Battle for Bastogne

Battle for Bastogne by aEm-Kiosk:

Based on true battle inspired by Band of Brothers episode 6 and 11
Installation: Put Battle_for_Bastogne into crogramfileseagamesBattlefield1942modsbf1942archiveslevels, or wherever you have your game installed.

Known bugs: 1st:fence on axis side collision is a little weird so i had to modify it: you can walk through one side of it coming from inside the base, but not on the other side, had to do that because there was an invisible wall above the fence and planes would crash into it. 2nd: lightmaps;aka shadows painted on buildings are a little off and you can see how the inside walls are lightened where there not supposed to be, but i wanted to get my map out so i tried my best for that time.

aEm-Wildace helped me by making the red lines and grid on my mini map thanks

Note!: does not work for SINGLE PLAYER! coop.

Dateigröße 10MB
Veröffentlicht 24.11.2005
Downloads 3972
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