Rheinmetall Panzer

---------------- R H E I N M E T A L L P A N Z E R ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------

Custom map for "Battlefield 1942"
COOP & Multimods Supported


Use the "browse" button to select your "Battlefield 1942" folder default Path=C:\Program Files\EA Games\Battlefield 1942


-Night raid by the British S.A.S. on a fictive PanzerIV facility.
-6 capturables flags
-2 drivables panzer spawns.
-Tanks can't get out of the factory.
-Many MG42s and German kits spawns inside.


This is it , the war is near over. But to help our units on
the ground , we need you on this final mission.
A spy infiltrated a facility near Kiel , but diseappears after
his first week in .... Hopefully we founded some pictures and
a map of the facility in his cache...

Your mission, is to use any means at your disposition to
take control of this facility and stop the panzers to be
built and shipped.

This mission is top-secret and a priority one order !!!!

Mods Supported

mod version tested

bf1942 1.6 / 1.61
Xpack1 1.6 / 1.61
Xpack2 1.6 / 1.61
Forgotten Hope 0.66
Battlegroup42 1.1
Experience_WWII 2.4
bf1918 1.51
the great war 0.14
Desert combat 0.7
DC_Final 0.8
DC_realism 0.81
DC_Extended 0.81
21st Century Warfare 1.75
Eve of Destruction 0.31
Conflict in Somalia 0.3
SilentHeroes 0.48
DeadCities 0.135
Surreal 0.017
Wasteland2042X 0.1.1
GCX 0.5b


Map by: Rouspov ---> Rouspov@hotmail.com
Assisted by: Blackhawk ---> blackhawk_studios@hotmail.com
In this map i used : ATOM BOMBS german elite uniform and some sounds from Call of Duty
All my thanks to FourCentsShy and his very cool map ; pity Multimods

Dateigröße 13MB
Veröffentlicht 20.04.2005
Downloads 4326
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