Attack on Pearl Harbor

Hamentsios 10 .

---My previous maps for bf 42...
1:Tiger Ace v1
2:Makin Atoll
3:Attack on Pearl Harbor!

This is Attack on pearl harbor map.
I think it's the most worked map of my and you will like it.
I am the first person who makes a pearl harbor map for bf1942 so its a good start at my opinion.

{------A: Known mini-bugs------}
1.some ships might float a few meters above sea.
2.At start all zeros will stop 100meters before land to fight the planes witch come from air carrier.
3. Meany planes will crush eatch other in air but i think that this will look cool.
4. Marines do not move a lot.

{-----B:Best ways to play--------}
---As american.---
1.Get an SBD palne and dogfight.
2.Enter big ship's(i forgot the name)seat 4 aa and smash some zeroes
---As jap.---
1.dogfight enemy planes.
2. "bombard" enemy ships.
3.Seartch for enemy LMV (whatever that means i mean small boats) and shoot or bomb them.
4.Seartch for stopped marines and shoot them.

well v 2 will not apear cos i think we can have good time as map is.
enjoy this good map.........!!!


Dateigröße 7MB
Hamentsios 10
Veröffentlicht 26.07.2011
Downloads 12162
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