Operation Black Lotus v 1.5
Readme File:
BY: WhiteShadow
Email: whiteshadow_oz@hotmail.com
Clan: thR - Australia (www.clan-thr.com)
MAP Details
Setting: Jungle/Bushland, Villages and Industrial/Factory Locations
Multiplayer: YES
Singleplayer: NO (not until Single Player plugin is released for the BF2 Editor)
Map Size: 512x512 (1024x1024km in game)
Player Size(s): 16/32/64
Total # of SPawns: 10 (5 for 16 player, 8 for 32 Player & 10 for 64 Player)
Sides: USMC vs China
Commander Assets: UAV (All), Scan (All) & Artillery (32 & 64 ONLY)
Lightmaps: Terrain (Medium)& Objects (10% High Detail, 10% Medium, 80% Low - didn't have the time to wait for all lightmaps to be generated in High/Final detail)
Mission Outline
During the recent battles between the US Marine Corp and Chinese forces it has come to the attention of the US that China was working on a biological agent called "Black Lotus" which is a non-lethal nerve agent which incapacitates people for a 24 hour period. This agent was developed in a facility, located in Guangxi Province 75 km's South from the town of Yanshuo, which has been abandoned due to the re-allocation of military resources to confront the US threat.
USMC is tasked with the temporary capture of the abondoned facility and holding this facility till the necessary information is gathered on this biological agent. The initial incursion will be via paradrop within the area of the facility. Re-inforcements will come via additional paradrops if required to recapture the facility.
China has a small military contingent in the area, they have been informed by local farmers of "soliders falling from the sky". Chinese forces are being deployed to remove the threat of a possible invasion from their southern coast line.
Put the map folder from the .ZIP file into:
[EA Games location Folder]\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\Levels\
This map file can be placed on any file download service as long as the ZIP file remains intact as originally made and includes this text file.
Please do not modify this map in any way, shape or form.
I would love some feed back on what people think of this map and I will answer any questions about the map. For feedback please contact me on the email address at the top of this text file.
Thanks for downloading this map,
thR WhiteShadow
Dateiname | operation_black_lotus_beta_1.5.zip |
Dateigröße | 46MB |
Autor | |
Veröffentlicht | 01.10.2005 |
Downloads | 2742 |