
Readme File:
Map Name: Riverbend
Map created by (1VB)Hunter of 1st Veterans Battalion
E-mail: wrr4615@comcast.net

This map works in Conquest, Co-op, and Single Player mode.

Description: This map is a jungle map with thick fog. It will support a ground war as well as a helicopter air war. There are seven control points including a main base for each side. You must control 3 out of 5 control points, plus your main base to force a ticket bleed. Also each side has a ZSU and a portable spawn point.

Loading Screen graphic is from an original artwork by Norm Bergsma. This graphic is copyrighted and cannot be used anywhere else without Norm's permission. You can visit his site at http://www.incountryart.com.

Bot support added with Botinator v0.5.

Finally, feel free to visit 1st Veterans Battalion at http://www.1st-vets.us. We are a group of active and retired Veterans from all over the world.

Extract the map file named Riverbend.rfa to your battlefield Vietnam levels folder. The default location is C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield VietnamModsBfVietnamArchivesBfVietnamLevels

This map has been thoroughly tested and works very well. If you should happen to find a problem, feel free to contact me with a thorough description of the issue.

Dateigröße 7MB
(1VB)Hunter of 1st Veterans Battalion
Veröffentlicht 14.05.2005
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