Operation Tandem Thrust (2.0)

"Operation Tandem Thrust" is a map for Desert Combat. It is a large map with a wide selection of hardware, and wide open plains for tank battles, while attack helicopters, the fighter jets, the AC130 and snipers certainly won't be unemployed either. Also the small village in the north should make for some great close in fighting. There are 4 capturable bases and 2 uncapturable bases.

This is a bug fix of the original Operation Tandem Thrust. Fixes are:

US Jets moved out of Hangar onto the runway. Blackhawk moved elsewhere.
Invisible Collision Meshes on fences around the Factory have been fixed.
Desert Combat Helmet icon added to menu.
Thumbnail.dds fixes so there is no black tag under it.
**game.setMAPId fixed.
**Special Thanks to "Koops" for a lot of those fixes.**


Dateigröße 34MB
Veröffentlicht 24.11.2005
Downloads 2794
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