added for ingame admin "/kill" "/swap" try not to abuse these guys.
Added map statstics, for those who you who wants to know which map is popular, and which ones empties the server.
Wolfcon now checks for update every 5minutes and notify the user when a new version is available.

Changelog v0.98b

Fixed issue with PHP hook where empty names halts the reserve list progress
Fixed issues with trying to ban or kick players with space in their names
Fixed issue where admin and reserve list sometimes generates blank entries when you load it up
Fixed some crash instances
Fixed a memory leak that increases memory usage to 100mb after 30 hours.
Fixed a voting bug that could cause crashes to Wolfcon

New Features:
Team balancer now swaps players instead of kicking them
Map Stats files are now being generated if you tick the option
New controls to allow the admin to kill any player
New controls to allow the admin to force swap player
New voting threshold control, to prevent voting misuse
Vote cool down changed from seconds to minutes

Dateigröße 5MB
Veröffentlicht 03.10.2010
Downloads 4046
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