BF2 Enhanced Edition - V 0.5 Client & Server

Battlefield 2 Enhanced Edition widmet sich den Einstellungen im Spiel. Alle bleibt, wie es ist, lediglich die vorhandenen Features werden angepasst. Es wird blut hinzugefügt, Waffen verstärkt und andere abgeschwächt. Die bisherigen Veränderungen könnt ihr im Changelog nachsehen.

Die Mod ist sehr klein und greift als Ressource auf die vorhandenen Maps zurück. Die Installation ist deshalb für Clients und Server dieselbe. Die Mod wird installiert, danach werden die vorhandenen BF2-Level über eine .bat Datei ins Level-Verzeichnis der Mod kopiert. Dieser Vorgang kann auch manuell erledigt werden.

Bisherige Änderungen
[Quelle BF2 -EE Website

How to install
1.Run installer to install to \battlefield 2\ folder
2.In \Battlefield 2\mods\bf2ee\Level\ run copylevels.bat file
3.Load select community>custom game>bf2ee>activate, or run the supplyed shortcut.
4.The game should reload and the mod will be active.

Beta 0.4
-Increased damage of anti-tank secondary shotgun
-Increased damage of anti-tank rockets
-Vehicle Wrecks last longer and dont do splash damage to provide cover
-Increased Grenade launcher damage
-Added danger icon when in grenade range
-tweaked handgrenades, more damage, smaller blast radius
-Tweaked at-mines for longer life
-Speed up sniper rifle bullets
-Adjusted anti-air vehicles y-axis rotation
-Increased time between artilery strikes
-Tweaked artillery fire
-Added shortcut/bat file to launch mod externally
-Reduced rate of fire to tank driver machine guns

Beta 0.3
-Added Installer
-Reduced radius damage of apc's slightly
-increased m4 accuracy slighly when prone
-Tweaked artillery
-Increased damage of grenade launchers
-Increased accuracy of A-T submachineguns
-Reduced damage of landmines
-Tweaked heavy machinegun accuracy
-Reduced grenade throw distance slighly
-Increased singleplayer ticket count to 400
-Increased supply drop life time
-Fixed chopper splash damage on machinegun and put it on missile
-Increased shotgun accuracy and reduced number of projectiles

Beta 0.2
-Increased c4 damage and allowed while sprinting
-Increased grenade damage and radius
-Increased Barret Sniper damage
-Stamina increases at faster rate
-Chopper damage radius increased
-Increased tank damage radius
-Removed Intro videos
-Turned off voice help
-Increased bots from 16 to 20 for singleplayer games
-Increase grenade throw range
-Allowed grenade to be used while sprinting
-Allowed wrench to be used while sprinting after vehicles
-Optimised mod size removing unused files

Beta 0.1
-Added Blood
-Increased rocket damage
-Increased support machinegun accuracy when prone
-Increased sniper accuracy when prone
-Increased handgrenade damage

Weapon List

Heavy MG[support]

type 85

grenade launchers[assault]

sniper rifles[sniper]
m95 Barret
type 88

Q. Where are the levels, there are none showing up?
A. In the battleifled2\mods\bf2ee\levels folder is a copylevels.bat, run that file
to copy the levels in.

Q. Can I run this if the server does not have it installed?
A. No, the server has to have the mod installed and activated before you can join

Q. Does this work with singleplayer, multiplayer and coop?
A. Yes it works fine with all of them.

Dateigröße 1MB
BF2 EE Team
Veröffentlicht 02.05.2007
Downloads 3854
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