Operation Shellshock

This Map is a realistically balanced game world. The basic structure contains 5 neutral bases
as well as the 2 headquarters. The fact captures-points are respectively almost separated from
a partly broad river. One of the neutral bases is on an island in the middle of the Map and
therefore it is a strategically valuable fight point.

Now the facts:
- Map with realistic game conditions
- balanced fleet of vehicles
- team-ballance working well
- The expenditure of work up to the ready Map was approximately 120 hours
- good Vietnam atmosphere (plays in the dusk)
- contains Jungle Ambient-Sounds
- best Play-Conditions at least" 8 vs. 8 and higher up to 16 vs. 16
- Custom Loadscreen + Minimap + Thumbnailscreen
- The Map runs like the other Original-Maps (performance)
- Bug-Free
- To play it on your Linux-Server, rename the map in lower-cases (Kleinbuchstaben)

Dateigröße 19MB
Veröffentlicht 16.11.2006
Downloads 2759
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