Startseite Downloads Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Gameserver Bad Company 2 R28 Gameserversdoku

Bad Company 2 R28 Gameserversdoku

Offizielle Dokumentation zur Konfiguration eines Gameservers für Bad Company 2. Enthalten sind Beispielkonfigurationen, Maplisten sowie eine ausführliche Dokumentation der einzelnen Servervariablen.


Level-independent settings
The following level-independent settings are available:

vars.serverName controls the name of the server, as seen in server browser

vars.adminPassword controls password used for login to remote admin interface

vars.gamePassword - if set, players must enter a password when connecting to server

vars.hardCore – when set, player health is reduced, most in-game UI is disabled, friendly fire is enabled and other things. Setting this makes the server “Hardcore”.

vars.ranked - when set, stats are reported to EA’s master servers.
Currently, this is set via ServerOptions.ini and read-only while the server is running.
When set, vars.gamePassword is forced off and vars.punkBuster is forced on.

vars.rankLimit – when set, players with a higher rank than the specified value are not allowed into the server.

vars.teamBalance – when set, the autobalance system (described elsewhere in this document) is active.

vars.friendlyFire – when set, people can inflict damage on others in the same team. Setting this makes the server “Modified”.

vars.killCam – when set, a killed player gets to see a close-up of his/hers killer for a few seconds. Disabling killCam makes the server “Modified”.

vars.miniMap – when set, a minimap is available in the bottom-left corner of the screen during play. Disabling minimap makes the server “Modified”.

vars.crossHair – when set, guns have crosshairs in the center of the screen. Disabling crosshairs makes the server “Modified”.

vars.3dSpotting – when set, spotted targets are marked with icons in the 3D world. Disabling this makes the server “Modified”.

vars.miniMapSpotting - when set, spotted targets are marked with icons on the minimap. Disabling this makes the server “Modified”.

vars.thirdPersonVehicleCameras - when set, 3rd person vehicle cameras are enabled. Disabling this makes the server “Modified”.

Level-specific settings
When the server loads a new level, it looks through a pool of level-specific setting. If it finds anything that applies, then its value is used to override the default values for the level.

Level-specific settings come as three different contexts: either they apply to all levels, or only levels within one gamemode, or one specific level.
When the server loads a new level, it will prefer settings for a narrower context; i.e. if there is an overall setting, a setting for the current gamemode, and a setting for the current level, then the setting for the current gamemode will be used.

Changing settings

levelVars.set is used to set a level-specific setting. For instance, to set the ticket count for all CONQUEST levels to 200, you would do ‘levelVars.set gamemode CONQUEST tickets 200’.

levelVars.get reads the value of a specific setting.

levelVars.evaluate determines what value of a current setting applies to the current level; useful when there are multiple contexts that apply to the current level and it’s difficult to tell which has highest priority.
Effective settings

tickets (default varies from level to level) for Conquest, number of tickets for both teams for Rush and Squadrush, number of tickets for the attacking team for Squad Deathmatch, winning ticketcount

ticketBleedSpeed (default: 100) specifies how quickly tickets should bleed when one side has dominance

vehicleSpawnRate (default: 100) specifies how quickly vehicles should respawn; this does not affect other caps that are built into the levels, such as “Max X vehicles of type Y on this level”
vehiclesDisabled <true|false> (default: false) When disabled, vehicles and stationary anti-vehicle weapons are removed from the level.

startDelay (default varies from gamemode to gamemode) pecifies how long the spawn-delay will be once the first player has loaded in to a map
respawnDelay (default: 15-20 somewhere) when a player is killed, it takes this long until he/she can spawn in again. Minimum allowed value is 10 seconds.

###### This is an example startup.txt

# Set the name that the server will expose in the server browser
vars.serverName "My Server"

# Set URL for the server banner (max 63 characters long)
vars.bannerUrl ""

# Set server description (shown on the loading screen and in server info) - use "|" for line breaks
vars.serverDescription "Welcome to my server|Stay a while, stay forever!"

# Ranked mode on; this enforces PunkBuster on and game password off
vars.ranked true

# No friendly fire, please
vars.friendlyFire false

# Hardcore mode off
vars.hardCore false

# Profanity filter off, please
vars.profanityFilter false

# Set the initial spawn-timer to 30 seconds for all levels
levelVars.set all startDelay 30

# Increase tickets bleed speed by 20% on all Conquest levels
levelVars.set gamemode CONQUEST ticketBleedSpeed 120

Dateigröße 5MB
Veröffentlicht 08.01.2011
Downloads 2154
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