Battlefield Heroes für BF 1942 - v4.0 Client (Non-installer)
Changes in v4.0:
1. Fixed broken network info for the cannon turret for the bri_boat_elin vehicle.
2. Replaced footstep sounds with BFH ones.
3. Fixed a spawn bug on Alpine Assault that would cause someone to spawn at the wrong flag. A spawnpoint for Wood Camp was linked to the wrong spawn group.
4. Simplified mod version text in main menu. (displayed at bottom right corner)
5. Offset mod version text to the left 10+ pixals to make it line up with the background better.
6. Updated Coastal Clash Winter lightmaps to the new DDS standard.
7. Generated a new minimap for Riverside Rush Nights and Victory Village Nights.
8. Added new AiBehaviors file to improve AI. Tweaks courtesy of Dnamro from BFSP forums.
9. Ported a ton of new statics for use in the new map: Lunar Landing.
10. Ported Lunar Landing and new skydome.
11. Created modified digger tank meshes that are added to tanks on Lunar Landing.
12. Alternate space textures for tanks and jeeps.
13. Made a "Day 2" version of Lunar Landing that features jeeps and tanks and expanded combat area.
Change log for v3.0:
1. Added new winter ambiance to non night winter maps.
2. Added new maps: Wicked Wake and Perilous Port.
3. Added more static objects. (for use in Wicked Wake and possible future maps)
4. Added new ambient sound effects for Wicked Wake and Royal Rumble.
5. Added invisible weapon to Soccer Ball widget that will allow players to "kick" the ball by right clicking while aiming at it (with the Soccer Ball widget equipped that is).
6. Re-did most lightmaps for most maps. Now uses DDS format lightmaps with better lighting to look more like BFH.
7. Re-sized level thumbnail frame and level thumbnail. Level thumbnails regenerated for all maps to account for this change.
8. Major retweak of damage system for all weapons.
9. Redid lightcone mesh of the lighthouse on night maps.
10. Added new boat vehicles for both teams on Wicked Wake. A converted LVCP (skins courtasy of Christhian from GFMod dev team) for small transport and a converted version of the boats from Perilous Port for use as mobile base spawns.
11. Flags on fishing boat vehicle (for Royal team only) have been animated to sway in the wind. Big Grin
12. Improved detail in water textures. Added some small random pixal noise to the watertemp texture and saved it as two different textures. (each with a different pattern). This will allow me to turn on water layer scrolling and it adds more definition to the water without losing the cartoony look of the water. ;D
13. Added alternate uniform colors for body and legs. Will be randomized in manner similar to customization items.
14. Added new CTF Flags and flagbase from new BFH CTF mode recently added to the real game.
15. New boat vehicles will now have cannons mounted on a modified mesh copied from the AA stationary weapon.
16. Added Winter conversion of Perilous Port. Added custom made ice mesh to have part of the water frozen over for a unique gameplay element.
17. Added updated CTF game-mode sound effects for capture flag events.
18. Fixed missing child object CTD on new soldier templates for Midnight Mayhem.
19. Added LCVP as transport boats in CTF/TDM/Conquest modes for Wicked Wake. (LCVPs will NOT be available in singleplayer!)
20. Ported M249 and PKM as stationary weapons for the LCVP and the gunner position of the tanks. New sound effects for this weapon also ported over.
Changes in v2.5
1. Updated ContentCRC32.
2. Disabled Prone. As a side affect, bots are more aggressive now.
3. Made small tweaks to AI behavior wieghts.
4. Added winter version of Midnight Mayhem.
5. Reload animations for RPGs finally fixed. The rocket now shows properly in the soldier's left hand during reload.
6. Corrected crosshair for planes. Planes now use the correct crosshair that was used in the real game.
7. More HUD changes. Changed minimap frame, weapon bar appearence, vehicle health icon position, etc.
8. Ball widget moved to commando kits. Wrench added to Soldier class.
9. Invisible tracers added to rapid fire weapons to reduce lag. (Bullet Flyby sound effect moved to the tracer templates)
10. Re-animated the creek texture to make it more smooth.
11. Altered JetPack behavior to function more like the BFH jetpacks.
12. Changed sound effects for the Jetpack to use the BFH ones.
13. Redid minimap of Riverside Rush.
14. Redid minimap for Riverside Rush Nights and hand edited lightmaps to improve uniformity of lit windows.
15. Added night conversion of Alpine Assault.
16. Added winter conversion of Midnight Mayhem.
17. Edited lightmaps of Victory Village Nights to make the windows more uniformly lit.
Changes in v2.0:
1. Updated ContentCRC32.
2. Added two new winter maps.
3. Added two new ambient effects. The Christmas lights used in BFH.
4. Modified Snow FX for winter maps. (specifically, modified the e_HeavySnow effect)
5. Updated Battlecraft files (will be released separately)
6. Added winter versions of most house buildings with Christmas lights added via random geometry code.
7. Added Winter alternate texture path in Textures RFA.
8. Regenerated lightmaps and redid lightmap palette for Victory Village Nights. Shouldn't be too dark now. :D
9. Made some corrections to various AI coding on maps.
10. Redid all skydome meshes.
11. Added Night conversion of Riverside Rush.
12. Finally ported over BFH Soldier meshes. (they are the older closed beta ones though)
13. Completely overhauled Kits. Customization items like backpacks, belt items, and such will all be rigged to the soldier skeleton and addTemplated to the soldier instead of the kits.
14. RippinRocket and TurboJet kits will have separate soldier meshes with limited selection of items to prevent conflicts.
15. All kits no longer have kit parts. Instead they will be addtemplated to the soldier via random geometry code. The main benefit is they will remain on the soldier after death.
16. Added many more customization items to go with the new soldiers. Parrot and Monkey pets also ported. :D
17. Fixed StrategicAreas for all maps. Should help bots cap flags better.
Changes in v1.9:
1. Updated ContentCRC32
2. Updated version string shown in main menu.
3. Fixed Ai for grenades/grenade spam/Kegs. Bots should now use these weapons more.
4. Fixed coding on ejected shell for sniper rifles. 3p shell casing remains on the map infinitly. It is supposed to disappear after 10 seconds like the rest of the shell effects.
5. Added RemoveAtRestart code to all scrap pieces. They will no longer remain on the map after a round ends/restarts.
6. Tweaked AA projectile so it will detonate near aircraft more often.
7. Lowered sound radius of Troop Trap beeps. Should be less annoying when multiple TT are in one area. :P
8. Added night conversion of Victory Village. Also has new weather FX. (rain with lightning).
9. Added scrolling clouds effect for night conversion of Victory Village.
10. New stormy ambient sound for Victory Village Nights.
11. Added Alpine Assault map to the mod. :D
12. 12 new objects ported for use in the new Alpine Assault map.
13. Added autumn texture alternate path for Riverside Rush. Some buildings use the autumn textures for this map now.
14. Added new woodland textures as woodland alternate path for a couple buildings used in Alpine Assault.
15. Increased damage a tad on all handweapons vs soldiers.
Changes in v1.8:
1. Mod no longer at beta stage.
2. Various menu changes/additions.3. Soccer ball widget added to Soldier class kits.
4. Dapper weapons ported. Random geometry code used so normal weapons will appear as Dapper versions from time to time.
5. Fixed a few bugs.
6. Tweaked damage system and included the ball in the damage system. Enabled it to bounce and stuff. :D
7. Added mod version number at bottom right corner of screen when in the main menu.
8. Modified menu background a bit.
9. New animation added to Profile menu when mod is first started.
10. Play Now button added to SinglePlayer menu and the Internet/Local menus.
11. Removed Play Intro button.
12. Removed Campaign button. Campaign mode has been removed from mod as support for it is not planned.
13. Changed tank turret icon to look more BFheroes like. :D
14. Removed Radio from ingame hud and moved tickitbar to center of screen.
15. Altered lighting on all maps to make them look closer to the real game.
16. Altered lighting on Sunset Showdown to make it look closer to the real game.
17. Added new start up logo animation. EA logo appears then a shatter effect with a window braking sound. The EA failed logo is then presented. :D
18. Nerfed tank vs soldier damage a bit.
19. New Installer.
20. Ported additional effects and redone the chimney smoke effect. Fire Flies effect and sea wake effects ported successfully!
21. Additional undergrowth objects added to maps. Now added some green grass and some yellow leaves for RiverSide rush. 22. Ported engine exhaust effects for jeeps and vehicles.
23. Added floaters to jeep wreck pieces and a separete effect bundle for them when in water.
24. Disabled vanilla BF42 maps with lexicon edits. None of the vanilla maps clutter up the map list anymore. (except aberdeen which shows up as blank)
25. Ported water fall effects for Buccaneer Bay.
26. Added new font: Century Gothic. Replaced many fonts ingame and in load menu with new font.
27. Restored original MedPack behavior. (may change back if players decide they don't like it)
28. Made new HUD image for the reload bar displayed when the medpack is used.
29. Used lower detail COL02 meshes on the tanks. Should help reduce lag a bit.
30. Added contentCrc32 file for content checking. (however have not tested if this works)
Changes in v1.76b:
1. Fixed lod issue with Royal Soldier head.
2. Added lower detail lods to all vehicles.
3. Lowered Torque and differential of Jeeps. Also lowered speed mod a bit.
4. Plane/Jeep windows now use the texture from BFHeroes.
Changes in v1.75b:
1. Fixed singleplayer CTDs when using jetpacks in skirmish mode. (pure singleplayer)
2. tweaked damage system for grenades and grenade spam a bit.
3. Fixed rocket lights on Midnight Mayham for SinglePlayer/COOP. Forgot to update the files. :P
Changes in v1.7b:
1. Fixed missing steering wheel of National jeep.
2. Delayed time it takes for Troop Traps to detonate from a enemy soldier. Should cut down on Troop Traps detonating too early if a enemy approaches it from a corner or angle that would other wise block the explosion on approach.
3. Nurfed Troop Trap damage vs soldiers. They were getting one hit kills. I forgot to update the damage system for the TT when I lowerd soldier HP a bit.
4. Tweaked 1p Parachute. Now starts in idle animation instead of open animation so as not to block 1p view as much when first opened. 3P Parachute unchanged.
5. Altered rotation on one of the soldier arm skeleton bones. When test spawning a empty soldier, the left lower arm and hand had too much rotation causing mesh distortion. Does not effect gameplay due to animations overriding the start position of the skeleton, but this could be an issue if a new mesh was rigged onto this skeleton if this was not corrected.
Changes in v1.6b:
1. New map: Midnight Mayham
2. New statics for new map ported.
3. New vehicle: V2 Rocket. Not currently on the map as a PCO right now though.
4. New kits. The Turbo Jet and Rippin Rocket kits! Featuring the first converted customization items ported to this mod. Midnight Mayham has 3 kit spawns for each team.
5. Jetpacks now available for use on any map via server side mods. Expansion Packs NOT required!
6. Menu HUD changes. New rocket pack fual icon.
Changes in v1.65b:
1. Fixed the lights on the rocket in Midnight Mayham so that they now change colors depending on which team caps the rocket. White is neutral, blue is Royals, and red is Nationals.
2. Added active suspension to Royal Tank. The little arm things that the wheels connect to now move with the wheels like in real life.
3. Redid collision meshes on a few vehicles and the boatwreck object. Found a tool that can import collision meshes! Any new objects parted over will now be using the collision meshes that were made in the real BFHeroes game!
4. Released updated server files. (available via a seperate download from the client installer)
Known Issues:
1. Handweapons do not reload if you don't have them active. This is a limitation of the game engine and thus this aspect of BFheroes can never recreated.
2. COOP mode will crash dedicated servers upon load. I have not found why and this will probably never be fixed. However singleplayer works fine and COOP mode via ingame server works fine as well.
3. Trees don't look that great, but because the BFheroes trees use on average 60+ sprites per tree, there is no way of using them without major game lag. Thus the a lower detail lod mesh was used for the leaves. The trees will take on the appearence of trees in the real game when the real game is on Low or Super Low graphics modes.
4. Currently spawning at the Orchard and GaurdPost control points in Victory Village is disabled. Have not yet found a way of limiting Orchard to Royal spawn only and visa versa for the other one.
However spawning can be reenabled at the server admin's discretion.
Changes in v1.5b:
1. Added 2 new maps: Coastal Clash Nights and Buccaneer Bay Nights!
2. Added CTF mode to all maps.
3. New flag mesh. Flag is now the correct size in preportion to the flag pole whem compared to the real game. Flag still uses the same animations. However they were modified to work propery with the new mesh. Dynamic shadows appear better for the new flags as a result.
4. Added mini flag pole to CTF flag. When dropped onto the ground it now has a pole of it's own. The pole is hidden inside the larger pole when the flag is on the main flag pole.
5. Added new global ambient sound for the two new night maps.
6. Reduced hieght and added a bit of rotation to the Church Square control poing in Victory Village.
Changes in v1.4b:
1. New map: Seaside Skirmish Nights!
2. New COL02 meshes for the jeeps. Reduced lag especially in singleplayer.
3. Lowered brightness of tree leaf textures. Trees aren't overly bright anymore.
4. Tweaks to the springs on the Royal Jeep. This solved the issue of the jeep being eay to flip.
5. Fixed visible soldier seats on planes. Soldiers in driver seat should be visible now.
6. Added window glow objects and a new light effect for light posts for the new night map(s).
7. Added new ambient sounds for use with the night maps.
8. Fixed multiplayer related radio/soldier sound issue for good this time.
9. Small tweak to speedmod for planes.
10. Tweaked chimney smoke effect.
11. Added new ambient sound for the lighthouse. The night version now mostly matches the real one.
12. Light map samples files now packed as standardMesh_001.rfa and included with the mod.
Changes in v1.3b:
1. Added two more maps: Buccaneer Bay and Sunset Showdown!
2. Fixed alpha bug in church building texture.
3. Ported new static object. Small stairs object introduced in Sunset Showdown.
4. Made tweaks to AI on most levels.
5. Fixed center of mass on jeeps. They shouldn't flip as easy now.
6. Fixed bug with death/radio sounds during network play.
7. Made low res textures for the M2 meshes on all the vehicles.
8. Fixed M2 meshes on the tanks. Dissappearing turrets should no longer occur.
9. Added new effect: ambstat_chimneysmoke. Since all ambient effect positiosn were left in the map, the new effect shows up in the right places on all maps!
10. Updated skydome for Seaside Skirmish.
11. New parachute behavior! Parachute no longer spins in place and rotates slowly instead. Just like in the real game!
12. New Parachute Mesh! Parachute ported from BFHeroes. Complete with new skeleton and animations!
13. Main wreck effect now spawned as a separate object on all land vehicles just like the planes. This cuts down on the time the PCOs spend on the map after death ten fold. (means less server lag)
Changes in v1.2b:
1. Added 5 new vehicles! Royal/National Tanks, the planes, and the statoinary AA finished!
2. Added 1 new map: Seaside Skirmish!
3. Fixed more bugs.
4. More tweaks to damage system.
5. Updated lexicon for new vehicles.
6. Added camera shake to RPGs.
7. Reduced crosshair size. It was kinda big compared to the real game.
Changes in v1.1b:
1. 2 new maps! Coastal Clash and Riverside Rush!
2. Jeeps now float in water. But will take damage from doing so!
3. Keg projectile floats in water now!
4. Dedicated server CTDs with coop mode now fixed!
5. Death boxes added to all buildings! If you try to glitch into one, you will die instantly!
6. AI for Victory Village tweaked a bit.
7. Medkit reload behaiver changed for now.
8. Damage system tweaked.
9. Buffed grenades/grenade spam.
10. Buffed pistols.
11. Buffed SMG.
12. Extended time that some ground decals stick around.
13. Projectile trail for sniper has delay on it now. Doesn't obstruct sniper's vision as much.
14. Shrunk the size of the trail for grenades/grenade spam.
15. Primary water damage disabled on jeeps. However if you get deep enough for it to float, it will then take damage.
Changes in v1.0b:
1. Complete conversion of Victory Village
2. Conversion of all basic handweapons including a few abilities.
3. The following abilities are available: Keg (Gunner), Grenade Spam (Soldier), Troop Trap(Commando), and the medkit(soldier).
4. All three classes are available: Gunner, SOldier, and Commando.
5. Two vehicles. The Royal and National Jeeps.
6. Sound effects. Most sound effects like gun firing, death screams, and explosions have been ported.
7. Menu/HUD changes. Loading screen has been arranged to look like the original game and HUD changes like new crosshair and health/ammo bars.
8. All weapons have unlimited ammo.
9. TNT is actually sticky like it is in the real game!
10. Some effects were created to look like the original, however it is not exact.
11. New ground decal effects. RPGs, Kegs, and vehicle death explosions now leave a nice dark spot on the terrain where the explosion occured.
12. Bullets leave behind smaller version of the decal mentioned above.
13. Troop Traps use my APMine system originally created for the DC Unauthorized mod.
14. Sniper rifles are the only weapon you can use zoom on.
15. Sniper Rifle scope HUD also ported.
16. Victory Village has fully functional singleplayer.
17. No other mod is needed to run this mod. Just vanilla BF1942 is all you need!
Dateiname | bfheroes_v4_client.rar |
Dateigröße | 1255MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 12.09.2012 |
Downloads | 1758 |