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Galactic Conquest - Client v0.5 Full Installer

Galactic Conquest Release 5:

Space Rockets do heavy damage to Capital Ships but have very short range.
Ion cannons fire for the first fraction of overheat and do damage to cap ships.

*Used as a mobile spawn fortress for the rebels. Very tough, very big.

-I3 Satellites
*3-man space defense turrets. Used to defend capture points on Vanguard.

Repair craft for Taskforce. Can repair capital ships very quickly. (Pilot)
Has two defensive turrets for fighter protection.

A mobile spawn, has 6 crew positions. Pilot, Copilot, door operation, and
three passengers.
Crew 5 and 6 exit to ground level.
*Armor is to strong for normal blasters- use harpoons and the heavy AV turrets.

*3 seat landspeeder, with a tail gun added for extra fun!

-Sentry Droid
*Imperial scout droid that can call in artillery.

-TieBomber_V Variant
*On Vanguard, the Tie Bomber comes with rockets rather than bombs.

-GC_Vanguard - Space Conquest.

-GC_Kryos - Conquest.

-GC_Corellia - Conquest.

-GC_Mos_Eisley - Urban Conquest.

-GC_BonusRace ? Special Race map for those who enjoy something different! (Note: Server admins should not have this in a standard rotation.)

-GC Mini's ? 6 maps designed special for 4v4 up to 8v8 matches. Should not be in normal 32 player server rotations. Great for clan battles!

-Upper boundary added for all space maps. Capital ships can no longer leave the battle area.

-Rate of Fire on Lancer laser turrets increased.

-Concussion Missile Damage Increased.

-Sailbarge Side guns changed from light laser to medium laser class. A fully crewed barge can now defend itself from any air threat.

-Sailbarge no longer acts as a mobile spawn point linked to Jabba's palace.

-Fixed bugs with some objects not appearing quick enough at long range.

-Fixed bug with health not showing up while using the TL-21

-Tank armor class is now much stronger vs collisions. You won't blow up sliding into rocks as easy.

-Visual update to the E-Web Landspeeder model.

-Many new thumbnails for the client map selections.

-Smoke grenade now casts a different color smoke.

-ATST-V and ImpTrolley now both take water damage.

-Exit position on Echo Trolley moved, you now exit inside the trolley.

-Scout Camouflage tent is now better blended for every map.

-Removed response physics on Judicator Lifts, they should stay on track better.

-Drastically reduced the speed at which droids self-repair, increased their health from 15 to 30.

-Loaders Adjusted on several maps to provide briefing for objectives.

-New "Flag" capture Icons for the mini map!

-E-11 scope adjusted for smaller dot.

-Medics can no longer heal as much at one time, before having to rest.

-Scout sprint recharge speed reduced.

-Fixed a collision bug allowing vehicles to ramp onto the Mon-Cal domes and fall through.

-Standard Gunship rocket complement reduced from 16 to 8. (The full version)

-Rebel Tank top speed increased. (T3B & T3B-A)

-New Wrecks for Gunship and T3B.

-Fixed the Canyon stairs from killing people so easy.

-Fixed ramp on Waveskimmer from killing people so easy.

-New Falcon model- Internal detail increased! New textures!

-Landspeeder has new drive physics.

-Carrack: Fixed a bug where as the Carrack could raise and lower 10 times faster than other ships.

-Bug fixed on Judicator, where Imperials could shoot out the hanger windows.

-New Escape Pod Interior!

-Snow Speeder: New harpoon-like weapon on the snow speeder rear gun. Has a short range, long reload, and limited ammo. Does heavy damage to the ATAT however. Pilots will have to work with their gunners for aiming.

-Engineer's repair pool reduced slightly.

-Escape pods now pitch slightly better.

-Fixed a problem with exiting the cloud car.

-Icons for health and armor now show % numbers! Much better!

-New Low Poly distance LOD on the Ewing.

-Assault Tank Collisions re-optimized.

-Various Bespin building hacks fixes.

-You can no longer switch seats from the pilot controls on the Snow-speeder.

-Fixed a bug in the Neb-B allowing craft to fly inside it.

-Fixed echo base exploit.

-New TIE Cockpit!

-Added 2 Imperial ATAT?s.
-Added new artwork, Rebel Transport Shuttle.
-Tie Bomber Removed.
-Shield generator flag cannot be taken until shield is destroyed.
-There is now a second trench flag.
-Empire tickets raised by 20 to account for slow ATAT speed.
-Added Ladders to the two trench flag areas.
-The Shuttle/X-Wing spawn on Hoth now has an ammo reload point for speeders.
-Snow Speeders are now Rebel only- Capturing Echo is it's own reward.
-ATST's are now imperial only.

- Major Overhaul to the whole map. New vehicles, capture points.

-GAIN135 Added to the map.
-Scout Trooper is now the imperial skin.
-Added Heavy Weapon Kits.
-Tickets reduced from 215/200 to 200/180.
-Two eweb-Tripods added.

-Sentry Droid added to Dantooine at Imperial base. Just calls artillery. (check for droid spawn crashes)
-Normal Landspeeder removed in favor of GAIN.

-All new lightmaps and time of day changed to sunset!
-New geometry and cover for the flag capture points.
-Two new flags, outside the city proper.
-Ticket rate adjustments.

-Light settings, water color, water reflection all set for night time feel.
-Moved and added a few Pads, Tower, and boxes for more cover and less swimming.
-Ticket Bleed set so the team with 3 flags bleeds the other.
-New sound effects.

-Major overhaul, new Vehicle replacements.

-Heavy Weapon kits added to the map.
-Tickets reduced from 200/200 to 120/120, drain increased for shorter but more intense rounds.

-YT600 added. 2 for each team.

Dateigröße 865MB
Veröffentlicht 02.05.2007
Downloads 42638
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