Battlefield Heroes 2

Battlefield Heroes 2 ist eine Portierung der Karten und Fahrzeuge aus dem Play4Free-Shooter auf die Battlefield-2-Engine. Enthalten sind die Karten Heat, Lake, Mayhem, Ruin, Seaside Skirmish, Smack Village, Woodlands, von denen einige in verschiedenen Versionen (Nacht- und Winterkarten) vorliegen.

Download und Installation

Nach dem Download entpackt ihr den im Archiv enthaltene Ordner (zum entpacken WinRAR oder die Freeware 7Zip nutzen) ins Modverzeichnis von Battlefield 2 (Battlefield 2/mods). Um Battlefield Heroes 2 direkt zu starten, macht ihr zudem noch folgendes: ihr kopiert eure BF2-Verknüpfung und fügt diese auf dem Desktop wieder ein. Danach fügt ihr im Feld "Ziel" (Rechtsklick -> Eigeschaften) am Ende folgenden Parameter ein +modPath mods/bfheroes


  1. Most maps look identicle to BFheroes due to the engines being similar. The lighting in perticular as the BF1942 can never be made to look exactly like BFHeroes had things looking.

  2. Ports over most of the maps. Only maps really missing from this are a few winter maps. the snow fx (aka weather) doesn't seem to work well in BF2 at all and BFHeroes/BF2142 weather system does not function in BF2. So I did not bother to port over any more winter maps.

  3. Riverside Nights now has the enhanced lightmaps I made for the BF1942 version of the map but the lightsources now have the correct color. BF1942 had a limitation in how things were lit and all light sources can only have a single color gradient in BF1942 where as BF2 does it via coding somewhat and allows more flexibility.

  4. Full singleplayer support in all maps.

  5. No significant HUD changes yet.

  6. None of the handweapons have been ported yet.

  7. Has custom menu background, loading screen backgrounds, and of coarse the BFheroes theme music and such.

  8. Has a few mario kart maps and my first custom BF2 vehicle, the toad kart from Mario Kart Double Dash. I may split this off into a separate mod in the future.

  9. The Mario kart maps will not have bots and never will for obvious reasons. (Unless you found how to make bots race instead of kill each other. tongue.gif )

  10. Koopa shell projectile has not been finalized or enabled for use in the mod as I could not get it to behave correctly in BF2. (in BF1942, it bounced around correctly and didn't slow down too much, but BF2's damage system causes the shell to slow down when it encounters differen't materials and it stalls in most places making it useless. Due to how BF2 does the damage system, friction settings can't be changed in relation to this as it would effect friction of other objects as well. BF1942 didn't really have this problem.)


  1. Dnamro, for his assistance and co-work on the mod.
  2. Clivewil, for his input on AI related bugs.
  3. Void, for his ESAI system which he kindly made available to the community.
  4. Void, for additional tweaks and AI changes for the xpack heli's used also done by.
  5. Void, for fixing up the new vehicles and adding AI to them.
  6. BF2all64, for the tweak files to the two xpack choppers used in the mod.
  7. Apache Thunder for building the mod and navMeshing work. :D
Dateigröße 712MB
Veröffentlicht 10.04.2011
Downloads 5623
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