Battlefield 2 Experience v0.66
Battlefield Experience (BF:E) .066
New Parachute
M16/M203 Alteration
M16 Alteration
M4 Alteration
M1A2 Tank Alteration
WCP for blood effect
BFEE for mod folder
Garrison for getting the sounds to play right
Cerro for the new shortcut icon
The team:
Frosty - Mod leader, coder
Garrison - modeller/coder and advisory
Joe Joe - Moddeler and dude who knows comp stuff
MikeAP - Sound effects/weapon sounds
Sniper - Advisory
Extract to your battlefield 2/mods/ folder, and then run bfecopylevels.BAT in the levels folder (/mods/bfe.06/levels/). DELETE YOUR OLD BFE MOD FOLDER
Special thanks:
[WTF]Slave for realism information and suggestions, and for that kickass banner that owns your mom
CTD - Tiwaz for helping me test after the crashes
Cerro for helping me test after crashes
Download .066 here
version 0.01
- Changed US and MEC weapons to real life velocity
- Changed US and MEC weapons recoil to be more realistic
- Changed US and MEC weapons damages to be more realistic
- Decreased jump height
- Added manual reload to M1 tank (auto-reload cancels)
- Increased M1 hit points
- Increased M1 projectile damage, reduced impact shock
- Increased M1 acceleration time, increased time between gear changes
- Decreased T90 hit points
- Increased T90 projectile velocity
- Decreased mass of RHIB?s
- Removed rotor blur from H-60 and AH-1
- Increased time of smoke effect after Missiles and Tank rounds
- Decreased C4 damage and explosion impact
- Increased AT mine life and damage
Increased claymore trigger cone, decreased explosion force
version 0.02
- Increased mass of players
- Increased jump height from previous version
- Increased sprint time
- Increased stamina regeneration time
- Added 5 hit points to ?Heavy Player Class?
- Changed player deceleration time to simulate inertia
- Removed parachutes from all but special forces kit
- Tweaked performance of parachutes
- Changed Chinese weapons to Real Life Velocity
- Changed Chinese weapons recoil to be more realistic
- Changed Chinese weapons damages to be more realistic
- Decreased Type95 magazine to 75 rounds
- Decreased RPK-74 magazine to 75 rounds
- Increased volume of guns in 3rd person
- Tank/Aircraft exhaust smoke last longer and generates longer
- Reduce amount of AT ammo carried by AT class
- Increased damage and velocity of AT rockets
- Increased grenade damage but decreased damage area
- Reduced velocity of m203 rounds
- Fixed issue with M1 tank .50 mg recoil in 1st person
- Removed repair and healing ability from supply crates
- Supply crates no longer disappear when they run out of ammo
- Reduced mine damage
Mines are now triggered by personnel and vehicles
version 0.03
- Added blood effects
- Tweaked bullet hit effects
- Pistol can be used while sprinting
- C4 detonator can be used while sprinting
- Added 3 round burst to MP5
- Added magazines to stationary machineguns
- Increased time vehicle wrecks are left on map
- Reduced velocity of Tunguska cannon rounds
- Increased velocity of Tunguska missiles
- Reduced Tunguska ammo
- Tweaked performance of Tunguska
- Increased time aircraft contrails last
- Reduced hit points on HMMWV
- Increased water tolerance of HMMWV
- Increased max speed and torque of HMMWV
- Increased time between gear changes in HMMWV
- Decreased cupola turn speed on HMMWV
- Increased water tolerance of T90
- Reduced max speed and acceleration for T90
- Reduced cupola turn speed on T90
- Reduce hit points for LAV-25
- Decreased accuracy of Bushmaster 25mm cannon slightly
- Increased Bushmaster 25mm cannon recoil
- Reduced Bushmaster 25mm projectile velocity
- Increased TOW missile velocity
- Reduced turret speed on LAV-25 and M6 Linebacker
- Increased BTR-90 cannon projectile and missile velocity
- Increased gravity modifier for BTR-90
- Reduced max speed and acceleration for BTR-90
- Tweaked in water performance of BTR-90/LAV-25
- Decreased hit points of WZ551
- Increased max speed and torque of WZ551
- Decreased acceleration of WZ551
- Increased hit points of M6
- Increased torque of M6
- Decreased acceleration and turret speed of M6
- Increased velocity of M6 stinger missiles
- Decreased M6 ammo
- Reduce hit points of Type 98
- Increased Type 98 projectile velocity and damage
- Increased gravity modifier of Type 98
- Decreased max speed and acceleration of Type 98
- Decreased turn speed of Type 98
- Increased AH-1Z gun velocity and damage
- AH-1Z gun now penetrates solid and water surfaces
- Added gravity modifiers to AH-1Z rockets
- Tweaked AH-1Z rocket effects
- AH-1Z rockets now fire in full auto
- Increased lift for AH-1Z
- Added 1.85 second delay before exiting fixed wing aircraft
- Increased forward force of parachutes from last version
- Removed ability to heal self in one seat fixed wing aircraft
- Increased strength and flexibility of landing gear for carrier based aircraft
- Tweaked mass and inertia of F35
- Reduced torque and acceleration of F35
- Decreased F35 cannon velocity
- Increased AIM9 velocity
- Decreased acceleration of J-10
- Increased max speed of J-10
- Tweaked inertia of J-10
- Decreased mass and hit points of J-10
- Increased drag of J-10 by 0.01
- Increased J-10 cannon velocity
- Decreased mass and hit points of Mig-29
- Increased drag of Mig-29
- Tweaked inertia of Mig-29
- Decreased Mig-29 cannon velocity
- Increased Mig-29 cannon damage
- Increased max speed and torque of Mig-29
- Decreased acceleration of Mig-29
- Increased mass and hit points of Su-34
- Increased drag and torque of Su-34
- Increased max speed of Su-34
- Decreased acceleration of Su-34
- Increased velocity of KH29 HEDGE TV missiles
- Increased velocity of AA11 Archer missiles
- Increased velocity and damage of Su-34 cannon
- Added gravity modifier to Su-34 cannon
- Increased mass and hit points of F-15
- Increased max speed and torque of F-15
- Decreased acceleration of F-15
- Increased velocity and damage of F-15 cannon
- Added gravity modifier to F-15 cannon
- Increased velocity of AGM65 TV missiles
- Increased mass and drag of F-18
- Increased max speed and torque of F-18
- Decreased acceleration of F-18
- Decreased hit points of F-18
- Tweaked inertia for F-18
- Decreased velocity of F-18 cannon
- Increased damage of F-18 cannon
- Added gravity modifier to F-18 cannon
- Decreased mass and hit points of H-60
- Increased max speed, lift, and torque of H-60
- Increased torque of H-60 tail rotor
- Decreased accuracy of M134
- Increased velocity of M134
Added gravity modifier to M134
version 0.04
- Fixed SP crash bug
- Optimized mod folder
- Added critical damage system to infantry (bleeding)
- Added laser designator to spec ops
- Gave parachutes to engineers
- Tweaked aircraft inertia values from previous version
- Increased turret and cupola rotation RPM from previous version
- Tweaked player rag doll physics
- Tweaked smoke marker effects
Tweaked miscellaneous effects
version 0.05
- Added Pilot class
- Reduced bulletproof properties of APC?s and trucks
- Reduced bulletproof properties of aircraft canopy?s
- Reduced acceleration and torque of Vodnik
- Increased acceleration of J-10 from last version
- Increased critical zone for infantry
- Increased mass of rag dolls from last version
- New parachute skin
- Altered M1A2 skin
- Added 3 round burst to Ak101
- Altered M16A2, M16A2/M203 and M4 skins
- Removed decal from US pilot helmet
- Changed most handweapon sounds
- Modified all kits (removed pistol/grenades from most)
- Increased turn speed of helicopter rotor blur
Added arming delay to M203 Grenades
version 0.06
- Overhauled player kits
- ERYX/SRAW only have 1 rocket
- Increased zoom of M24
- Reduced amount of mags carried by snipers
- Reduced speed of armored vehicles
- Made bleeding more random
- M1A2 now has target rangefinder
- Removed Crosshairs
- Reduced ROF of .50
- Reduced recoil of some weapons
- Added more sounds/removed some too
- Tweaked bullet hit effect for AH-1 Vulcan
- Reoptimized recoil for most weapons
- Made ammo loads for LAV, M1A2 and M2 Bradly reflect real ammo capacities
- Reduced mine trigger radius
- Reduced mine damage and explosion radius
- Increased mass of M1A2 and T90
- Fixed 'shiny weapons' bug
- Added rangefinder to M1A2
- Fixed F-35 bug
- Fixed M1A2 smoke trail bug
- Reduced speed of HMMWV
- Increased Gravity modifier of M1A2 Abrams
- Tweaked mass of all vehicles to real weight
- All weapons have gravity modifiers coded correctly
- Removed pilot class (engineer has parachute)
- Added rangefinder to Bradley
- Added rangefinder to Tunguska
- Fixed messed up AA effect
Tweaked Grenade effect
version 0.066
- Multiple zooms on snipers (slightly bugged)
- Increased damage of .50
- Changed gravity modifiers of vehicles weapons
- Fixed crash bug
- Optimized mod folder
- New shortcut icon (thanks to Cerro)
- Added default BF2 menu music back in
- gave C4 to Engineer class
- Changed smoke color of Smoke grenades to Orange
- Smoke grenade effect lasts longer
- Medic now has smoke grenade
- Slightly increased effectiveness of SRAW/ERYX
- Finished Chinese kits
- Changed MEC and USMC kits slightly
- Slightly changed gravity modifiers on vehicles
Dateiname | bfe_066.rar |
Dateigröße | 16MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 14.09.2005 |
Downloads | 4623 |