Bonez Combat

This is a sample of a mod called BonezCombat for Battlefield contains 3 maps and some custom content
(mostly standard models are used but we are working on alot more custom content in 3ds max 6 )
also took out the m60 in the m60/law combo its now a shotgun/law combo;)

then i had a idear to make a simple intro useing bfv models imported into max;) well i thought it was cool:p

we should finish the mod by the start of april but i dont know weather to wait till thay update battlecraft vietnam before i release it
so that we can generate object lightmaps. thats what i think is stoping alot of good mods from being released:(
so thats why im giving this sample mod to you now. so you can play and comment on it;)

thx to [EA]Zerk for the Hanoi map.

the BonezCombat shortcut can be put anywhere / or left there.

any sergestions or questions email me at

anyway stay tuned for lots more.this is bonez from the Bonez,Team. signing out.

Dateigröße 73MB
Bonez Combat Team
Veröffentlicht 28.08.2006
Downloads 9833
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