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BG 1.0 Final

Empfohlene Beiträge


genau...wird es nur einen full install geben ,oder auch ein patch von 0.98 auf 1.0 ?


Bei so umfangreichen Neuerungen kommt natürlich nur eine Full Install Version in Frage. Ich schätze, sie wird 800-900 MB groß sein.


Sgt. Surfat,28. Aug 2004, 22:08] Bei so umfangreichen Neuerungen kommt natürlich nur eine Full Install Version in Frage. Ich schätze, sie wird 800-900 MB groß sein.


Gast abc

Kannst du uns über nachlade animationene und sounds was sagen?? is das g43 hübscher?


Och, die Handwaffen hab ich mir noch nicht so genau angeguckt (sitze eh meist im Panzer :D ), aber soweit ich weiß, haben die Devs das G43 überarbeitet.

Sounds gibts jede Menge neue. Mit ein bisschen Übung kann man fast jeden Panzer am Motorengeräusch unterscheiden, und es gibt immer auch ein Anlass-Geräusch, wenn man in die Fahrzeuge einsteigt. Auch viele Waffensounds sind komplett neu, z.B. für die Bren, die BAR und den M1 Garand. Alle Bolt-Action Gewehre sind darüber hinaus One-Shot Killer, wenn sie Torso oder Kopf treffen. Das gilt auch für die Bajonette, die gefährlich weit zustoßen können, und das Katana, das ebenfalls eine größere Reichweite als das Messer bekommen hat.

Lustig sind solche Sachen wie Geballte Ladungen oder Gammon Bomben zur Panzerbekämpfung - und natürlich die Gewehrgranaten.


Gast abc

noch 2 tage

hast du zufällig nen guten server wo man saugen sollte?


Zur Vorfreude auf die kommende 1.0 hier noch einige Infos:

Quelle: www.battlegroup42.com

BG42 1.0 Features List

As a second taster of what's to come in BG42 1.0 this is the current feature list of NEW content no seen in previous BG42 releases :

Artillery Spotting Positions

Flamethrowing Tanks

Remote Machine Guns

Dynamic Vehicle Spawn System (DVSS)

Zooms & Hull Machine Guns Applied Universally

Towable Artillery

Vehicle Exhausts

Anti-Tank Rifles

Revised Navies

Double-Articulated Tracksets

New Infantry Class System

Anti-Tank Grenades

Deployable Machineguns

M12 155mm GMC Spade & Dedicated M30 Ammunition Carrier

Rifle Grenades


Rotating Artillery

Mobile Artillery

Air-to-Ground Anti-Tank Rockets

Improved Automated Planes

Priest / Wespe PCO Changes

Improved APC Physics

Majority of Maps Converted for Co-operative Gameplay

Vastly Improved Skins

Greatly Expanded Sound Package

Yet More New Equipment

Expect more content details later this week.

Infantry: Warriors of BG42 1.0

Combined arms, without it any team will fail, and in BG42 it's no different. As promised we have made our first concerted effort to overhaul the Infantry classes system with the results first appearing in 1.0. New weapons such as anti-tank rifles, hats and helmets such as the Russian Ushanka and new skins all make an appearance for the first time in the BG42 mod. With six classes there's quite a variety in kits which can also change between maps as the time frame alters throughout the WW2 period.

Here's a taster of what's to come :

Auto 5








Rifle Grenade


Sun Hat


M3 Grease Gun


No. 2 Revolver


Type-97 ATR


Ushanka Hat


noch 2 tage

hast du zufällig nen guten server wo man saugen sollte?

Gast abc

Das letzte bild is geil, die skins, texturen, wow :o


Jo, und das alles mit der guten alten (lagfreien) BF1942 Engine. Na also, geht doch... :rolleyes:



Sieht geil aus :)


sobald einer nen link hat,bitte sofort posten!!!


Loki vom BG42 Team hat gerade eine komplette Liste ALLER Features der neuen Battlegroup42 Version veröffentlicht, und die ist ziemlich lang geraten...


Full BG42 1.0 Features/ Vehicles List



US= United States

Br= Britain

Ru= Russia

Ge= Germany

Ja= Japan

Ca= Canada

Hu= Hungary

+ =New to 1.0


Land Vehicles



US M3 Stuart

US M3 Lee +

US M4 Sherman

US M4 Sherman 105mm +

US M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo

US M4A3W76 Sherman +

US M4A3E8 Sherman Easy 8 +

US M24 Chaffee +

US M26 Pershing +

Br Stuart I

Br Crusader I

Br Crusader III

Br Matilda II

Br Sherman Firefly

Br Cromwell +

Ru T-34/76

Ru T-34/85

Ru KV-1

Ru KV-2

Ru KV-1S

Ru KV-85

Ru IS-2

Ru BT-7-2 +

Tank Destroyers

US M10 Wolverine

US M18 Hellcat +

US M36 Jackson

Br Achillies IIc

Ru SU-76 +

Ru SU-85

Ru SU-100

Armoured Cars

US M8 Greyhound +

BR DaimlerMKII Armored Car +

Br Daimler Dingo

Br Staghound

Ca Lynx

Ru Ba64 +

Self-Propelled Guns

US/Br M7 Priest


US T19 HMC +

US M21 Mortar Carrier


Br Bishop

Br Staghound AA

Ru SU-122

Ru BM-13N Katyusha

Ru M17 M-GMC

Fixed Artillery

US M2A1(M101A1) +

US M5 Anti-Tank Gun +

Ru Zis 2

Ru Zis 3

Br 6 Pounder +



US Jeep

US Jimmy Truck +

US M29C Weasel +

US M30 Carrier +

US M3 Satan Flametank +

US M5 Mobile AT Gun +

US/Ca Sherman Ronson +

Br SAS Commando Jeep

Br Home Guard Jeep


Ru KV-8 Flametank +

Ru TO-34 Flametank +

Ru Studebaker +



Ge Panzer II F

Ge Panzer III J

Ge Panzer III J Special

Ge Panzer III M

Ge Panzer III N

Ge Panzer IV D

Ge Panzer IV F1

Ge Panzer IV F2

Ge Panzer IV H

Ge Panther D

Ge Panther A

Ge Panther G +

Ge Tiger E

Ge King Tiger

Hu 41M Turan

Ja Type 97 Chi-Ha

Ja Type 97 'Shinhoto' Chi-Ha

Ja Type 95 Ha-Go +

Ja Type 4 Ke-Nu +

Tank Destroyers

Ge Hetzer

Ge Jagdpanzer IV/70

Ge Jagdpanther

Ge Elefant +

Ge Ferdinand +

Armoured Cars

Ge Sdkfz 234/2 Puma

Self-Propelled Guns



Ge Sturmpanzer II (Bison)

Ge Sturmpanzer IV (Brummbaer)

Ge Wespe

Ge Sdkfz 251/17

Ge Flakpanzer IV/3.7cm FlaK (Ostwind)

Hu Zrinyi

Hu Nimrod

Ja Ho-Ni +

Fixed Artillery

Ge Flak36

Ge Pak40

Ge sIG 33

Ge Nebelwerfer

Ge Pantherturm +


Ge Sdkfz 251 Hanomag APC

Ge Sdkfz 251 Hanomag APC Tow +

Ge Opel Blitz

Ge Opel Blitz MG +

Ge Opel Blitz Tow +

Ge Kubelwagon

Ge FlammPanzerIII +

Ge Kettenkrad

Ge Pak40 Mobile +

Ge Rundumsfeuer Remote MG +

Ja Ho-Ha APC


Ja Black Medal


***Allied ***

US P-39

US F4-F3 Wildcat +

US F4-F4 Wildcat +

US P47-D Thunderbolt

US P47 (M8 Rockets)

US Mustang P51-D

US P51 (Pure fighter)

US P51 Mustang (M8 rockets)

US Corsair F4u I


US B-17 F

US P38-F (Pure fighter) +

US P38-F Lightning (M8 Rockets)+

US P38-J (HVAR rockets) +

US P38-J Lightning (FighterBomber) +

Br HurricaneMKI +

Br HurricaneMKIIB +

Br HurricaneMKIIC +

Br HurricaneMKIID +

Br HurricaneMKIV +

Br SpitfireVb

Br SpitfireXIV

Br Lancaster B-1

Br Defiant +

Ru Yak-9B

Ru Yak-9D

Pu P39 Airacobra

ru LaGG 3+

Ru IL-2M3

Ru IL-2M3R +

Ru IL-2M3R2 +


Ge BF109 E-3

Ge BF109 E-3B +

Ge BF109 G-6 +

Ge FW 190A-3

Ge FW 190A-8

Ge Me 262A-1

Ge Ju 87B

Ge Ju 87G

Ge Ju 88A-4

Ge Ju 52 (mobile spawn)

Ge Henschel 129 +

Ge He111 +

Ja A6M2 Zero-Sen 'Zeke'

Ja D3A1 'Val'

Ja B5N1-Kate +

Ja B5N2-Kate +

Additional Armaments

M8 3inch Bazooka rockets +

25 Pounder AP Rockets +

HVAR Rockets +

RS-132 Rockets +

RS-82 Rockets +

Naval Craft



US USS Enterprise

Variations: USS Hornet [Alt. Aircraft layout], USS Yorktown [static]

1.0 Modifications: 20mm Oerlikon Batteries


US Fletcher

1.0 Modifications: Torpedo Tubes, 20mm Oerlikons, Player Controlled Alarms, Additional Mid Deck Turret


US PrinceOW

1.0 Modifications: Activated Extra Turrets, Mulitple Ammo Types


US Gato Submarine

1.0 Modifications: Reworked Torpedo Firing System, Rear Firing Torpedoes

PT Boats:

US Elco80

1.0 Modifications: Bot Tested and Approved



Ja Shokaku

1.0 Modifications: 20mm Oerlikon Batteries

Ja Taiho +

1.0 Modifications: Alternative Aircraft Layout, AA Batteries, Large Underdeck Storage Rooms


Ja Hatsuzuki

1.0 Modifications: Additional Forward Turret, Torpedo Tubes, 20mm Oerlikons, Player Controlled Alarms


Ja Yamato

1.0 Modifications: Activated Extra Turrets, Mulitple ammo types


Ja Sub7C

1.0 Modifications: Reworked Torpedo Firing System, Rear Firing Torpedoes

PT Boats:

Ja Type38

1.0 Modifications: Bot Tested and Approved

Small Arms


US Colt

US M3A1 Grease Gun

US Springfield 1903

US M1 Carbine

US M1 Garand

US M1 Garand bayonet +

US BAR1918

US Thompson

US Johnson

US Deployable Browning +

US Bazooka

US MK. II Grenade

US M1 Garand Rifle Grenade +

Br No2 Revolver +

Br Auto 5 Shotgun

Br Sten

Br No4

Br No4 Bayonet +

Br No4 Scoped

Br Bren

Br Boys Anti Tank Rifle +


Br M36 Grenade (Mills Bomb)

Br No68 Grenade (Rifle Mounted) +

Br Gammon Grenade +

Ru Nagant Revolver +

Ru PPSh 41

Ru Mosin Nagant

Ru Mosin Nagant Scoped

Ru Mosin Nagant Bayonet +

Ru SVT 40

Ru SVT 40 Bayonet +

Ru DP-28

Ru DP AA Machinegun +

Ru Stationary DP +

Ru PTRD Anti Tank Rifle +

Ru RPG43 AT Grenade +

Ru F-1 Grenade


Ge Walther P38

Ge MP18

Ge MP40

Ge Gewehr 43

Ge Gewehr 43 Bayonet +

Ge Gewehr 43 Sniper +

Ge K98

Ge K98 Bayonet +

Ge FG42

Ge STG 44

Ge Deployable MG42 +

Ge Pzb39 Anti Tank Rifle +

Ge Panzershreck

Ge Panzerfaust +

Ge Steilhandgranate

Ge K98 Rifle Grenade +

Ge GebalteLadung +

Ja Katana

Ja Nambu Pistol +

Ja Type 100

Ja Arisaka

Ja Arisaka Scoped

Ja Arisaka Carbine

Ja Arisaka Bayonet +

Ja Type 99

Ja Type 97 Anti Tank Rifle +

Ja Type 97 Grenade +

Ja Type 2 Arisaka Rifle Grenade +

Hu 43M





ExpPack and Detonator





*= Co-op

+= New 1.0 Map

^= Heavy changes


All Regular BF1942 Maps Supported for BG42 1.0

BG42 Additional Maps

Operation Mercury* ^

Dnieper River + *

Operation Crusader

Rostov* ^

Gavutu Island*

Stalingrad Winter*

Kharkov Winter*

Tundra* ^

Korsun* ^

Operation Citadel*

Pointe Du Hoc* ^

Barkmanns Corner*

Anguar* ^

Carpathian Defense ^

Nancy ^


Huertgen Forest ^

Wacht Am Rhein + *

Operation Varsity* ^

The Swamp ^

Berlin Streets + *

New 1.0 Features

Artillery Spotting Positions: BG42 1.0 has added new artillery spotting positions to planes and tanks alike to make artillery spotting a more important aspect of gameplay/teamplay.

Flamethrowing Tanks: In BG42 1.0 you won?t just be playing with fire metaphorically, you?ll be playing with it literally. The Sherman Ronson, the M3 Satan, the KV-8 and the Flammpanzer III will deal death and destruction lag free and with some impressive fire effects.

Remote Machine Guns: I'm sure we've all been there. You get into a tank and man the turret machine gun only to be shot several times from some infantry chumps lurking in a building. In BG42 1.0 the Rundumsfeuer Remote MG solves the problem. As you can probably guess, the Rundumsfeuer Remote MG is a remote machine gun that was fitted to several german tanks later on in the war. While your tank is still vulnerable to AT attack, your defensive machinegunners will be safe and sound in the hull, controlling the top machine gun to keep those pesky infantry at bay without endangering the life of the gunner. The Rundumsfeuer Remote MG is used only on some vehicles and only on some maps to ensure that the maps remain balanced.

Dynamic Vehicle Spawn System (DVSS): We?re actually pretty excited about this feature in 1.0. The way DVSS works is that when you start the game you have the regular object spawns as usual, a Sherman here, a Hellcat there, all the normal stuff. But as you progress through the map and capture more control points, you are rewarded with ?reinforcements? at your home and captured bases. These reinforcements can range from stationary guns to heavy armour to aircraft or naval craft. But the best part about this system is that we?ve spent literally hours tweaking and balancing the DVSS so that you have a slight advantage but not so much of an advantage that you can over-run the other team. Also, which bases you capture affects what you get. Some middle of the desert outpost won?t get you as many reinforcements as a factory.

Activated Hull Machine Guns: In BG42 1.0 nearly all tanks with hull MG's in real life will now have them ingame.

Towable Artillery: Another exciting feature we have is Towable Artillery. Before, towing was accomplished by making the artillery piece a part of the towing vehicle which disappears when ?deployed? only to have a real artillery piece spawn within milliseconds. This was a decent system but the problem was that the artillery piece was rigidly attached to the back of the towing vehicle and looked out of place. In BG42 1.0 however, the artillery piece moves independently of the towing vehicle and reacts to bumps, hills and ditches accordingly.

Vehicle Exhausts: The Tiger rolls over the plains during Operation Citadel, belching black smoke as it tears the ground apart. While we can't claim vehicle exhausts on some vehicles have any gameplay changes, they sure do look cool.

Anti Tank Rifles: An aspect left out of the original BF1942 game was Anti Tank Rifles. In BG42 1.0, ATRs play a significant role in anti-tank warfare. ATRs are not used in every map because of the new class and menu layout (which will be explained later in this text). Anti Tank Rifles are powerful but have as many disadvantages as advantages so you better choose carefully. While ATR?s are great at defeating the light armour of early war tanks, they are essentially ineffective against late war tanks and heavy armour. Add to that the massive recoil and you have a weapon that isn?t the super weapon it could potentially have been. However, in the right hands an ATR is a deadly tool if one knows the proper strategy for using it. It?s definitely a gun that very few will master but those who do will be a valuable asset to their team.

Naval Changes: Naval changes in 1.0 are a quantum leap from past versions of BG42. Starting us off is the addition of the new Japanese Taiho Carrier. This ship, the pride of the Imperial Japanese Navy will grace the waters of the updated Midway map in 1.0. On the topic of carriers, the carriers in 1.0 will now be armed with powerful 20mm Oerlikon batteries to fend off attacking aircraft. Destroyers have been upgraded as well with Torpedo Tubes and some kick-ass alarms to alert the sailors of impending attack. The Japanese Destroyer has an added turret as well as the above changes. Battleships have not been forgotten either. Suhren has activated the extra turrets so that all the guns fire and the port and starboard guns now can choose between ammo types. Submarines have a revamped firing system in 1.0 which among other things lets you fire rear torpedoes for wiping out those nasty destroyers tailing you. Keep in mind that 1.0 naval combat will require more thought anc tact. You cannot just go up to a ship and start firing, it will get you killed quick.

Double Articulated Tracksets: Custom tracksets are a trademark of BG42 and with 1.0 we wanted to go 1 step further. Double Articulated Tracksets essentially are tracksets whose upper rung of tracks move up and down with the wheels. This means the rigid tracks of yester-year are over. But remember that not all tanks had the articulated tracks.

This is a cool feature, but of course it only applies to tanks where the tracks run along the top of the roadwheels rather than on return rollers. If your still confused as to what it means, just download 1.0 and see for yourself.

New Class Layout: In the Anti Tank Rifle paragraph I mentioned the new menu/class layout. To start off, BG42 1.0 will include a 6th class. The new class system is essentially broken down into: Sharpshooter, Submachine gunner, Anti-Tank, Medic, Mechanic and Rifleman. Each class has distinct advantages and disadvantages. But the main change is that we?ve made early war and late war kits so that on early war maps you will get weapons used?.you guessed it, early in the war. And in late war maps you will get the weaponry factored into the war later on.

Anti-Tank Grenades: We all remember when BF1942 first came out that 3 or 4 grenades under a tank would disable the damn thing. When BG42 came along, we changed it so that grenades had as much of an effect on tanks in game as they did in real life, which is essentially no effect at all. But there were grenades developed by all sides in World War 2 with the function of destroying tanks. BG42 1.0 has included the British and American Gammon Bomb, the Russian RPG43 and the German Geballte Ladung AT grenades for your enjoyment in obviously limited numbers.

Deployable Machineguns: A new infantry feature is deployable machine guns which will be pick up kits scattered across maps in obvious places like bunkers so you won?t need to be searching around for them. Simply drop the portable MG and voila, you can send streams of molten metal flying at your adversaries from any place you see fit. Once again, the Deployable MG?s are limited to prevent over-use.

M12 155mm Gun Motor Carriage and M30 Carrier: These are technically new vehicles but their significance warrants that they be classified as features. The M12 GMC and the M30 Ammo Carrier are best used in conjunction and far away from the front as they have next to no armour. The M12 Gun Motor Carriage is the base for the 155mm gun whose shells can and will liquify metal on contact. The M12 also has an important feature which you should know about, the spade. Before firing this beast, you must put down the spade (the same way you lower the doors on the landing craft) to ensure the Motor Carriage stays stable. Failure to do so will result in massive and possibly catastrophic failure as a result of recoil. The M30 is based on the M12?s chassis and supplies the M12 with ammo. Keep in mind that both the M12 and M30 have next to no armour so stay away from front line fighting, I can?t stress this enough.

Rifle Grenades: Some classes will have this little pal attached to the end of their rifles. The rifle grenades are very limited in number but at the same time incredibly useful. These weapons are best used at short to medium range as they do not have the ballistic characteristics of bullets. They are explosively propelled grenades and have a respective range. As always, there are advantages and disadvantages to this weapons so use it wisely.

Bayonets: In 1.0 some classes will have bayonets replacing the zoom function on their rifles. This has the advantage of giving you a long reaching close combat weapon but cuts back on your rifles long range capabilities. Not all classes have bayonets so you can choose either/or.

Rotating Artillery: Added in 1.0 is the function to slowly rotate the stationary artillery piece around 360 degrees so you can get maximum area coverage from the gun. This added movement to the gun removes the problem of tanks finding your respective ?blind spots? and exploiting them.

Mobile Artillery: Thanks to the gentlemen over at the Battlefield 1918 mod for donating their walking animation so that BG42 1.0 now has mobile artillery. This is separate from Rotating Artillery and Towable Artillery because it is two seated. The one seat can slowly push the gun forward while the other gun can fire though you can?t do both at the same time.

Corrected Katyusha: Something had bothered Cavesloth, one of the BG devs. It was the rails on the Katyusha truck. So he added 2 extra rails so that it would carry the correct number of rockets.

Air-to-Ground AT Rockets: Another addition is the inclusion of AT rockets to planes like the P-38 F. AT Rockets give airmen another tool to use against armour but like everything, its limited and tricky to use to tankers don?t have to worry about getting completely obliterated in 1.0. They do however have to watch the skies much more carefully as the AT rockets in a capable pilot?s hands can mean certain death for the distracted tanker.

Improved Autoplanes: In 1.0 you?ll notice a marked improvement on the Autoplanes code first implemented on Operation Mercury several versions ago. In 1.0 and specifically on the new Berlin Streets map, the Autoplanes now have more attitude. With better sounding fly-bys and even turning manoeuvres, the Autoplanes almost seem to be piloted by real life players and it would seem that on Berlin Streets the high level bombers even drop bombs.

Priest/Wespe PCO Changes: No more getting into the Wespe or Priest gun position only to have someone drive off with it. 1.0 will have the driver and gunner position combined for ease of use. There will still be a second position for the machine gunner of course.

Improved APC Physics: Ever get tired of rolling the APCs? Well Dacrapper has coded a new physics layout for the APCs so that those annoying rollover only occur when they are supposed to.

Tons of New Skins: There isn?t much to say about this one that the title doesn?t already explain except that our skinners have gotten their little hands on our old skins and given them a work over.

Tons of New Sounds: Richochets, explosions, collisions, muzzle loadings, gunfire, planes, tanks, engines, ships, turrets and everything under the sun. New sounds galore in BG42 1.0 so keep an ear out. Old gun sounds have been beefed up to sound like heavy weaponry not pea shooters. Those plane engine sounds have been tweaked as not to deafen you. All in all, a real treat for the ears in 1.0.


Features In Versions up to .98

Correct muzzle velocities : The tanks now have correct relative historical muzzle velocities. This means they fire flatter and straighter, making them better against enemy tanks and vehicles ? especially moving targets (coax against infantry is unchanged). The muzzle velocities used are exactly 1/3 of the real historical values (this may be increased in a later version) but this is still a significant improvement on the values in the original game (varying randomly between about ¼ and 1/8 of the real historical value).

Armour protection : Tanks now correctly take no damage from the splash of battlefield artillery (Priest and Wespe). Damage from direct hits from them is reduced. Damage from large artillery (ships and defguns), splash and direct, is unchanged.

Gun traverse/elevation : All tanks and SP artillery now have their correct turret/mounting traverse and elevation limits, rather than all being identical. Generally this increases the ability for tanks to fire below the horizontal, and is intended to encourage correct fire positions for tanks (e.g. reverse slopes below crests or in folds in the ground) where previously they had to be on flat ground or angled forward to fire downwards.

Ammunition stowage : All tanks and SP artillery now have their correct relative ammunition stowage amounts for the main gun (actually 1/3 of their historical value), rather than always holding 30 rounds. In some cases this has increased stowage, in others it has reduced it. Although overall stowage amounts are not significantly changed, there will be a few more occasions when tanks run out of main gun ammunition. The answer, of course, is to call up an APC for a resupply.

Improved armour protection : APC's now immune to small-arms fire (BAR and SG44), as they were built to be, and reduced damage from artillery splash (damage from Browning MG, MG42 and direct hit from artillery unchanged).

Repair ability : As well as the original ability to resupply vehicles, APCs can now repair vehicles belonging to their own side, including tanks, by driving up close to them. They can also repair themselves and other APCs, but only very slowly.

Grenade Feed Control: Ammo boxes recharge grenades more slowly to discourage grenade spamming.

APC Lifetime Increase: APCs have had their lifetime when unoccupied increased to two minutes (from 45 seconds) in order to encourage their use as local repair and supply points. Their repair radius has been increased from 10 to 15 metres.

Re-planned Artillery Spawnpoints: Artillery that previously only spawned when a forward base was captured have been replaced by tanks and APCs. Instead Artillery has been added to the main bases so that it can be used to help capture the forward bases. This applies to Kharkov, Kursk and Bocage.

Aberdeen Co-op Support: Support has been added for the Operation Aberdeen map (which now spawns APCs next to most bases) - this obviously needs Operation Aberdeen itself to be installed if you want to make use of it.

Tank Placement for Teamwork: For example, where various tanks of the same type have been scattered around the main bases they have been gathered together in order to encourage players to use them in co-operation (the smallest unit for tank fighting should be the troop - typically 3 tanks).

Light Tank Artillery Spotting Option: Light tanks in BG42 have positions in which the occupying player can spot for artillery. Very useful for teamplay.

Multiple Ammo Type 88: Left click for anti-aircraft fire and right click for alternate fire.

The Hungarian Army: Well what more is there to say? The Hungarians are coming with their Zrinyi, Nimrod and Turan tanks as well as their 43M machine gun.

Updated Operation Market Garden Map: Allied forces are now British (British tanks, Spitfires, Lancaster and even British bots). They have to break through an '88' screen to reinforce those holding the Arnhem bridge.

Realplane Code: Incorporation of the latest version of the RealPlane mod by Psychoslaphead. The most obvious change is that fighter aircraft now have cannons as secondary armament instead of bombs. Other changes improve aircraft flying and dogfighting by bots.

Armour/Damage System: A new historically accurage armour/damage modelling system. Each vehicle now has its historically correct armour and gun power. Be aware that the sides of tanks in real life are frequently much more vulnerable than the front (and sometimes more than the rear).

KT Smoke Grenade Dischargers: The King Tiger can fire smoke grenades to conceal itself (right-click in position 2).

APC Driver Mouselook: The driver of the APC now has the option of looking around in the cockpit.

Tank Optics Changes and Additions:

-All tanks and anti-tank guns now have a fixed (low-power) zoom.

-Heavy tanks have gunsights.

-Jagdpanther tank destroyer has high-powered (x2.5) zoom in second, gunner's position.


Kurzum: Battlefield wie es noch nie war, aber immer schon hätte sein sollen



wie groß wird die final jetzt endgültig?

bleibt es jetzt bei ca 800-900 mb? kann einer eine genaue größe nennen?

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