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Installationsanleitung für Server + Bfsm

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ok funktioniert jetzt nur musste ich weil screen bei mir nicht geht später neustarten und da kam dies

Fatal error: Failed to bind socket

jo, also ich warte da immer ein paar minuten dann gehts wieder ;)

gibt aber bestimmt noch eine elegantere lösung :D



nach 10 min gings wieder :)

weiß einer wie ich screen zum laufen bekomme?

weiß einer wie ich screen zum laufen bekomme?

fehler geunfen ich versuchte mit yast sreen zu installiren das ging net also mit rpm und schon gehts :D

ähh nur noch ne kleine frage ich hab den server mit & im hintergrund gepackt wie bekomm ich den wieder nach vorne? & benutz ich nie :blink:

versteh ich nciht ich hab sreen installiert aber es geht nicht wenn ich

man screen eingeb kommt das


rpm -ivh /root/screen-4.0.2-41.src.rpm

1:screen ########################################### [100%]


man screen

No manual entry for screen



ähh nur noch ne kleine frage ich hab den server mit & im hintergrund gepackt wie bekomm ich den wieder nach vorne? & benutz ich nie  :blink:

ich hab ihn mit sh gestartet und & am ende um ihn nach hinten zu legen


bei screen befehlen sagt er

screen -d -m -S bf1942 ./start.sh +statusMonitor 1

-bash: screen: command not found

obwohl ich grad screen installiert hab :blink:

[EDIT] Kannst mich idiot nennen ich hab yast -i screen vergessen *lol* [/EDIT]



ich hab ihn mit sh gestartet und & am ende um ihn nach hinten zu legen



funzt alles super big thx :D

ich hab nur noch 2 fragen vielleicht weißt du weiter.

1. wenn ich Punkbuster aktiviere schmeißt er mich nach wenigen sekunden aus den server und labbert was von das er die versioenn oder so nciht erkennen kann!

2. ich würd gern den Server Automatisch starten und Stopen lassen zbs. start 14:00 stop 03:00.



1. wenn ich Punkbuster aktiviere schmeißt er mich nach wenigen sekunden aus den server und labbert was von das er die versioenn oder so nciht erkennen kann!

hab geupt und ging auch richtig fix .... umbennen hochladen fertig :rolleyes:

Achso beim Remote hatte ich das mit den Schedule gesehn aber leider wird darin nur beschrieben wie man das mit windows macht :(

und wenn ich den pfad /home/BF/bf1942/mods/bla bla bla angebe kann ich trotzdem nicht saven :(


Wieso sollte das nur für Windows sein? Also ich finde in der Beschreibung nix davon...

Und das einzustellen sollte doch nicht wirklich schwierig sein, ist doch das meiste selbstklärend.

Aber ich hab Dir grad mal das gemacht. Kopier einfach folgenden Inhalt in Deine serverschedule.con im Verzeichniss /mods/bf1942/settings:

1099620000,Stop server,Daily,*,*,1

1099573200,Start server,Daily,/pfad/zur/settings.con,/pfad/zur/maplist.con,1

Den Pfad musst Du noch anpassen, dann sollte das funktionieren.


*hust* ähh funzt alles BIG THX ;)

achso habe mit dem manager probs amanfang ging er danach loggte ich mich mal aus und nach neuem loggin sagt er das ich keine verbindung zudem server bekomme :(

das einzige was ich in der zeit geändert hatte war der wort filter.

hast du ne ahnung was ich verbockt hab dabei?


So ich´hab nen riesen prob...ich muss bis heute abend nen dc server zum laufen bekommen... der bf server läuft soweit..das einzigste prob ist das er nich im internet starten will...ich poste hier drunter gleich das log...und dann noch nen prob kann mir einer erklären wie ich dc installe?

16:20 09.11.20042004-11-09 15:49:59 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:49:59 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:50:30 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:50:30 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:51:01 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:51:01 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:51:32 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:51:32 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:52:02 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:52:02 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:52:33 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:52:33 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:53:04 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:53:04 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:53:35 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:53:35 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:54:05 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:54:05 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:54:36 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:54:36 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:55:07 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:55:07 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:55:37 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:55:37 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:56:08 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:56:08 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:56:27 : Couldn't open user access file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:56:27 : SECURITY ALERT! Client at failed to authenticate! No remote access is permitted.

2004-11-09 15:56:40 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:56:40 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:57:10 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:57:10 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:57:41 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:57:41 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:58:12 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:58:12 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:58:43 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:58:43 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:59:13 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:59:13 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:59:44 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 15:59:44 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:00:15 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:00:15 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:00:45 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:00:45 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:01:16 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:01:16 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:01:47 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:01:47 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:02:18 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:02:18 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:02:48 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:02:48 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:03:19 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:03:19 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:03:50 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:03:50 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:04:21 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:04:21 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:04:51 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:04:51 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:05:22 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:05:22 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:05:37 : Client at connected as user admin with access -- admin --.

2004-11-09 16:05:38 : Couldn't send /usr/local/bf1942/bf1942/mods/bf1942/settings/servermaplist.con to peer at! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:05:38 : Client at has disconnected.

2004-11-09 16:05:50 : Client at connected as user admin with access -- admin --.

2004-11-09 16:05:51 : Couldn't send /usr/local/bf1942/bf1942/mods/bf1942/settings/servermaplist.con to peer at! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:05:51 : Client at has disconnected.

2004-11-09 16:05:55 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:05:55 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:05:58 : Client at connected as user admin with access -- admin --.

2004-11-09 16:06:00 : Couldn't send /usr/local/bf1942/bf1942/mods/bf1942/settings/servermaplist.con to peer at! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:06:00 : Client at has disconnected.

2004-11-09 16:06:23 : Client at connected as user admin with access -- admin --.

2004-11-09 16:06:24 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:06:24 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:06:24 : Couldn't send /usr/local/bf1942/bf1942/mods/bf1942/settings/servermaplist.con to peer at! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:06:24 : Client at has disconnected.

2004-11-09 16:06:55 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:06:55 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:07:06 : Client at connected as user admin with access -- admin --.

2004-11-09 16:07:07 : Couldn't send /usr/local/bf1942/bf1942/mods/bf1942/settings/servermaplist.con to peer at! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:07:07 : Client at has disconnected.

2004-11-09 16:07:25 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:07:25 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:07:56 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:07:56 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:08:27 : Couldn't open source con file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:08:27 : Couldn't copy banlist file! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:08:41 : Client at connected as user admin with access -- admin --.

2004-11-09 16:08:42 : Couldn't send /usr/local/bf1942/bf1942/mods/bf1942/settings/servermaplist.con to peer at! No such file or directory (2)

2004-11-09 16:08:42 : Client at has disconnected.

2004-11-09 16:08:55 : Battlefield 1942 Server Manager v2.0 beta 4h r2

2004-11-09 16:08:55 : Started under Linux prag109 2.4.21-243-athlon #1 Thu Aug 12 15:24:15 UTC 2004 i686

2004-11-09 16:08:55 : Server is already running, monitoring enabled.

2004-11-09 16:08:55 : Couldn't bind server socket! Address already in use (98)

2004-11-09 16:08:59 : Client at connected as user admin with access -- admin --.

2004-11-09 16:09:54 : User admin at updated the map rotation.

2004-11-09 16:09:54 : User admin at updated the user list.

2004-11-09 16:17:40 : User admin at changed manager.bindAllIntefaces from 1 to 0.

2004-11-09 16:17:40 : User admin at changed manager.enableRemoteAdmin from 1 to 0.



Da hast Du wohl die 3 .con Dateien in das falsche Verzeichniss kopiert. Die müssen in dieses Verzeichniss:


Und den BF1942 Server musst Du vorher beenden, den solltest Du über den BFSM/BFRM starten.

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