Bad Company 2 R28 Gameserversdoku
Offizielle Dokumentation zur Konfiguration eines Gameservers für Bad Company 2. Enthalten sind Beispielkonfigurationen, Maplisten sowie eine ausführliche Dokumentation der einzelnen Servervariablen.
Level-independent settings
The following level-independent settings are available:
vars.serverName controls the name of the server, as seen in server browser
vars.adminPassword controls password used for login to remote admin interface
vars.gamePassword - if set, players must enter a password when connecting to server
vars.hardCore – when set, player health is reduced, most in-game UI is disabled, friendly fire is enabled and other things. Setting this makes the server “Hardcore”.
vars.ranked - when set, stats are reported to EA’s master servers.
Currently, this is set via ServerOptions.ini and read-only while the server is running.
When set, vars.gamePassword is forced off and vars.punkBuster is forced on.
vars.rankLimit – when set, players with a higher rank than the specified value are not allowed into the server.
vars.teamBalance – when set, the autobalance system (described elsewhere in this document) is active.
vars.friendlyFire – when set, people can inflict damage on others in the same team. Setting this makes the server “Modified”.
vars.killCam – when set, a killed player gets to see a close-up of his/hers killer for a few seconds. Disabling killCam makes the server “Modified”.
vars.miniMap – when set, a minimap is available in the bottom-left corner of the screen during play. Disabling minimap makes the server “Modified”.
vars.crossHair – when set, guns have crosshairs in the center of the screen. Disabling crosshairs makes the server “Modified”.
vars.3dSpotting – when set, spotted targets are marked with icons in the 3D world. Disabling this makes the server “Modified”.
vars.miniMapSpotting - when set, spotted targets are marked with icons on the minimap. Disabling this makes the server “Modified”.
vars.thirdPersonVehicleCameras - when set, 3rd person vehicle cameras are enabled. Disabling this makes the server “Modified”.
Level-specific settings
When the server loads a new level, it looks through a pool of level-specific setting. If it finds anything that applies, then its value is used to override the default values for the level.
Level-specific settings come as three different contexts: either they apply to all levels, or only levels within one gamemode, or one specific level.
When the server loads a new level, it will prefer settings for a narrower context; i.e. if there is an overall setting, a setting for the current gamemode, and a setting for the current level, then the setting for the current gamemode will be used.
Changing settings
levelVars.set is used to set a level-specific setting. For instance, to set the ticket count for all CONQUEST levels to 200, you would do ‘levelVars.set gamemode CONQUEST tickets 200’.
levelVars.get reads the value of a specific setting.
levelVars.evaluate determines what value of a current setting applies to the current level; useful when there are multiple contexts that apply to the current level and it’s difficult to tell which has highest priority.
Effective settings
vehiclesDisabled <true|false> (default: false) When disabled, vehicles and stationary anti-vehicle weapons are removed from the level.
###### This is an example startup.txt
# Set the name that the server will expose in the server browser
vars.serverName "My Server"
# Set URL for the server banner (max 63 characters long)
vars.bannerUrl ""
# Set server description (shown on the loading screen and in server info) - use "|" for line breaks
vars.serverDescription "Welcome to my server|Stay a while, stay forever!"
# Ranked mode on; this enforces PunkBuster on and game password off
vars.ranked true
# No friendly fire, please
vars.friendlyFire false
# Hardcore mode off
vars.hardCore false
# Profanity filter off, please
vars.profanityFilter false
# Set the initial spawn-timer to 30 seconds for all levels
levelVars.set all startDelay 30
# Increase tickets bleed speed by 20% on all Conquest levels
levelVars.set gamemode CONQUEST ticketBleedSpeed 120