Fields of the Fallen

created by:

LoÜ Cipher------[304]------Great Scott

This is the first of many [304] maps, and it's just me and Scott so it takes a while.

Install by placing the "304 Fields of the Fallen.rfa" in your Battlefield 1942 levels folder.

Level Description
Playable modes: Conquest / Capture the Flag / Team Deathmatch

Seven Flags:
The Church / The Creek / The Mound / The Graveyard / The Farm / The Pond / and The Windmill.

You can Capture all 7 flags.
Tickets start to drop when 4 flags are taken.
Allied / America start at The Windmill.
Axis / Germany start at The Church.
Great spots for intense play, and great views for snipers.
Nice Tree Stands with Mounted guns.
Rafts / Motorcycles / Jeeps.
Health and Ammo box sets at the Church / Creek / Farm / Graveyard / Windmill and One set
sunk in the creek near the stairs and rafts at the Church end.
Parachute Spawns when "The Mound" is taken.

note: In CTF mode The Windmill and The Chuch are the Capturable Flags, but the others can be taken for spawn points.

This map has taken awhile. We hope you like it, and there are more maps on the way. Including The Sickest Plane Map Ever!!! [304]-Pilot School.

*Any questions/comments:


[304]-LoÜ-Cipher Aim: DJ E2daB
[304]-Great-Scott Aim: Scottallica7

Dateigröße 14MB
LoÜ Cipher------[304]------Great Scott
Veröffentlicht 20.04.2005
Downloads 1647
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