BFBC2 Guardian
- Added - map view - Action map - currently tested under BC2 maps only
- Added - MOH support
- Added - /exc command for players (switch team request for opposite team players)
- Added - /exc command for admins (forced team switch)
- Modified - maps definition file names changed, format modified
- Added - new chat moderation configuration
- Improved - MySQL DB connection
- Improved - Censor
Improved - Kit and Weapon limiter unlocked - according to
Added - maps stored in the XML file (no new build would be required at the next maplist updates) [Settings/maps.xml]
- Improved - added recon wepons at the Weapon limiter tab (thx Chris)
- Modified - Kit limiter/Wepon limiter behavior according to the Server mode (Rank/NoRank)
- Removed - Timeout for Welcome message (no longer necessary)
Fixed - AntiTK save config issue
- Added - maps from mappack 3 and 4
Fixed - minor and not clearly specified fixes Smiling
- Improved - Password length extended
- Fixed - Closing form crash
- Fixed - /hardcore command
Added - Voteban/Vote kick - experimental (waiting for your feedback)
v1.2010.728.2246Added - maps stored in the XML file (no new build would be required at the next maplist updates) [Settings/maps.xml]
- Improved - added recon wepons at the Weapon limiter tab (thx Chris)
- Modified - Kit limiter/Wepon limiter behavior according to the Server mode (Rank/NoRank)
- Removed - Timeout for Welcome message (no longer necessary)
Fixed - AntiTK save config issue
- Added - maps from mappack 3 and 4
Fixed - minor and not clearly specified fixes Smiling
- Improved - Password length extended
- Fixed - Closing form crash
- Fixed - /hardcore command
Added - Voteban/Vote kick - experimental (waiting for your feedback)
Fixed - crash on double click on the banlist
Added - Web interface! Find web page source files at WWW directory in the package
Added - R13/14 support
- Added - [R13 >]endround command
- Added - [R13 >]Import level vars from file (format per line: context varName VarValue [gamemode CONQUEST tickets 90])
- Added - [R13 >]player. onSpawn, server.onRoundOver, server.onRoundOverPlayers, server.onRoundOverTeamScores events support
- Added - [R13 >]onKill improved (shows weapon used, and a distance between killer and victim! - however the distance could be wierd [like knife kill from 4 meters), headshots represented by onHeadshot event
- Added - [R13 >]Soldier Kit/Class limiter (Automation tab)
- Added - [R13 >]Weapon limiter (Automation tab)
- Added - import/export banlist
- Added - [R13 >]server name set
- Added - [R13 >]player's kit icons
- Improved - [R13 >] Welcome message appears just after player spawns (not depending on the set timeout for welcome message)
Fixed - Mixed mode - maplist sometimes not saved
Fixed - Mixed mode - server played 2 rounds even it was set to 1
- Fixed - Map cycle combo box was filled out with custom maps when Custom mode was disabled
Added - Flag counter, see File->Settings... to disable sending data
- Added - mixed mode - Guardian controlled map cycle
- Added - Fully working and enabled DB banlist (WWW comming soon!)
- Improved - Database tab - splitter control for better view of chat and penalties list
- Fixed - refreshing player list at chat console
Fixed - minor fixes (like extending ID text size at banlist tab)
- Added - welcome mesage variables: %tag%, %time%, %date% (day:Month), %map%, %mode%
- Added - Kill Steak addon (Automation tab)
- Added - Event colors configuration
- Added - Event filter (choose transparent color to turn off the event)
- Improved - welcome messages sometimes were not showed to the player (when nick was missing at OnJoin event)
- Improved - player list shows admins with different background color (red)
Improved - player list shows icons describing last user action (for now: kill, death, kill streak)
- Added - pre version of DB Bans
- Added - command '/hardcore' - get, '/hardcore [1 or 0]' - set hardcore
- Added - Admins import - intoDB
- Improved - New version notification
Fixed - map images - Laguna alta -> Valparaiso
- Fixed - say at Scheduler
- Added - High ping kick
- Added - command '/pass' - get game pass, '/pass [password]' set game pass
Improved - Anti TK - by clearing TK counter
- Improved - connection/receiving mechanism
- Added - antiTK (automation tab)
Added - restored SQLite support
- Added - /teamid command
- Added - /slay [nick] - command
- Added - /move [nick] [teamid]- command
- Added - slay - autobalance options
- Added - move - autobalance options
- Added - at Ingame commands tab - cmd syntax help dialog
- Improved - extended possible chat text length and pb commands
Fixed - 'say' at scheduler
Fixed - Command groups saving
Added - Scheduler - PB SV Tasklist
Improved - logging at critical connection and mysql places - Important!
- Fixed - random crashes (I hope xD)
Removed - SQLiteSupport
Those who has problems with System.Data.SQLite.dll running Guardian on x64 system. Please, rename System.Data.SQLitex64.dll by removing "x64" (x64 file is larger than other System.Data.SQLite.dll, just overwrite System.Data.SQLite.dll file) from the name and restart Guardian.
- Improved - adjusted to R9 server
- Improved - banlist remastered
- Improved - kick, ban, pban, rban... are now extended by the 'reason' ex: /kick Anubis Get lost!
- Improved - /nextmap and /nextlevel commands
- Improved - settings now stored in the DB, except censor file, scheduler and immune players
- Improved - /runnextmap and /runnextlevel commands are now available
- Changed - all commands now starting with / sign not @
- Changed - ban command syntax: /ban nick duration
- Added - /a and /@a commands for admin say @ is for YELL to admins
- Added - DB support SQLite and MySQL (tables automatically created)
- Added - chatlog, clients are stored in the DB
- Added - insert button at maplist
Added - Set next map combo box + button
- Fixed - Immunity list - sometimes does not working
Improved - Unicode encoded language files
- Added - Localization/language files
- Added - Guardian autobalance whitelist
- Added - @balon - Guardian autobalance ON
- Added - @baloff - Guardian autobalance OFF
- Added - @balst - Guardian autobalance statu
- Added - Guardian autobalance DO NOTING action
- Added - Guardian autobalance configurable difference between teams which should be accepted
- Added - Guardian autobalance kick option Kick lowest no of kills (experimental but should work fine
- Added - Guardian autobalance kick option Kick lowest ratio (experimental but should work fine)
- Added - Banlist Export and Import + adjusting timed bans duration
- Fixed - @tsay (a/d)
- Fixed - Suicide is no longer counted as 1 kill and 1 death
- Improved - Player list sort
- Improved - Guardian Autobalance
Improved - Squad names insetead of ID's
- Added - Autobalance (autobalance tab settings will not be saved yet!)
- Added - @psay command (@psay [nick] [message]
- Added - @tsay command (@tsay [team{a,d,1,2,3....}] [message]. a - attackers, d - defenders
- Added - @warn command (@warn [nick] [message]. 3 warns and ban for a round (like at censor)
Improved - reported PB related issues
- Added - kills, deaths, ratio (req)
- Added - country name (req)[place GEOIP.dat at settings directory]
- Added - PB Bans handling [Banlist tab]
- Improved - event mechanism
Improved - player list
Fixed - kick/ban with partial or equal nick
- Added - Scheduler
- Added - input parameter '-gameserver int', which is a number on the list of game servers. If Guardian will be runned as 'BCGuardian.exe -gameserver 1' then it will connect to the first server automatically at application startup.
- Added - PDF manual (by Preacher1970)included.
Improved - Using working directory (so there can be only one guardian executable runned with shortcuts to put logs into different directories)
- Added - kick,ban,rban... with partial nick
- Improved - punkbuster banlist and player list (now you can see more entries)
Improved - connection engine, better commands reconnecting
- Fixed - Welcome messages were not visible
Added - Window size - save/restore
- Added - GUID/IP at player list (with built in auto-get, Update button for forced and faster get) + COPY to clipboard ability.
- Added - pbkick at Penalties button
- Added - (experimental) simulated event onSquadChange
- Added - (experimental) simulated event onSuicide
- Added - team IDs before nick at Events tab for KILL event
- Added - special coloring for Suicides and TKs
- Added - Clear button at Events tab
- Added - Clear button at Chats tab
- Added - Server version label at status bar
- Added - Settings (Main menu->File)
- Added - Separate chat log
- Added - Separate Events log
- Added - Separate PB log
- Added - Limited size for lists (events/chats). Max 1000 entries are visible
Fixed - PBKick ingame restored
- Added - Player list: SQDM support
- Added - commands: @mode_cq, @mode_rush, @mode_sqdm, @mode_sqrush - used to change game mode
- Improved - Nextmap: string before next map name at yell message
- Improved - log file names: instead of xxxx.log_1 it is xxxx_1.log
- Improved - current map pictures, some of them were not showed
- Improved - additional improvements at reconnection mechanism
- Improved - Player list update when server goes down then up again
- Improved - startmatch can be used as @startmatch (with map restart) and !startmatch (without restart)
Improved - Save All Variables (Server settings tab) does not set AdminPassword nor GamePassword! It should be done separately using set button next to setting
- Improved - version format: 1.Year.MonthDay.Time
- Improved - disconnection detection and reconnection mechanism
- Improved - bad packet fixing (you can now run pb_sv_banlist or pb_sv_plist at pb console :] )
- Added - @runnextmap command
- Added - @pbkick command - pb kick. Format: @pbkick nick duration(in minutes) reason(!yes will be displayed to the user)
- Added - @startmatch command (3..2..1.. Get Ready!.. Go.. Restart map)
Added - pb penalties
Added - @nextmap/!nextmap commands with same behavior as @time/!time
- Added - map image at second tab
- Added - reconnection mechanism (waiting feedback wheter it's working)
- Added - MOTD/Welcome message
- Fixed - Punkbuster messages scolling at Punkbuster tab
- Added - @time - ingame command for admins @time and !time. If Admin will use @ then all players will see the result, "!" is for admin eyes only
Fixed - High CPU consumption after server crash
- Added - Censor - fully operational and running
- Added - Maplist - fully supported
- Fixed - crash when bad packet comes/Will be logged into file
- Fixed - Player numbering within a team
- Minor fixes
Dateiname | |
Dateigröße | 2MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 15.12.2010 |
Downloads | 1179 |
Server |